The strongest shuttle system

Chapter 951 Weak Water, Guardian God

Chapter 951 Weak Water, Guardian God

"I don't know what Lin Fan's plan is. Did he just come here to see us?"

"Think about it, could it be that we were wrong? If we release this power and allow more people to break through the saint, will it be easier to resist the outside world!"

Taishang Laojun said, indeed, from a certain point of view, it can greatly enhance the power of their three realms.

"But have you ever thought that once these people's hearts change, and even some people who are constantly looking for more powerful power, they will continue to devour them. At that time, it will not be us, The scene can be controlled!"

Yuanshi Tianzun shook his head slightly. To a certain extent, he still couldn't bear to hand over this power.

Unless the darkness really falls, he is willing to break the shackles of this force, but is it still too late?
Although the darkness is just a legend, they don't know exactly when it will come.

All I know is that this big cleaning is definitely not as simple as it appears on the surface.

It will even make the entire Three Realms disappear!
Including their Tianting and Foshan, there is no way to gain a foothold at all.

"If it is really a chaos cleansing, all our power will be dissipated directly, as if we disappeared into thin air, and basically few people can escape!"

Taishang Laojun said solemnly.

"How terrifying the darkness is, we have no way of predicting it!"

Yuanshi Tianzun's words were simple, and he didn't know how to judge everything that was unknown.

To a certain extent, all they can do is to protect themselves!
For everything else, they don't have to worry about it at all.

As for the Heavenly Court, it is just a product cultivated by the three of them, a force, and they are their spokespersons.

Looking around, there are many such powers in the whole world, and Heavenly Court can help them with some trivial matters.

Many things don't need them to do anything at all.

Moreover, it can help them manage the entire Three Realms in an orderly manner, which is the most important thing.

"These three people have some skills. Now, it's not the time to be enemies with them. If darkness really falls, I can consider putting away this power first!"

Lin Fan smiled.

This kind of power is not a simple power, it is the core of the Three Realms, and the darkness does not necessarily come from these powers.

The source of life here can help them regenerate continuously!

The power that can help them is continuously transformed, and even transformed into a new world, all of which are based on evidence.

But Lin Fan didn't want to see this scene. If it was true, the Three Realms might become someone else's world.

This must be no ordinary baptism, but a change that truly changes the entire world.

"Husband, what did you think of? Where did you go just now?"

Seeing the distraught Lin Fan, Nuwa came to Lin Fan's side.

Because the weak water at this moment has already evolved.

She had already begun to gradually transform into a human form, and was sealed in it by Nu Wa using colorful stones.

Of course, the power of the five-colored stones nourished her. After all, her body was just shaped, and she must have the power of the five elements to survive in this world, otherwise, everything would be illusory.

"I originally wanted to find the source of life in this world, but unfortunately, this source of life is controlled by Sanqing and the others to death!"

Lin Fan put his hands behind his back, and he didn't bother to say anything about other things.

"It turns out that this power is in their hands, no wonder!"

Nu Wa also nodded when she heard this, she wanted to train a group of people.

But it is a pity that all the power in this world has been blocked, and she has no way to find it.

"That's right, all the power in this world has been collected, and there is indeed nothing to control. However, this kind of thing will be released in a short time, and they will understand!"

What Lin Fan said also has some basis, because he himself understands that the meaning is somewhat different.

If they continue to maintain the status quo, the strong will not be able to rise at all.

The power of the saint level will still not change. At that time, if the darkness really falls, then the whole world may suffer.

"I hope the three of them can understand. After all, the three of them are conservatives in this world. Among them are the two Kuburras. They also mentioned releasing this power!"

Nu Wa said, they have been discussing all this time, but these three are the decision makers in this world.

Their strength is very terrifying, especially their one-gas three cleansing.

Adding up the other saints may not be able to resist.

It's just that now with Lin Fan's arrival, maybe the situation will be different.

"It's okay, they won't last long!"

The Martial Buddha Realm will definitely have an impact on this world, and at that time, Sanqing will definitely fight.

Once the channel is opened, other external forces will come here.

At that time, it will not be as simple as it seems!

"I hope so!"

And at this moment, among the five-colored stones, the brilliance was shining.

A beautiful woman came out from inside.

His whole body was covered in ice, and when he turned around, a cold light directly covered his body!
"Weak water pays homage to the Holy Lord!"

Because Ruoshui has no consciousness of his own, and Lin Fan imposed his consciousness on him, Ruoshui considers himself the master.

This is the most important thing, so as not to be used by others, and the inheritance in her body is also written by Lin Fan!

Therefore, this power can be completely used by oneself, and it can be regarded as a great weapon in the prehistoric world.

Because her current strength is also at the peak level of a saint, and if she goes higher, she can even exert the power of the Hunyuan realm.

But in these three realms, it seems to be protected by a certain power, whether it is the way of heaven or the way, the limit here is the peak of the saint.

Therefore, existence beyond this power cannot enter at all.

However, if the night really falls here, it will block the avenue and the way of heaven.

Then how many strong people will come here, they don't know!
I am afraid that the lowest level is also the existence of the saint level, just like the martial arts world.

Although the Martial Buddha Realm is a small world, the power inside has no restrictions at all.

Everyone inside is very scary, and the saint seems to be just a junior.

Of course, if this power limit is broken, Lin Fan's own strength will also continue to improve.

As for how terrifying Lin Fan was, he himself didn't know at the moment.

You can only find those chaotic gods and demons to compete well, but this chaotic gods and demons are also outside the Three Realms.

"Get up, from today onwards, you are the god who protects the prehistoric world!"

"Weak water!"

"This is your two sisters!"

Lin Fan imbued her with memories, and Nuwa beside her was a little surprised.

One must know that the power emanating from Ruo Shui's body is too terrifying!
Even he is ashamed of himself, and even in a sense, the power emanating from his soul is not comparable to that of ordinary saints.

Nuwa thought about it, but with Lin Fan here, he could guard it.

But what if Lin Fan wasn't around?
(End of this chapter)

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