Chapter 994
"Let Huozang Xingjun and Shuizang Xingjun go over and stop it, and seal Huashan Mountain with the power of water and fire!"

"Yes, let the Four Heavenly Kings bring the Heavenly Soldiers and Generals to take him down!"

The Jade Emperor also had his own majesty, the Haotian Hammer in his hand fell directly to the ground, looking like a god of war.

How could Lin Fan not know the movements of Heavenly Court.

But he didn't want to stop all of this, this is the disaster that Chen Xiang deserves, it depends on himself.

"Jade Emperor, why do I feel weird, there are people in the mortal world who can practice directly, is it related to other forces?"

"Don't worry about other things, as long as he can cultivate, as long as he offends the majesty of my heavenly court, he will never be presumptuous."

The Jade Emperor doesn't care so much, he is not the same as usual now.

It turns out that without the Clear Sky Hammer, he is not the strongest in this Heavenly Court!
But now, how could he be afraid of other people doing this kind of thing.

How can it be possible to be timid, all existences that violate the rules of heaven must be punished as they should.

"I'm afraid Erlang God will stop them!"

"Zhenjun Erlang?"

"That's right, Jade Emperor, what if he makes a move to stop us? You and Erlang God are both quasi-sage-level existences, if you two fight at this moment."

The Jade Emperor frowned slightly. To be honest, Erlang Zhenjun does not belong to the Heavenly Court.

But it is indeed within the jurisdiction of the heavenly court, and there is no contradiction between the two.

"It doesn't matter so much, let's see it first!"

"If something like this happens and I don't stop it, then wouldn't the rules and regulations set by my heavenly court become a joke!"

The Jade Emperor didn't listen to persuasion at all. In his eyes, no one could violate his majesty, which was the most important thing.

At this moment, Taibai Jinxing was also a little speechless.

"Jade Emperor, have you ever thought about another question, God Erlang does not belong to the Heavenly Court now, but he belongs to another force, and how do you know if this little guy has anything to do with that adult?"

When the Jade Emperor heard Taibai Jinxing, he naturally knew that the lord was Lin Fan!
Thinking of this, Jade Emperor frowned slightly.

After all, Lin Fan is a saint-level power.

Moreover, Lin Fan's strength had already surpassed all of them.

Even if all the power of the Heavenly Court is used to deal with Lin Fan, it may not be enough.


"So I said this matter, we can bear it as much as we can, after all, we have no way to completely control it!"

Taibai Jinxing said, obviously, he wanted the Jade Emperor to stop.

As long as Chen Xiang rescued his mother, then True Monarch Erlang would no longer be hostile to Heaven!
At least they won't do anything outrageous to them.

"Let's take a step by step!"

"My order has been issued, so let them go first. If they lose and fall into the hands of that child, I will not make a move. It is a proof of their strength."

Jade Emperor sighed.

Taibai Jinxing was a little embarrassed when he heard the words.

The combined strength of these guys is not weaker than Da Luo Jinxian, and the four heavenly kings are even more powerful after joining forces.

At this moment, Chen Xiang is among the lotus lanterns.

When he came to this world, he could feel countless powers, which began to accumulate in his body, and he didn't know where these powers came from.

Condensing all the energy between the heaven and the earth, the spiritual power between the three realms is still very strong, wrapped in the immortal energy, wrapped in the energy of the heaven and the earth, and integrated into his body.

"Is this the main power of the Lotus Lantern? It's amazing!"

Chen Xiang said lightly, he doesn't know where this power comes from, but he has no way to stop it!

These powers were completely integrated into his body, and countless meteors began to hover around him.

"What are these meteors? They look weird?"

"These are elixirs, you eat all of these elixirs, they can quickly stimulate your body!"

Lin Fan's words came in.

This lotus lamp was originally a key, which could unlock his physical potential and perfectly stimulate his potential.

In this way, a perfect effect can be achieved.

And Lin Fan was suspended in mid-air, and he also felt the lightning and thunder in the sky!
I'm afraid that Heavenly Court will send heavenly soldiers and generals over here, and Lin Fan disappeared here in the next moment.

After that, it was up to Chen Xiang herself.

"I've trained you for so long, don't embarrass me, don't get caught right away, I have to go to heaven to redeem you!" Lin Fan murmured.

However, he also knew that after the Jade Emperor knew about this relationship, he would never dare to touch Chen Xiang easily.

However, Lin Fan didn't want him to know, after all, it's better for no one to know about the relationship between the two.

Lin Fan didn't want to meddle in the affairs of heaven either.

"As long as you have the ability to open mountains, my task will be considered complete. After that, I will leave it to Erlang God, and he will clean up this mess!"

Lin Fan didn't care about other things, he directly sent a message to Erlang Shen, and immediately returned to the prehistoric world!

He just needs to watch a play here, and he doesn't know if the Jade Emperor will fight Erlang Shen.

Of course, the possibility of a confrontation between the two is extremely low, but if the Jade Emperor really wants to sanction the San Shengmu, I am afraid Erlang God will never agree.

"I see, master, don't worry, I will absorb the power here, and I will raise my strength to a top level, and I will never let you down!"

Chen Xiang sat cross-legged in the middle of the ground, these elixirs poured into his abdomen crazily, as if the radiance exploded directly!
Constantly squirming in his body, he never thought that these forces would be so powerful, impacting upward bit by bit, impacting all his meridians, his blood boiled!
"Lotus Lantern, it's time to show your strength, let me completely absorb these energies, I want to hit a higher level, I want to reach the Daluo Jinxian!"

Chen Xiang's words were very simple, with a roar, the whole sky began to be absorbed by the lotus lantern crazily.

There was a slight vibration between the heaven and the earth. Of course, the heaven and the underworld couldn't feel it at all.

Buddha realm!

"How do you feel that something is going to happen recently? This vision of heaven and earth is definitely not simple. Could it be that another Da Luo Jinxian has appeared?"

The Tathagata Buddha said fiercely, looking forward, the lotus lamp is suspended between the sky and the earth. This light shines on the colorful sunset glow and absorbs the energy of the sky and the earth!

Moreover, there is a more terrifying existence in it, which really makes them feel incredible.

"You don't need to think too much about it. It must be Lin Fan's handwriting. Let's not care about it. Practice hard and try to break through the saint one day!"

Maitreya Buddha said, with his ability to predict, he naturally knew that this was Lin Fan's handwriting!
Others don't have any ability at all to do this kind of thing and turn a mortal into a Da Luo Jinxian casually.

It's scary to think about!
If everyone in this world has become a Daluo Jinxian, then what are these gods doing?
(End of this chapter)

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