Chapter 935
"In this case, Maitreya Buddha, you can tell all your methods and your thoughts, and then follow your instructions!"

Tathagata looked at the Buddhas below, and then at his disciples, as well as the Four Great Bodhisattvas who had been removed in half!

Can only sigh sadly.

This kind of thing is not as simple as it seems on the surface. Now, they can only rely on themselves.

"That doesn't matter. I can't change this fact. What I calculate is only a possibility!"

"Everything depends on how the saint Lin Fan chooses. Lin Fan's strength is the most important thing, and it is also the pinnacle of the whole world!"

What Maitreya said was also very rigorous, Lin Fan's power can change the direction of the whole world!

They also don't know when the dark world that Lin Fan mentioned will come?
But Lin Fan is indeed standing at the pinnacle of this world, and his every move may change his future choices.

"So that's the case, it seems that the initiative is not with us!"

Tathagata also roughly heard these words, he has no initiative to control the future, and his strength is still very weak!

At this moment, the three of them can only look at each other in blank dismay, they have been suppressed by the Dao of Heaven!

To become a saint, I am afraid there is still a long way to go.

"What we can do is to prevent our Lingshan from declining. You must know that the power of Heavenly Court is gradually expanding!"

The burning lamp Buddha said that the burning lamp represents the past, and he has a general understanding of everything in the three realms!

He can clearly see the power of each force.

Tathagata represents the present, he has the most powerful power in the Buddha world, and he can use all the power in the Buddha world.

"If you said that at the last moment when the Dao of Heaven descended, after we killed these people and forcibly deprived us of the power of the Dao of Heaven, would we be able to become holy?"

Tathagata suddenly asked this sentence, he was very eager to have the power of a saint.

You know, both Maitreya and Ran Deng are his avatars, but they just have a certain will and a certain spiritual consciousness!

Not only that, many powerful Buddhas in the Buddhist world basically belong to his avatar.

The avatars in each life are extremely terrifying, and they all have different statuses in this Buddhist world!

It's just that not many people can break through the quasi-sage.

Tathagata has always aspired to become a saint, but after all, he fell short.

"Theoretically, this kind of power can really help us break through Saints!"

"But it's a pity that the saint in this world is restrained to a certain extent, and he will not let the power of the saint down!"

Maitreya said these words lightly, as the future Buddha, he can naturally see the mysteries of this world.

Heaven has the power of the Sanqing, and it will not let ordinary people casually break through to become saints.

As for Lin Fan, it was an external force.

As for Lin Fan, they don't know!

Maybe Lin Fan has his own way to cultivate a corresponding saint, who can amplify his power infinitely, just like Nu Wa!
In the past, Nuwa's power has been suppressed by the other five saints.

But it's different now, Nuwa was born with a strong creative ability!
He wanted to create a saint, the most likely one.

Because other saints do not have such qualifications.

"How about we play it a bit, once the three of us break through to saints, even the two saints in the Buddhist world, they won't do anything to us, and they will even join us!"

"At that time, if we use the power of the Martial Buddha Realm, we can even directly control the entire Three Realms. Even if it is the Dao of Heaven, he will not be able to wipe us all out!"

Tathagata finally expressed his ambition.

Of course, when the three of them talk, other people can't touch it at all. The power in it is like a source of isolation in the Buddhist world!
Possessing extremely terrifying abilities, the other two are also constantly thinking about it.

It is indeed very simple to forcibly deprive them with their power.

But if Lin Fan intervenes, what should they do?
Who can fight against Lin Fan, even if the three of them break through to the saint at the same time, there is not much possibility to fight against Lin Fan in this short period of time.

Unless people from the Wufo world help them!

But it's a pity, if they can get the power of heaven.

Then people in the martial arts world will definitely find a way to bless this power of heaven in their world!
In this way, they will be recognized by the Dao of Heaven.

at this time.

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva has come to Liusha River.

"Sha Wujing pays homage to Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva. I don't know why the Bodhisattva came to me. I have been waiting here for Tang Sanzang and his party!"

When Sha Wujing saw Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, he bowed deeply immediately.

However, Sha Wujing was also somewhat puzzled.

Logically speaking, it should be Guanyin Bodhisattva who came over.

Why is Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva here this time?

Where did Guanyin Bodhisattva go?

To be honest, Sha Wujing didn't want to see Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva because of the vicious and dark power in Ksitigarbha's body, which made people feel uncomfortable.

"The Tathagata Buddha asked me to order you to stop this mission to the west!" Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva said.

Sha Wujing was taken aback when he heard the words: "Bodhisattva, what are you talking about? Didn't the Buddha ask me to accompany Tang Sanzang to the west to seek the scriptures? Why now?"

"Stop talking nonsense. At this time, there are some orders from the Buddha that you shouldn't know. You don't need to know. Just accept the orders as they are!" Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva said impatiently.

Immediately, without any nonsense, a frightening force fell directly into Sha Wujing's body in a flip of his hands.

Sha Wujing looked surprised. At this moment, he could feel the horror of this force, which almost burst his body.

"What a powerful force!" Sha Wujing said with a look of enjoyment.

"Remember, the Buddha gave you such power in the hope that you could stop Tang Sanzang from going west. If you can kill Tang Sanzang, the Buddha can give you even stronger power!" Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva said lightly.

"Hey, stronger power?" Sha Wujing suddenly grinned when he heard the words: "The Buddha world is really as despicable as ever!"

In the next instant, Sha Wujing's aura changed.

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva was also taken aback for a moment, and then reacted immediately.

"Bold, who are you!" Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva instantly changed his expression, looking at Sha Wujing with murderous intent.

At this time, Sha Wujing changed suddenly, showing his real body.

Holding a golden cudgel, it is Monkey King.

"Hey, thank you Bodhisattva for the six-zhang golden body. Your grandpa likes this power very much." Sun Wukong grinned.

At this time, with the blessing of the strength of the six-foot golden body, Monkey King's strength has improved to a higher level, and he is in a very good mood.

"Bold! Pomonkey, you are looking for death!" Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva was already furious after being teased, but when he heard Monkey King's words, the veins on his head burst out of anger.

The words fall.

A palm suddenly hit Sun Wukong.

The terrifying momentum crushed down.

(End of this chapter)

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