Li Yun's mood at this moment was like being in a valley shrouded in thick fog, surrounded by confusion and fear. He tried to find a glimmer of light, but in vain. His heart felt like it was being swept away by huge waves, the waves were turbulent and he could not calm down. He knew that he was standing at a crossroads, and every choice he made could determine his future destiny. If Li Shimin summoned him to the palace, it would be an unknown adventure. He could not predict what Li Shimin would say to him, whether he would force him to choose a side, ask him to betray Li Min, or hope that he would betray something about Li Min. secret.

However, he knew almost nothing about Li Min. How could he betray the news about Li Min? This is simply an unsolvable problem for him. He felt that his brain was in chaos and he couldn't sort out his thoughts, let alone make a decision.

Just as he was deep in thought, thinking hard about how to deal with this dilemma, the phone ringing beside him suddenly rang, and the sharp sound pierced his thoughts like a sharp sword. He looked up at the caller ID and saw it was Li Min. At that moment, his heart felt like being poured with cold water, and a strong sense of uneasiness surged into his heart. He was worried that Li Min already knew what he said to Li Shimin, and he was even more worried that Li Min would blame him for his preference for Li Shimin.

He hesitated for a moment, but finally worked up the courage to answer the phone. On the other end of the phone, Li Min's voice was low and serious, and every word was as heavy as a stone, weighing on his heart. He tried to stay calm, but the anxiety in his heart surged like a tide. He felt his hands shaking slightly, as if he could no longer hold the microphone. He knew that no matter what the outcome was, he had to face it because it was a choice he could not escape.

"Brother Six, what's the matter with you?" Li Yun tried his best to sound calm and collected, as if there was no turmoil in his heart. He was sitting on the sofa in the study, holding the phone tightly in his hand. The cold plastic shell seemed to bring him a sense of security. The light in the study was soft and warm, but it could not dispel the haze in his heart at this moment.

On the other end of the phone, Li Min's voice was like a wisp of cold wind in the night, low and depressing, and every word seemed to be filled with an indescribable nervousness, as if he was afraid of being eavesdropped. His voice carefully penetrated the phone line and reached Li Yun's ear, like a thin needle gently piercing it, with an inexplicable tingling sensation that made Li Yun tense up involuntarily.

Li Yun frowned slightly, and the doubts in his heart were getting thicker and thicker like a fog. He couldn't help but wonder, sixth brother Li Min had always been calm, why was he so nervous today? Was there something so important about to happen that he couldn't even speak out loud on the phone? He looked around. The study was quiet, except for the sound of his own breathing. There are neatly arranged books on the bookshelves. The moonlight outside the window shines through the gaps in the curtains and shines on the ground, forming mottled light and shadow.

After he once again confirmed that there was indeed no one else in the study, he replied in a low voice: "No one, Sixth Brother. You can feel free to speak."

Li Min seemed to be relieved. He paused for a moment on the other end of the phone, as if he was sorting out his thoughts. Then, his voice sounded again. Although it was still low, it seemed to have a little more determination: "Very good. What I am going to tell you next is very important. You should listen carefully."

Li Yun's heart was full of doubts and curiosity. He held the phone receiver tightly, as if this would allow him to hear every word of Li Min more clearly. He didn't know what kind of news he was about to hear, but he knew that it must be a big event that would make Li Min so nervous. He waited quietly, fearing that he would miss any word. Every tiny sound seemed to send ripples through his heart.

On the other end of the phone, Li Min fell into a long silence, as if he was in a bottomless dark tunnel, taking every step carefully for fear of taking the wrong step. The sound of his breathing was faintly heard on the phone line, with an indescribable sense of oppression. Li Yun in the study could clearly feel his tension and solemnity, and he couldn't help but feel an inexplicable uneasiness in his heart.

Li Min's voice finally sounded again, but this time it was deeper, as if every word carried a heavy burden: "Very good, what I am going to tell you next is very important, you should pay attention and listen carefully." There was an unquestionable seriousness in his tone, which made Li Yun dare not slack off in the slightest.

A strong curiosity arose in Li Yun's heart, but he also understood that at this moment, he must remain calm and rational in order to better listen and understand what Li Min might say next. He took a deep breath, adjusted his mentality, and prepared for the important information that was coming.

Li Min's voice sounded again, this time his speaking speed slowed down significantly, as if he was carefully choosing every word: "Haven't you always wanted to come to my place? Now I'll give you a chance to come to my place. , are you willing?"

When Li Yun heard this, he couldn't help but feel shocked. He did express his desire to go to him to Li Min many times, but he was declined by Li Min every time. Now, Li Min actually took the initiative to mention this matter, which was really beyond his expectation.

However, Li Yun did not agree immediately. He was full of doubts and worries, and he didn't know what kind of challenges and opportunities he was about to face. He pondered for a moment, then slowly asked: "Brother Six, can you tell me where you are now?"

The other end of the phone fell into a long silence again, as if it were a bottomless tunnel that no one could peer into. After a brief pause, Li Min's voice slowly sounded with a hint of hesitation and struggle.

"Where I am is not something you can know now." His tone revealed an unspeakable complex emotion, as if there were some important secrets hidden under the words, "Because once you know, it will be for you." That’s not a good thing to say.”

