The strongest shuttle system

Chapter 694 Fearless

Chapter 694 Fearless
"Hmph!" Lin Fan's dharma body snorted coldly, the hum was like thunder, shaking Shura's sea of ​​blood.

The sound of the Buddha is as loud as thunder.

Lin Fan stepped on lotus flowers with his body and feet, with a huge thunder light above his head, looking down upon the sea of ​​blood.

Pointing out, pointing directly at Shura Bigan.

"No one will live in peace after death, Bigan, it's time for you to pass away."

The blood knife sliced ​​through the air, cutting towards the finger of Lin Fan's Dharma body.

Lin Fan flicked his body with his fingers, and it bounced towards the blade.

Fingers collided with metal, and the crisp collision sound oscillated circles of destruction sound waves.

"King Zhou, killing the people of the ancestors in front of the ancestors is not taking the ancestors seriously." The ancestor Minghe laughed.

"Bigan, come to see your nephew."

Uncle Bigan turned into Shura and regained his life, but his memory has not changed, what has changed is his soul, a fallen soul.

He is no longer the original him, but a Shura who knows how to kill.

Can kill relatives and lovers without blinking an eye, can eat their flesh raw, and drink their blood.

You can't look at them with the eyes of living people, because they are not living people, they are Shura who are worse than evil spirits.

From the moment a dead soul corrupts, they are no longer who they were.

Shura Bigan heard the words of Patriarch Minghe, stepped forward, looked at Lin Fan's dharma body and said with a strange smile:
"It's you who snatched my fiancée away? I was really useless when I was alive. I should have died long ago. I regret why I didn't fall into the embrace of the sea of ​​blood early. King Zhou, nephew, come and sink in the sea of ​​blood with the emperor's uncle Bar."

"After sinking, you will find that the flesh and blood of living people are extremely delicious. You will find that living as a human is a burden. You will find that the human body is the most useless and filthiest."

"Stupid x." Lin Fan's dharma body looked at Shura Bigan as if he were looking at a psychopath.

Can transforming into a neuropathy?
"For Shura, the dirtier it is, the more delicious it is. Come, nephew of King Zhou, join us with the emperor uncle."

Lin Fan's dharma body felt that if he looked at Shura Bigan one more time, his eyes would be dirty, so he shot directly.

With a light flick of five fingers, Lin Fan's dharma body used the Qi of the five internal organs to draw the Heavenly Sword Qi, and released Heavenly Sword Sword Qi with different attributes.

"Old Ancestor Styx, are all of you people in Blood Sea this crazy?"

The Fire Sword Qi is extremely hot. Wherever it passes, the high temperature evaporates the water of the sea of ​​blood and burns the souls in the sea.

The qi of the water sword is extremely cold, freezing the water of the sea of ​​blood and freezing the soul.

The mountain with thick earth and sword energy has a thick mountain, and the sea water turns into the earth where it passes.

The golden sword energy is extremely sharp and invincible, if the sword energy passes, the sea water will be divided into two parts, and the dead soul Shura will be wiped out.

The wooden sword is full of vitality, and wherever it passes, boundless forests rise from the sea.

The five heavenly sword qi correspond to the five elements, and the five elements correspond to the five internal organs.

The five elements generate and restrain each other, and the terrifying sword crushes the sea of ​​blood.

Patriarch Minghe's face showed anger, "King Zhou, even a dharma body wants to kill the ancestor. It happens that the ancestor is also a dharma body, let's see whose dharma body is the strongest."

"Thousands of miles of blood!"

The blood knife cut out, and the light of countless crescent-shaped blood-colored knives blocked the invisible sword light, killing Lin Fan's Dharma Body.

"Those who want to kill the ancestors in front of the ancestors, you are too young."

The sword light and the sword glow collided, sending out a series of explosions.

"It's not that you're young, but that you're old." Lin Fan chuckled lightly.

"A new generation replaces the old, your era is over."

The sword light exploded, and the five-element sword light of Lin Fan's dharma body exploded.

The bloody knife light invaded.

After all, Lin Fan's dharma body is not as good as the veteran quasi-sage's dharma body.

"Well done, Six Paths of Reincarnation Fist!" Lin Fan dharma body shouted, and the thousand-handed Tathagata's immortal golden body opened its thousand hands, and the thousand hands bombarded the sword light.

The knife glow shattered into pieces.

Dang's knife, the blood knife chopped fifty hands of Lin Fan's body.

"King Zhou, if you don't let your body come over, I will accept your dharmakaya patriarch." Patriarch Minghe laughed.

"You don't need your real body to kill you." Lin Fan's real body dismissed it.

"Break!" Hundreds of punches hit Patriarch Minghe's body.

"Unload!" Patriarch Minghe unloaded Lin Fan's fist power, and the unloaded fist power wiped out a large sea of ​​blood behind him.

