The strongest shuttle system

Chapter 984 Prohibition

Chapter 984 Prohibition
There is a golden light shining on the road that Lin Fan walks, and there is infinite power on this road. Once ordinary people touch this terrifying law, they will disappear immediately, let alone their soul bodies.

Facing the power of the law, they have nothing to do.

"Let him continue to move forward. There is still an old monster waiting for him in front of him. Don't worry, if we go out, it is equivalent to a waste!"

"That's right, even Fire Girl can't deal with it, what's the use of us in the past?"

These artifact spirits all felt a little useless, and each of them felt somewhat ashamed in their hearts.

Their soul power was originally the most powerful in the entire ancient battlefield, but now it seems that it is not enough, not even the ability to protect goats.

"However, it seems that this guy didn't kill us, nor did he want to kill us directly!

"That's true. It's too easy to crush us with his soul. He can even devour our souls directly!"

They themselves understand very well that souls can devour each other!

Moreover, there is no limit, as long as one can absorb the other party's soul, one's own strength will gradually grow in a short period of time.

And with the growth of one's own strength, the power of the soul will continue to expand and become stronger and stronger, and you can completely ignore the others.

If any one of them could devour Lin Fan's soul, then their strength would also be strong to a limit, but now it seems that they are just moths to the flame.

Lin Fan continued to walk forward, and found that there was a huge abyss here. Behind the sound, there might be a place where goats lived.

It is also the real Juyang Peak, and the power in this abyss is indeed terrifying, but for Lin Fan, he is too lazy to care so much.

Looking at the things under the abyss, there was a huge eye staring at Lin Fan at the same time.

But for this kind of thing, Lin Fan doesn't care so much.

"It turned out to be a magic soldier!"

"It's still the power of the void, which is a bit interesting, but I want to see what level this power can reach."

As he said that, Lin Fan hovered directly above the void, looking at the things below him.

The big eyes directly released a purple radiance, rushed into the midair, and had an impact on Lin Fan.

But for Lin Fan, he didn't need to dodge at all with this kind of power and this kind of soul fluctuation.

"That's it?"

"With this kind of power, you are worthy of hitting my soul. It's a bit too ridiculous. I thought how strong this magic weapon is!"

Lin Fan's words were extremely cold. Those souls who were watching the show thought that Lin Fan would be drowned, and everyone shivered in their hearts.

They have never dared to cross this line, because they know that the power of this abyss is too powerful.

Not only can it directly absorb and devour their souls, but also this purple radiance can directly break through their souls and make them disappear in thin air.

"I thought it was very powerful, but now it seems that it is nothing more than that. Maybe it is possible for us to go together."

Before the artifact finished speaking, it was discovered that Lin Fan's shadow was suspended in mid-air.

They actually absorbed all the purple brilliance onto themselves, which made their eyes widen.

Seeing the incredible scene, they never imagined that Lin Fan's power was so terrifying.

"This is the power you have displayed, it's ridiculous!"

After Lin Fan finished speaking, he returned the purple radiance from his hand.

Not only that, the purple light originally revealed was directly squeezed into a soul light bomb, which was thrown down from here.

"Let's leave here quickly, this force is too strong."

The artifacts following behind fled one after another. Once an explosion occurs here, it is beyond their control.

Then, at this moment, the space began to vibrate continuously.

Below, there is another powerful force.

After Lin Fan blew up the abyss, the powerful suction like a black hole absorbed all the power in the surrounding void into the ground.

And at this moment, a stone statue slowly woke up.

"Who dares to break into here?"

"This is a sacred forbidden place, please leave quickly, or you will be killed!"

The sound of machinery, lawsuits, along with the sound of a golden bell, continued to ripple towards both sides.

Lin Fan also smiled at the corner of his mouth. In his eyes, there are not many people who can say such words, and it is a bit interesting to kill me.

"I would like to see what kind of power is there in this giant sun peak that can kill me?"

Lin Fan's words were very cold.

He directly grasped the Huangquan Double Hook used by his avatar before, and took it into his hands for a while. If there is no weapon that is suitable for him, he will use it to test it first.

But the power of Huang Quan's double hook slash fell into Lin Fan's hands, and it became different instantly.

Because of the different users, the power of Huang Quan's double hook slash was fully awakened, and the faint blue light continuously released golden light to the surroundings.

Cooperating with the powerful soul power, it resonated with Lin Fan to a certain extent.

Between the two, a level of human-machine integration is formed, this is the real power of the underworld, and for Lin Fan, nothing can resist him, so, when a weapon falls into his hands, Those are artifacts.

Not to mention the power of this underworld!
"Boy, you are challenging the sacred prohibition!"

"It turns out that you guys are imprisoning the craftsman. It seems that I am blessed today. If I defeat you, the craftsman will definitely follow me!"

But at this moment, the stone statue looked at Lin Fan who was still unwilling to leave, with strange fluctuations in his eyes.

The surrounding space began to become illusory, and Lin Fan could also feel that this power was directly aimed at the human soul, making the soul virtual.

"Your power is useful to others, but to me, it's ridiculous!"

"Do you know that I have already surpassed the Three Realms, and I have already surpassed your control!"

"So, your attack is useless to me, and it is impossible to do me any harm at all!"


Lin Fan let out an angry roar, releasing endless souls to the surroundings, directly breaking through the nothingness-like fluctuations.

Let him have no strength at all to resist the gap between the two!

It also gradually formed Lin Fan's own strength and began to spread continuously.

At the same time, countless souls, like thousands of troops, directly charged towards Lin Fan.

There are countless grievances around him. These souls are all souls that perish in this abyss. Their strength is here, they have been experienced like puppets, and they all sprint towards Lin Fan.

(End of this chapter)

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