Chapter 2354

After all, Li Shimin thought too simply. He originally thought that with his wisdom and prestige, he could easily nationalize the huge Shengtang Group, but the reality was far more complicated than he imagined. It is impossible to take over the Shengtang Group. He tried to achieve his goals in a simple and direct way, but this was undoubtedly too naive and hasty.

Because everything he could think of, Li Min had already thought of it. As the controller of Shengtang Group, Li Min is by no means an ordinary person. He is shrewd and capable, and his business insights and operational skills are top-notch. He had already been aware of Li Shimin's possible actions and made careful preparations. Whether it was legal loopholes or commercial risks, Li Min avoided them one by one to ensure that his own interests were not harmed.

Li Shimin wants to get the Shengtang Group without spending any money. This is simply too whimsical. He thought that with his authority, he could force Li Min to submit, but he ignored the complexity and cruelty of the business world. In this world, there is no absolute authority, only the game of interests and the contest of strength.

Just when Li Shimin thought he could do this, someone came over and reported: "Your Majesty, someone from the Ministry of Revenue wants to see him." Li Shimin was puzzled. This person from the Ministry of Revenue had not come to see him for a long time. Why are you here again today? He couldn't help but have some doubts in his heart. Is there anything new in the Ministry of Revenue that needs to be reported?

"Let them come in." Li Shimin said. He wanted to know what new problems Hubu had that he needed to solve this time.

So the eunuch went to call the people from the Ministry of Household Affairs. As soon as these people saw Li Shimin, they said: "Your Majesty, there are some situations that need to be consulted by you." Their tone seemed a bit heavy, as if they had something important to report to Li Shimin.

Fang Xuanling was listening nearby, and he was also curious about Hubu's situation this time. As an experienced politician, he knew that the Ministry of Revenue was an important department responsible for finance in the imperial court, and every report they made could affect the economic lifeline of the imperial court.

"Say!" Li Shimin urged. He wanted to know what happened to make the people in Tobe so nervous.

The people from the Ministry of Finance took a deep breath, and then said: "About the highway, more money is needed now. The national debt has been issued, but it is not enough, Your Majesty!" There was a sense of helplessness and helplessness in their voices. anxiety.

When Li Shimin heard this, he couldn't help but be surprised. He originally thought that the issuance of national bonds was enough to solve the funding problem of highway construction, but he did not expect that it was not enough now. He couldn't help but begin to wonder whether his decision-making was correct and whether he had overestimated the ability to raise national debt too optimistically.

"How come it's not enough? Didn't I say at the time that the money was enough?" Li Shimin asked with some confusion.

Li Shimin was sitting on the dragon throne at the moment, his brows furrowed. The people from the Ministry of Revenue stood before His Highness and explained the current funding dilemma for highway construction with a solemn expression.

"Your Majesty, originally we did think so. However, the actual situation is much more complicated than we imagined." The voice of the Ministry of Revenue official was slightly deep, as if carrying endless worries.

He described the various difficulties in highway construction in detail: "The construction of highways not only involves a large amount of material procurement and labor costs, but also some emergencies that need to be dealt with. These require a large amount of financial support. And the raising of national debt Although certain results have been achieved, there is still a big gap between what we need.”

Listening to the report from the Ministry of Household Officials, Li Shimin's face became more solemn. He originally thought that he could easily solve the financial problem with his wisdom and authority, but reality gave him a loud slap in the face. He took a deep breath and fell into thought.

At this time, Fang Xuanling stood up. His voice was calm and powerful: "Your Majesty, this matter is of great importance. We must carefully consider it."

Li Shimin nodded, knowing that Fang Xuanling was right. This problem cannot be dragged on forever and a solution must be found as soon as possible.

So, he asked: "Well, Fang Xuanling, what do you think you can do?"

Fang Xuanling thought for a while, and then said slowly: "I think we can convene officials from the Ministry of Household Affairs, the Ministry of Industry and other relevant departments to have an in-depth discussion. We need to listen to the opinions of all parties and carefully analyze the current financial situation. ”

Li Shimin nodded in agreement, knowing that this was the first step to solving the problem. Only by understanding the situation clearly can we find appropriate solutions.

Fang Xuanling continued: "Although the issuance of national bonds has increased, it is still unable to meet the funds needed for highway construction. This shows that there are problems with our previous plans and need to be re-examined and adjusted."

