The strongest shuttle system

Chapter 677 Who has an opinion?

Chapter 677 Who has an opinion?

The underworld ghosts and gods are not good at this point.

I like to come to the false, so that people can't see through the false and the real.

Acting falsely, even oneself can't see through the falsehood.

There are thousands of divine lights on the stage, representing at least thousands of quasi-sages.

Thousands, but is it possible?

Of course, apart from the quasi-sages shrouded in the divine light, there were also some quasi-sages who appeared without being shrouded in the divine light.

"Survivor, isn't the underworld the place you should come to?"

In the divine light, Zhunsheng spoke, his voice flickered from east to west, and it was impossible to tell who made it.

Anyway, General Feihu was in a daze, not knowing who was talking.

"King Zhou, you can't wait to come to the underworld, are you preparing for the funeral in advance?"

The person who spoke was the quasi-sage of the mountain, and his voice was also indistinguishable.

He is hidden in the divine light, there are thousands of divine lights, but I don't know which one it is.

The quasi-sages of the underworld generally had a bad attitude towards Lin Fan.

Not to mention anything else, just saying that Lin Fan killed a few quasi-sages as soon as he came, was enough to make them sad.

They have completely different attitudes towards Taoist Burning Lamp.

Courtesy is added!

Standing behind the lamp is the sage Yuanshi, so it's no wonder he wasn't treated politely.

Lin Fan was worried about their cold eyes and hostility.

Hostility is nothing but the cry of the weak.

A truly strong person will not be hostile to others, because those who should be hostile are resolved with their fists.

All the quasi-sages on the stage have a place, even if there may be no one in some divine lights.

Lin Fan took a look and found that all the seats were full. He went straight through the crowd and walked towards the throne of bones.

The throne is still empty.

"Bastards, this bunch of bastards? I knew that Gu Ye would bring some divine light over here. This is a site division meeting, and the site will be divided according to the number of saints. If you use more divine light, the site will be divided more."

Lin Fan muttered in his heart, a little regretful why he didn't learn from those bad quasi-sages, and pulled Shen Guang to win the head.

Although the underworld is very large, there are few continents that occupy the luck.

Just as the world is not just a continent that can be inhabited by people, so is the underworld.

It doesn't matter where ghosts live, but powerful ghosts and gods have requirements for places of practice.

Lin Fan let go of worrying about gains and losses, and sat down in front of the throne.

Seeing this scene, there was a terrible silence on the Wangxiang stage.

No one spoke, they all looked at Lin Fan.

"Why, did you sit alone in the wrong seat?" Lin Fan asked knowingly.

The quasi-sage has a place, and it is impossible to leave an unoccupied throne waiting for him to arrive.

This is the throne among quasi-sages, not an ordinary seat.

Didn't you see that the seats of other quasi-sages are compared with the throne, are they all ordinary seats?

"Sorry, let the owner of this seat bring his own chair. If you are late, you should be punished."

Lin Fan waved his hand nonchalantly, scanning the quasi-sages.

"Is everyone here? Let's start straight away. Isn't it just to carve up the quasi-sage's sphere of influence? It's simple, and you will suffer alone."

Lin Fan took out the prehistoric map, and while the quasi-sages were dumbfounded, he marked the territory.

The territory of the underworld is not the territory of the yangshi.

"Dongsheng Shenzhou is owned by Gu, and the bitter sea is also counted. This piece, this piece, and the rest you slowly divide."

With a wave of his hand, Lin Fan instantly assigned two-fifths of the territory of the underworld to his name.

The remaining three-fifths exclude the western boundary, the heavenly boundary, and the boundaries divided by some bigwigs from the three realms, how many boundaries are there?
Are so many quasi-sages enough?

Although no one cares about this point of land, they have already sat down and divided the land. The land is no longer a land, but a symbol of strength, and no quasi-sage will back down.

"King Zhou, haven't you woken up yet?" Shenji Bahuang sneered.

He appeared openly and aboveboard, and did not hide in the divine light.