Two people in close combat, knife and boxing, fist and knife.

Shura Bigan was watching the battle.

Turned into Shura, he has nothing to do with Uncle Bigan, cut off all cause and effect of his predecessor, and only knows about killing.

However, as he devoured life, he saw the aftermath of the battle spread more and more, and fear flashed in his eyes.

Becoming a Shura does not mean that there is no fear.

Lin Fan's dharma body surrounded him to attack, and Patriarch Minghe blocked Lin Fan, preventing Lin Fan from beheading him.

The saber and sword qi coming and going turned the void around Shura Bigan into chaos.

Patriarch Styx had the upper hand.

He wanted to swallow Lin Fan's dharma body.

However, Lin Fan's dharma body is impenetrable in attack and defense, and has no flaws. At least there are flaws, and Patriarch Minghe can't catch them.

"Infinite Print!"

Lin Fan's dharma body suddenly used the Buddhist secrets.

The light of the vast Buddha pervades this space, covering every drop of the sea of ​​blood and sea water.

With seals on both hands, he forcibly shook the cutting edge of the blade.

The hand and the blade collided, and the hand was broken!


Lin Fan drank violently, and locked the blade with both hands.

Lin Fan's dharma body grinned at Patriarch Minghe, "No one can stop anyone who wants to kill alone!"

Lin Fan suddenly disappeared from under the blade of the blood knife, and appeared next to Shura Bigan.

Hands, like mountain prints.

"How dare you!" Patriarch Minghe chased after Lin Fanfa.

Fear flashed across Shura Bigan's eyes, and before he had time to react, he was blown away by the Wuliang Seal.

However, due to the number of days, he was still escaped by a trace of his spirit.

"Hehe, why don't you dare." Facing the killing blood knife, Lin Fan didn't turn his head back, and bombarded backhand with five hundred hands.

The immeasurable seal contains immeasurable Buddha's light, and meets the blade again.

"Using Buddhism to deal with the ancestors, King Zhou, you are wrong. The ancestors fought against the two sages of the West and realized the way of Shura to overcome the Buddha. The power of Shura is the nemesis of Buddhism."

Patriarch Minghe sneered, transforming Buddha power, he wanted to kill Lin Fan with a single blow.

A steady stream of corrosive power permeates the Buddha's light.

Suddenly, Patriarch Minghe's face changed, the transformation failed, and then the power of the blood knife he cut was greatly reduced.

The immeasurable seal blasted away the blade, and it was directly printed on the ancestor of Minghe.

Patriarch Minghe spurted blood and flew backwards, broke through the space barrier, and crashed into the Asura Realm.

"Your Buddha power is not right?" Patriarch Minghe's face turned pale, unsightly white.

He stood above the sea of ​​blood, separated from others by a barrier of space.

The power of Shura's blood sea continuously repaired his injuries.

The Immeasurable Seal severely wounded him, almost allowing him to go back to before liberation with one move
The dharma body conceived with the help of Uncle Bigan's body was seriously injured.

"No one has ever told you that in the west alone, independent of Mount Sumeru, is the name of the Great Joy and Infinite Buddha?"

Lin Fan Dharma body said.

His Buddhist teachings are different from those of the two Western saints.

Patriarch Styx coughed up blood, and even with a sea of ​​blood from Styx, he couldn't stop his injuries.

"it is good"

Patriarch Minghe wanted to say again, Lin Fan's Dharma body sealed the space barrier with one move.

Because he sensed that there was a more evil and powerful existence coming from the depths of the bloody sea of ​​Styx.

With his real body absent, Lin Fan's dharma body did not want to face the strong man who rushed over for the time being.

Sealing the space, Lin Fan's dharma body purified the sea of ​​Shura's blood left in the human world, and evaporated the sea of ​​blood and the space of the sea of ​​blood with one move.

All the dead souls sunk in the sea of ​​blood were extradited to the Dashang Difu by the Dharma Body.

The wicked are punished, and when the punishment period expires, they are transferred to the animal realm.

Good people are freed from the Dead Sea, or directly reincarnated, or turned into ghosts of the Dashang Hell.

After dealing with the dead souls in the sea of ​​blood, Lin Fan's dharma body disappeared immediately.

As soon as the dharma body left, an old man with a fairy demeanor and a youthful face appeared.

He exudes a powerful aura.

The steady stream of anger contained terrifying energy, and the anger carried destruction.

The old man is none other than the Antarctic Longevity Emperor.

Lin Fan's Dharma body extradited the breath of the dead souls from the sea of ​​blood to attract him.

After coming, he didn't see anyone, only the aftermath of the leftover magical power.

"Buddhist supernatural power?" The Antarctic Changsheng Emperor reached out and grabbed the aftermath of the supernatural power, and found that there was an aura of immortality on it.

(End of this chapter)

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