Li Shimin fell into deep thought, and he knew that Fang Xuanling was right. Simply increasing the issuance of government bonds is not a long-term solution. A more stable and reliable source of funds must be found.

So, he said: "It seems that we have to start optimizing the financial management of the imperial court. We must strictly review the imperial court's expenditures and cut unnecessary expenditures to free up more funds for highway construction."

Fang Xuanling nodded in agreement, knowing that Li Shimin's idea was correct. Only by controlling expenditures from the source can we ensure fiscal stability.

Then, Li Shimin added: "We can also ask officials to put forward suggestions for saving expenses. I will give generous rewards to practical suggestions. This will definitely stimulate the enthusiasm of officials and allow them to contribute wisdom to the financial management of the imperial court. "

After Fang Xuanling heard this, she secretly admired Li Shimin's wisdom. He knew that such measures would not only solve the current funding problem, but also improve the governance level of the court.

Finally, Li Shimin put forward a bold idea: "In addition to optimizing financial management, we can also actively seek cooperation with other forces. After all, it is difficult to raise enough funds in a short period of time with the power of the court alone."

He plans to take the initiative to contact some powerful businessmen and aristocratic families to propose a joint investment plan for highway construction. He believes that these businessmen and aristocratic families will definitely see the long-term benefits brought by the highway construction and are willing to provide financial support.

Fang Xuanling listened quietly to Li Shimin's words. Every word fell on his heart like gold and stone, causing ripples. He stared into Li Shimin's deep eyes, as if he could glimpse the wisdom and decisiveness of a generation of heroes. At this moment, the admiration in his heart surged like a tide, and his admiration for Li Shimin was beyond words.

Li Shimin's words revealed a far-sighted strategic vision. He knew that the close connection between the imperial court and merchant families was crucial to the prosperity and stability of the country. Such cooperation can not only solve the financial problems currently faced by the court, but also strengthen the bond between the two parties and achieve a win-win situation. Fang Xuanling couldn't help but sigh that Li Shimin was really a far-sighted monarch. Li Shimin nodded slightly, as if appreciating Fang Xuanling's understanding, and then said lightly: "Okay, you just go ahead and do it like this." Although this sentence is short, it contains incomparable trust and expectation. Fang Xuanling knew that he shouldered a heavy responsibility and must go all out to implement Li Shimin's decision.

However, at this moment, Fang Xuanling couldn't help but raise her concerns: "What about His Majesty's matter about Shengtang Group?" There was a trace of hesitation and hesitation in his words.

Li Shimin frowned slightly, seeming to be thinking about this issue as well. He knew that the Shengtang Group's affairs were equally important, but the highway construction in front of him had already consumed a lot of energy and resources. If you are distracted from handling the affairs of the Shengtang Group, you may lose sight of one thing.

Fang Xuanling saw Li Shimin's hesitation, and he knew that he had to relieve His Majesty's worries. So, he plucked up the courage and said, "Your Majesty, a lot of effort has been invested in the expressway. If we are distracted from dealing with Shengtang Group's affairs, I am afraid it will affect the construction progress and quality of the expressway."

Li Shimin was silent for a moment after hearing this. He knew that Fang Xuanling's worries were not unreasonable. However, as one of the important pillars of the imperial court, the Shengtang Group cannot be easily ignored. He must find a balance between the two.

After careful consideration, Li Shimin finally made a decision: "Proceed simultaneously!" His words revealed a firmness and decisiveness.

Fang Xuanling couldn't help being stunned after hearing this. He didn't expect Li Shimin to make such a decision. He knows this means they will face greater challenges and pressure, but it also means they will have the opportunity to achieve greater things.

However, Fang Xuanling did not immediately agree or disagree, but continued to express his concerns: "Your Majesty, this move can advance two important matters at the same time, but the risks are also increased accordingly. We must ensure that the construction of the highway is not affected, and at the same time properly handle the affairs of Shengtang Group."

Li Shimin nodded. He understood that Fang Xuanling's worries were not unreasonable. But he also knows that as a monarch, he must be brave enough to face challenges and risks in order to lead the country to a more prosperous future.

So, he said firmly: "I know this is difficult, but I believe we have the ability to do it. Fang Xuanling, as my right-hand man, you must go all out to support me."

Li Shimin nodded slightly and saw that Fang Xuanling was silent.

