The strongest shuttle system

Chapter 941 Induction

Chapter 941 Induction
Although the quicksand crocodile shed a lot of blood, his eyes became more determined.

"Since you have this kind of belief, then I will help you and let you return to the peak of the past, so that you can directly reach the level of quasi-sage!"

Nuwa knew that she wanted him to break through to the quasi-sage, and it was just a word from Lin Fan, or if she didn't pass it on to him, and put him in the ancient battlefield, it wouldn't take long for him to become a quasi-sage.

"Thank you Nuwa for nurturing me, I will definitely make good use of this power and help Master Nuwa to build greater advantages!"

"Come on, let me meet someone!"

As Nuwa said, she directly lifted the negative state in his body.

The body recovers quickly from trauma.

Saying that, Nuwa brought the quicksand crocodile directly to the prehistoric world, while Lin Fan stood in midair.

The terrifying aura fluctuated continuously towards the surroundings, as if at this moment, the entire space stopped!
"This is?"

"He will be your master from now on, he is my husband, and he is also the top existence in this prehistoric world!"

When Nu Wa finished saying this, the quicksand crocodile also felt a little unbelievable!

There is a little more awe for this great god in midair.

He could feel that that was the real master.

The strength he possesses is absolutely terrifying. It is so powerful that he can control the flow of the entire world. I am afraid that there is no such existence in the Buddhist world.

"The quicksand crocodile pays homage to the saint!"

"Needless to say, I won't blame you. You were used by the Buddhist world, but the abandonment of you by the Buddhist world was only for a moment!"

Lin Fan's words were very simple.

You must know that he took the quicksand crocodile because of Nuwa's face.

Under other circumstances, I am afraid that it is impossible to let him speak here, and he will be killed in an instant.

"However, you don't have to think so much when you come to my place." Lin Fan said lightly.

"I know what your lord means, and I also hope to work hard for you, and I hope to join this world and protect the peace of this world!"

The quicksand crocodile didn't think so much at all, and made a vow of heaven directly here.

Worshiping under Lin Fan's sect is the best choice, not only that, there is Nuwa here.

The two saints, looking around, there are only seven saints in the entire Three Realms, including Lin Fan.

And Lin Fan and Nu Wa are both the peak saints' strength, so without thinking too much, they know that these two are the pinnacles of the Three Realms!
"Since you have said that, I will draw a space for you. This is your own territory. Of course, in my world, you are not the only strong one!"

What Lin Fan said was naturally very simple. It was up to them to understand the struggle between them, and Lin Fan didn't want to care too much about it.

If they could make others surrender, maybe everything would be different, but Lin Fan didn't intend to give the quicksand crocodile an artifact.

Because, now he has just joined here and has not done anything.

There is no need to greatly improve his strength, at most let him sit firmly as a quasi-sage.

"Your current strength is equivalent to that of a quasi-sage, and you haven't been able to sit still after breaking the golden body. I can pass on your new inheritance!"

Lin Fan said calmly, the reason he was willing to accept him was because the bloody scene after he took off the eight-foot-long golden body himself proved his own determination.

"To be honest, if you don't throw away this eight-foot-long golden body, I will never accept you. There are some conflicts between me and the Buddhist world. To be honest, I can't understand those bald people!"

Lin Fan said indifferently, but even so, he didn't bother to care so much.

"I actually chose to join the prehistoric world, and even chose to return to the demon world. Naturally, I can't accept things from the enemy!"

What the quicksand crocodile said was very simple, because he understood his position.

It is absolutely impossible for him to serve others, and he also knows himself, and he will always die!

If one day you are rejected by the Buddhist world, then you will be a victim.

At that time, maybe no one will pity her, or even kill her quickly, and use him as a negative example.

"That's right, what you said is very good. This will be your home in the future, and I will build a huge system here!"

"There are people who are stronger than you, and there are people who are weaker than you. If you bully the weak and fear the strong, don't blame me for punishing you!"

"Don't worry, saint, I'm still a bloody guy, so it's impossible for me to do such things!"

Seeing that he was fine, Lin Fan sent him directly to that space with a wave of his hand.

"Is this my own place? If so, then I will make him the one I am most familiar with!"

After the quicksand crocodile finished speaking, he immediately began to transform this space.

With his quasi-sage's strength, it is inevitable to have a space.

Because under the saints, it is the site of the quasi-sages, no matter what, Lin Fan has to prepare a corresponding place for these quasi-sages.

To him, this whole chaos is like his home, where he wants to split a space, he can split a space.

It's the same in the three realms, no one can stop him.

"It seems that the adults have started to build the space again. I can feel that the master of this space is still very powerful!"

Wisdom Manjusri Bodhisattva said lightly, although this force is very powerful, it is not like them.

He has gathered some aspiring and talented people from the Three Realms, and those with a certain foundation have brought him here. They all have a certain wisdom root.

This part of people is brought out by Vajra Manjusri Bodhisattva. Once their blood is fully awakened, they are also part of the strong.

Not only here, but there is another place, that is, the Killing Heart Guanyin, and he also opened his eyes.

His current strength has reached the level of a half-step quasi-sage, but when he sensed the power of the quicksand crocodile, he frowned slightly.

"It seems that the boss has taken another person back. I always feel that in this entire prehistoric world, there is a person who is calling me constantly, as if this power is very familiar to me!"

Killing Heart Avalokitesvara said lightly.

"I have to go to the boss and ask what's going on. Why are there things in this prehistoric world that keep calling me?"

"Could it be Guanyin? It shouldn't be possible, it's impossible for him to come to this prehistoric world!"

Killing Heart Lotus murmured, how could Guanyin Bodhisattva appear here.

Unless someone imprisoned him, with his character, he should stay in the Buddhist world.

So, no matter what, he had to ask, because this power was very important to him.

The next moment, in the prehistoric world where Lin Fan lived, a space opened up, and Killing Heart walked out from it.

"Boss, I have something to ask you, why is there a force and something in this prehistoric world that keeps calling me?"

"I don't know where this power comes from, but it is definitely in this prehistoric world!"

When he finished saying this, Lin Fan also felt a little unbelievable, how could it be?
He himself is a lotus flower, and the only one who can connect with him is Guanyin Bodhisattva.

(End of this chapter)

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