The strongest shuttle system

Chapter 924 Mysterious Man

Chapter 924 Mysterious Man

Seeing that the Yellow Wind Monster had returned to its original strength, Zhu Bajie was about to smash him to death with a rake, but was stopped by Tang Sanzang.

"Forgive others and forgive others. Moreover, his strength has returned to its original appearance. It will not help if we kill him now. We must find the mastermind behind it!"

Zhu Bajie nodded, and put away the nine-toothed rake.

For the sake of the master, he didn't do anything directly.

However, the Yellow Wind Monster is indeed very hateful.

Thinking of being ridiculed by this guy before, Monkey King wished he could beat him to death with a stick.

"Master, master, save me. I don't want to stay in this chaos. I'm afraid my body will be melted by the chaos in half an hour. Can you save me?"

Only Huang Feng knows who can save him now.

If it weren't for Tang Sanzang, I'm afraid he would have turned into meat sauce in the next moment.

If it weren't for the red bead in the Buddhist world, how could he have the power of the Daluo Jinxian.

Only now did he realize that he was the one who had been tricked.


"Tell me who is your mastermind? Who gave you these prayer beads?"

"It's Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva. After Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva gives it to me, let me kill you, so that you can stop thinking about going west!"

And just when the Yellow Wind Monster said these words, a Buddha's palm directly pressed down from mid-air.

The power of this Tathagata Divine Palm is extremely powerful, of course, his target is not Tang Sanzang and the others, but the Yellow Wind Monster.

Lin Fan also did not expect that Tathagata would be so decisive. It is basically impossible to save people now.

The Yellow Wind Monster was crushed into pieces in an instant, not even ashes remained.

Tang Sanzang looked at Tathagata in mid-air, and was also very angry.

"Tathagata Buddha, what do you mean by making such a move?"

"Who told you that I am Tathagata?"

"I am from the Martial Buddha Realm!"

A bald man came from behind.

There is also a golden halo behind this man.

Possesses extremely powerful power, and this power is definitely no less than that of a quasi-sage.

Even Lin Fan frowned slightly, when did such power appear in the Buddhist world.

Moreover, he is a quasi-sage-level figure, so he probably wouldn't just attack the four of them casually.

But who is this man, and what kind of Buddhist world is the martial Buddha world?
The bald man didn't say anything, and with a wave of his hand, he sent Tang Sanzang and the others out.

Then, facing the mid-air, he said:
"Master Saint, why don't you come out and see him!"

Lin Fan was slightly startled, the guy in front of him could actually discover his existence.

It stands to reason that there are only two saints in the Buddhist world, Jieyin and Zhunti.

He didn't know what kind of power this guy possessed.

"Who are you? How did you find me?!"

"I'm just guessing, because I can feel that there is a powerful force in this chaos. This force is beyond my ability to fight, so I guess it is the saint in this world!"

"Where is the Martial Buddha Realm you mentioned?" Lin Fan asked.

"This is just a mysterious place in my Buddhist world, nothing to be afraid of!"

"My Buddhist world not only has Lingshan, but even the Tianwu world above it, our martial Buddhist world has a certain ability to connect!"

Lin Fan's eyes lit up.

Sure enough, as he said, the Buddhist world is definitely not the Buddhist world on the surface, and there must be more terrifying power.

Otherwise, they would never have lived so comfortably.

Even the clan of the Lich back then suffered a certain amount of damage!

You must know that the great demon Donghuang Taiyi and even the ancient Chi You, those powerful and brave warriors in the ancient battlefield, would never give in.

Why were they eliminated one by one in the end?
Could it be someone from another world made the move? Therefore, after thinking about it, Lin Fan only had this possibility.

"The power controlled by your Buddhist world is a bit terrifying!"

"Aren't you afraid that the way of heaven will punish you? It's okay in this chaos, but it doesn't mean it's okay in the three realms?"

Lin Fan said.

And this sentence hits the nail on the head!

It is precisely because of the rejection of the entire heaven that the power of their Buddhist world can only be displayed on the surface!

As for what they call the Martial Buddha Realm, there is no way to enter these three realms.

Otherwise, it will not be recognized by the Dao of Heaven.

It is also because of this that they only contact the Wufo world.

"Since the sage is here, why don't we talk, I can represent the world of martial arts, I'm a celestial burial monk!"

"My body should be equivalent to a saint in this world, so I should have this ability!"

Lin Fan also knew that the guy in front of him was definitely a clone, not the main body.

Otherwise, it is impossible for him to come here at the risk of being discovered by the Three Realms.

Therefore, Lin Fan was also very curious.

What exactly do they want to talk about? Could it be that the ultimate goal of the negotiation is related to Tang Sanzang.

Because, I have nothing to do with them, and I don't know whether my guess is right or wrong.

"Tell me! Zhunti picks up and leads, are they also from your martial arts world?"

Lin Fan was also very curious.

But when it came to receiving Zhunti, the face of the man in front of him changed slightly.

"Those two guys have nothing to do with our martial arts world. They have been living in a sea of ​​suffering. It can be said that only Lingshan is connected with our Buddhist world. We are complementary existences!"

The celestial burial monk thought for a while and said.

Lin Fan was a little surprised.

You must know that if there is no reception guide, it is impossible for the Buddhist world to be established here!

It can only be said that Jieyin Zhunti has been recognized by the Dao of Heaven and has been living here, but he has been unwilling to contribute to their martial arts world!
Perhaps Jieyin Zhunti also knew that once people from the Wufo Realm entered these three realms, they would be in great danger.

"Others, I don't care, I just want to ask you, is this attack related to Tang Sanzang and the others? Do you also want to be recognized by the Three Realms? To be recognized by the Dao of Heaven?"

Lin Fan asked.

Perhaps, this is what their martial arts world finally thought about.

But because of his appearance, their plans were disrupted.

Because of receiving Zhunti, he had cultivated step by step from a Da Luo Jinxian, or even a Jinxian, to a saint.

Although they got the guidance of the ancestor Hongjun, even so, they got the power they should have in the three realms.

Therefore, Heaven will recognize them!

But these external forces are different. It is basically impossible to come to these three realms.

Heavenly Dao Divine Thunder can kill them all.

"Indeed, it has something to do with them."

"Of course, we don't have to worry about Tang Sanzang and the others going west. I just want to ask the sage, how did you get the approval of this heaven, and how did you survive here?"

The celestial burial monk suddenly said these words.

(End of this chapter)

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