He knew something.

At this time, his eyes were like a torch, and he seemed to be able to penetrate all doubts and confusions. He knew that Fang Xuanling's worries were not groundless. The construction of the expressway and the operation of Shengtang Group were both affected by the whole thing. If he was not careful, everything could be lost. However, as a monarch, he understood that he must have enough courage and determination to face these challenges and risks in order to lead the country to a more prosperous future.

He spoke slowly, with a firm and powerful voice: "I know this is difficult. It not only requires huge investment, but also requires meticulous planning and efficient execution. However, Fang Xuanling, you and I both know that challenges and opportunities coexist. We have the ability and responsibility to do all this. As my right-hand man, I have full trust in you. You must not only support me with all your strength, but also use your wisdom and talents to face it together. to these challenges.”

Fang Xuanling felt mixed emotions in her heart when she listened to Li Shimin's words. He knew well that he shouldered a heavy responsibility, and he also understood Li Shimin's expectations and trust. However, the challenge before him was indeed too difficult, and he didn't know whether he was up to it. He hesitated for a moment, and finally plucked up the courage to say: "Your Majesty, I know that my abilities are limited, but I am willing to do my best to complete this task. However, I am worried that if something goes wrong, I will live up to Your Majesty's expectations."

Li Shimin smiled slightly after hearing this, and that smile revealed his deep understanding and trust in Fang Xuanling. He gently patted Fang Xuanling on the shoulder, as if to convey his faith and strength to him.

"Fang Xuanling, you are too self-effacing." Li Shimin's voice was gentle but firm, "I know your abilities, otherwise I would not entrust you with such an important task. You are the pillar of the imperial court. He is my trustworthy right-hand man.”

Listening to Li Shimin's words, Fang Xuanling felt warm in his heart. He knew that His Majesty valued and trusted him, which made him both honored and stressed.

"Your Majesty, I know that my ability is limited, and I am afraid that I will not be qualified for this important task." Fang Xuanling tried to express his thoughts, but his voice seemed a little trembling.

Li Shimin looked at Fang Xuanling, his eyes shining with encouragement and determination. "Fang Xuanling, you have to have confidence in yourself. As for mistakes, no one can guarantee that they will be foolproof. But as long as we do our best, even if the final result is not satisfactory, I will not blame you."

Fang Xuanling was silent for a while, knowing that Li Shimin was telling the truth. However, the worry in his heart did not lessen. He knew the importance of the task and the possible consequences of failure.

"Your Majesty, I..." Fang Xuanling wanted to continue to refuse, but he found that his voice seemed to be blocked by something, and he couldn't say anything. He stood there, his expression slightly changed, and his heart was in turmoil. He knew that Li Shimin's request was a huge challenge to him and the entire court.

Li Shimin stared at Fang Xuanling quietly, his eyes were deep and firm. He understood Fang Xuanling's concerns, but he also knew that as an important court official, Fang Xuanling had the responsibility and ability to face and overcome these challenges.

He took a deep breath, and then said slowly: "Fang Xuanling, I know this is difficult. However, we must have the courage to face challenges and try new possibilities. Only in this way can we continue to Only progress can make the country more prosperous.”

Li Shimin's words revealed a kind of firmness and determination, which seemed to inject a force into Fang Xuanling. However, Fang Xuanling still could not make up his mind to accept this task. He hesitated for a moment, and finally plucked up the courage to say: "Your Majesty, I...I am afraid that I am not qualified for such an important task. I am willing to serve your Majesty, but I am afraid that I will live up to your Majesty's expectations."

After hearing this, Li Shimin showed a hint of surprise on his face. He didn't expect that Fang Xuanling would refuse his request, which made him feel a little incredible. He was silent for a moment, and then said: "Fang Xuanling, have you really decided? This is a rare opportunity and a huge challenge. I believe you have the ability to complete this task."

After hearing this, Fang Xuanling felt even more conflicted. He knows Li Shimin's expectations and trust, but he also knows his own abilities and limitations. He took another deep breath and said firmly: "Your Majesty, I am grateful for your trust and love. However, I know that my ability is limited and I may not be able to complete this task. I am willing to serve your Majesty, but please choose someone else."

Li Shimin looked at Fang Xuanling's firm eyes. Although he was a little disappointed, he also understood that his decision was carefully considered.

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