The strongest shuttle system

Chapter 957 Heading to the Ancient Battlefield

Chapter 957 Heading to the Ancient Battlefield
"Thank you Jade Emperor!"

Zhen Yuanzi sighed, took the three of them and left here, and returned to the Wuzhuang Temple, where he was well nourished.

However, he was very grateful to Lin Fan in his heart. It was Lin Fan who saved the ginseng fruit tree.

At the same time, the hatred for the Buddhist world in his heart increased a bit.

"Qingfengmingyue, from today onwards, monks are not allowed to enter my Wuzhuang Temple. If a monk comes, I will drive him away!"

Zhen Yuanzi gave the order directly, fearing that people in the Buddhist world would be pissed off when they heard it.

Originally, there were temples here, and in the past few days, they were all cleaned up by Zhen Yuanzi.

The news spread to the Buddhist world.

"Tathagata Buddha, are you awake?"

The three Tathagata opened their eyes.

He always felt that something was going to happen next, so he found Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva kneeling in front of them.

"What happened, Ksitigarbha, don't panic!"

The three of them have been guided by the Martial Buddha Realm in the past few days and practiced here.

With a little more understanding of the way of heaven, I am afraid that it will not be long before they can hit that supreme realm!
"It's like this. Sage Lin Fan set up a trap and put this matter on the head of our Buddhist world. Now, Wuzhuang Temple does not allow monks to enter!"

Ksitigarbha recounted everything that happened just now.

Tathagata was furious when he heard this.

Originally he was in a good mood, but after hearing this sentence, he felt something was wrong. Why is this guy blackmailing their Buddhist world again?
"What exactly does Saint Lin Fan want to do? What good will it do them!"

Tathagata was very angry, but there was nothing he could do.

It's impossible to attack Lin Fan now, right?

This is completely provoking a war. They are very clear about how terrifying Lin Fan's strength is!

Even if Lin Fan didn't make a move, other people might solve them all directly.

Besides, Heavenly Court does not agree with this matter at all, they are in an absolute weak side.

"He's cutting off our incense, don't give us a chance!"

Maitreya Buddha's face darkened.

Now, wherever Tang Sanzang traveled along the way, basically there is no connection with them.

To be honest, this is a really huge blow to their Buddhist world, and it hits them fundamentally.

"Forget it, I'm too lazy to worry about this kind of thing, anyway, it's not once or twice!"

Tathagata sighed, helpless.

"Is this the end of the matter?"

"Otherwise, so what if they slander the Buddhist world, we have no way to resist!"

Tathagata was a little helpless when he said these words. After all, in this situation, they had no way to deal with him.

Of course he was talking about Lin Fan, you know, Lin Fan's current strength has no way to fight against it!
Even people from the martial arts world don't want to deliberately fight against Lin Fan at all!
At this time, Lin Fan had already returned to the prehistoric world. He opened up a space and planned to cultivate a source of life here.

"Plant a ginseng fruit tree first!"

After Lin Fan finished speaking, the power of the divine rain began to pour in continuously!
The terrifying breath continued to spread, and the branches and vines slowly climbed up directly from the ground.

This is the ginseng fruit tree, and it is extremely fast.

It looks luxuriant and has a huge vitality. This vitality makes people feel very abundant, and there is an attractive aroma in every leaf.

"What I want is this effect, to see if this power can grow in a real sense, and to see what level he can reach!"

Not only that, but Zi Yan also came to this place, she could feel how great the temptation is.

"How is it? Isn't this thing good?"

"Husband, where did this thing come from? Why do I feel a little weird?"

"His fruit is very weird, right? It looks like a villain. This is ginseng fruit, and it is also a spiritual treasure between heaven and earth. If you eat one, you can live forever!"

Of course, this is just an exaggeration.

However, for gods like them, eating one is nothing.

"Is my husband planning to cultivate this space into a place of life? I can feel that the vitality here is already spreading!"

In this prehistoric space, Lin Fan's strength is strong enough, he can control time and space.

To tear apart a piece of space is nothing more than a matter of little effort for him.

"You can see this, yes, life is indeed cultivated here, then I will see if there is such an artifact, and put it here!"

Speaking of artifacts, Lin Fan knew that if he wanted to return to Shangyuan's arsenal, he had to find a way to forge iron.

Otherwise, it might not be that easy to take away the artifact.

If you let yourself create an artifact, I am afraid it will not be so easy, and you have to study hard.

Speaking of this, Lin Fan thought of a inheritance.

"If it doesn't work, find a way to find someone to pass this on to him, and let him go blacksmithing!"

With such a simple matter, it is naturally impossible to confuse Lin Fan.

But who is this candidate?

He had no idea either.

"Husband, if you want to find a blacksmith, then go to the ancient battlefield. I remember there are two brothers in a sacred mountain!"

"One of them has died in battle, and the other has the blood of the giant spirit god, named Goat. Many countries have captured him to help him forge iron. Of course, this is just a relic. He also appeared in ancient battlefields. artifact!"

When Lin Fan heard these words, Lin Fan's eyes lit up slightly. There are actually such people in the ancient battlefield!
He has to go and see him, maybe it can save him a lot of trouble, that's the most important thing, he doesn't bother to care so much about other things.

Lin Fan decided to go to the ancient battlefield to take a look and see what kind of things there were.

After all, I came directly to the ancient battlefield. To be honest, the current ancient battlefield has an ancient atmosphere.

Moreover, the power here began to spread again. At a certain level, the entire ancient battlefield has begun to slowly recover the ancient atmosphere, and with these strengths, it has begun to rise little by little!

"Sure enough, having such power will make a difference!"

Those ancient souls were slowly recovering, and at the same time, Lin Fan also felt some dark power.

For this kind of dark power, he didn't know where to look for it, but this kind of power was indeed not simple.

"That's the Arctic Mountain, maybe the King of War they said is there!"

"A world that has surpassed the Three Realms, yet it is destroyed, and the Dao of Heaven actually takes action. What a terrifying existence!"

"Let it fly freely on the holy battlefield!"

Lin Fan could feel the mystery and the divine power, to a certain extent, this power had already surpassed the Three Realms.

Perhaps, even if a saint came here, he might not be able to contend with him.

(End of this chapter)

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