However, it is not known whether there is any divine light transformed by him among the thousands of divine lights.

"We are the ghosts and gods of the underworld. Before we even opened our mouths, you have set up a territory without permission. If it expands too fast, people will die."

"Anyway, you don't have a few years to live, so you can just give up Shenzhou. When you die, I will help you." The dragon-slaying quasi-sage held the dragon-slaying knife with a murderous look.

"The orphan is immortal. You are dead and the orphan is not dead." Lin Fan glanced at him, and then at the quasi-sages.

"Does anyone have any objections to this division?"

No quasi-sage said there was any objection.

"If you don't speak, it's the default. That's it."

Just as Lin Fan was about to put away the map, Daoist Ran Deng stopped Lin Fan suddenly.

"Your Majesty, there are four seas in the territory you have drawn. As far as I know, the four seas in the underworld are controlled by a quasi-sage of the dragon clan. The magic dragon Zhuyang. Zhuyang once fought against the candle dragon, and was killed by the candle dragon after losing the battle. , lived in the underworld before the reincarnation of the underworld was established, and made waves."

Taoist Randeng transmitted sound.

"During the Dragon Han period, Zhuyang snatched the ghosts of the dragon clan who entered the underworld. Zhulong fought him many times for this reason, but after Zhuyang arrived in the underworld, his skills improved to a higher level. When the Dragon Han fell, Zhulong did not kill him , we can see his strength."

Taoist Ran Deng was very sincere in his sound transmission.

"It's all my fault, I didn't remind you in advance. If my prediction is correct, the throne you are sitting on now is reserved for Zhu Yang. Your Majesty, for safety's sake, you should change your seat."

Reminder only now?
Lin Fan had to suspect Taoist Ran Deng's intentions.

He didn't believe that Daoist Ran Deng only now remembered the existence of such a terrifying existence.

At this time, let's change seats, so many quasi-sages are watching, where will Lin Fan lose face.

Lin Fan pretended not to notice Taoist Ran Deng's intentions, thanked him for his kindness, and asked the quasi-sage present again if he had any comments.

"I have an opinion." Ao Lie, the dragon ghost, said that the serious injury a few months ago seemed to be completely healed.

Lin Fan couldn't help but look at him more.

The injury on Ao Lie's body was left by Lin Fan, so it stands to reason that he shouldn't recover so quickly.

"Not to mention the sea area, some of the sites you have set up have quasi-sages cultivating on them. Really counting, these sites should belong to those quasi-sages."

Ao Lie argued hard and caused controversy.

For a while, Lin Fan was drowned out by many discussions.

Different voices came from thousands of divine lights, and there was not a single divine light that did not make a sound. It seemed that there was a quasi-sage in every divine light.

In a few words, he divided the territory divided by Lin Fan, and pointed his claws towards Shenzhou, the territory now occupied by the Great Shang Ghost Dynasty.

Lin Fan was not angry either.

His original goal never thought of occupying such a large territory, because without a master, he couldn't defend it.

Set a small goal first, and then talk slowly.

Lin Fan's original goal was Shenzhou.

However, now it seems that Shenzhou is not so easy to get, because there are other ghost palace forces in Shenzhou.

These ghost palace forces do not have quasi-sages, but there are Daluo Jinxian-level masters, and they cannot be defeated by the power of the great merchants and ghosts alone.

And to be honest, Lin Fan didn't want to touch them either.

What Lin Fan wanted was order, not territory.

What he pursues is power. No matter how much territory he has, it is useless to him. Occupying territory is just to realize his ideas.

"King Zhou, the territory of your Great Shang Ghost Dynasty is too large, should you give up part of it?" Shan Yue Zhunsheng specifically targeted Lin Fan.

"Hehe. You are wearing more than a dozen vests by yourself, and at least a dozen of the thousands of divine lights are transformed by your immortal essence. You alone lead the share of more than a dozen quasi-sages. What should be given up should also be You?" Lin Fan sneered.

(End of this chapter)

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