Li Yun's hand holding the phone receiver trembled slightly, and he could feel the heaviness and seriousness in Li Min's words. There was a strong curiosity and worry in his heart, but he also understood that since Li Min said this, he must have his own considerations.

"Why? Brother Six." Li Yun couldn't help but ask, with a hint of urgency and confusion in his voice.

Li Min sighed, seeming to be thinking about how to answer this question. After a while, he slowly spoke: "Anyway, listen to what I said. There is nothing wrong with it." There was a trace of unquestionable firmness in his tone, which made Li Yun unable to continue questioning.

Li Yun felt helpless, but he also understood that everyone has their own secrets and difficulties. He stopped asking questions and instead recalled his previous conversation with Li Min.

"I remember Brother Six said before that he would not let me leave Chang'an so soon." Li Yun said softly, his heart full of doubts and confusion.

Li Min seemed to understand Li Yun's doubts. He smiled softly, with a hint of helplessness and bitterness in his voice: "Yes, I did say that before. However, plans always fail to keep up with changes. Now I need talents here. Especially construction talent. You have been solving problems in construction, and your talents and abilities are very valuable to me, so I decided to let you come and help me.”

When Li Yun heard this, he couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement and pride in his heart. He knew that his talent in architecture had always been recognized and appreciated by Li Min, but he did not expect that Li Min would let him go to that mysterious place because of this.

However, despite being excited, Li Yun couldn't help but feel a little worried and apprehensive. He knew that he was about to face a new environment full of unknowns and challenges, and he didn't know whether he would be able to adapt and be qualified for the work there.

"Brother Six, I..." Li Yun just wanted to express his worries and concerns, but was interrupted by Li Min.

"Seventh brother, you don't have to worry." There was a hint of comfort and encouragement in Li Min's voice, "I will arrange everything so that you can reach me smoothly. You only need to do your job well, and I will take care of other things. It will be taken care of.”

When Li Yun heard this, his worries eased a little. He knew that Li Min was a capable and responsible person, and he believed that Li Min could arrange everything. However, there was still an unanswered question in his mind: "Brother Six, do you not believe me? Are you worried that I will tell my father what is going on here?"

Li Min couldn't help laughing when he heard this question: "Seventh brother, where are you thinking? How could I not believe you. The reason why I let you come here is because I really need your help here. Moreover, I I believe in your ability and loyalty, and you will not do anything harmful to me.”

When Li Yun heard this, the doubts in his heart finally disappeared, and he felt an unprecedented relief. He understood Li Min's intentions and painstaking efforts, and also felt Li Min's trust and expectations for him. At this moment, he seemed to see the road ahead, which was tortuous but full of hope.

However, there was still a question that bothered him, and that was where Li Min was. Li Min has always been tight-lipped about this and has never revealed any clues. Li Yun knew that even if he asked again, Li Min would not give the answer easily.

He took a deep breath, trying to calm down his excitement and curiosity. He understood that everyone had their own secrets and difficulties, and the reason why Li Min didn't tell them must be because of his considerations.

"Brother Six, I didn't mean that, but your decision makes me feel a little scared." Li Yun said softly, with a hint of nervousness and uneasiness in his voice.

Li Min seemed to feel Li Yun's emotions, and he comforted softly: "It's okay, just come over. I will arrange everything so that you can reach me smoothly."

However, Li Yun's worries did not lessen. He thought that his family was still in Chang'an, which made him feel an invisible restraint. He hesitated for a moment, and then said, "But, I still have family here."

Li Min seemed to have anticipated Li Yun's concerns. He smiled lightly and said, "I will take care of your family's affairs. Later, Wei Zheng will take care of it, so you don't have to worry about this."

Li Yun felt a little relieved when he heard this. He knew that Wei Zheng was an important minister around Li Shimin. With him handling family matters, there shouldn't be any big problems.

However, there is still an unresolved doubt in his mind, and that is his mother Wang Guifei. He knew that Concubine Wang Guifei had always had a hostile attitude towards Li Min. If she knew that she had gone to Li Min's place, it would probably cause unnecessary trouble.

"Then my mother..." Li Yun said hesitantly.

Li Yun seemed to understand Li Yun's worries, and he said in a deep voice: "She cannot know where we are going. It's not that I don't trust her, but I trust you more. Because the existence of this place cannot be known to others, Otherwise, there will be trouble."

When Li Yun heard this, he felt awe-inspiring in his heart. He understood what Li Min meant by "making trouble". It would be an unpredictable disaster. He took a deep breath and nodded firmly: "I understand, Brother Six. I will do it according to your arrangements."

Li Min seemed relieved when he heard Li Yun's answer, and his tense nerves finally relaxed. He took a deep breath, as if to absorb this relief into his heart, and then continued: "Besides, she and the emperor are husband and wife, there is no reason to separate other people's husband and wife."

These words were like a heavy hammer, completely shattering the last hesitation in Li Yun's heart. He understood that no matter how much he wanted to take his mother away from Chang'an, he could not break up the relationship between her and Li Shimin. This is not only a constraint of ethics and morals, but also a respect for family affection and love.

Li Yun was silent for a moment, seeming to digest this fact. A complex emotion surged in his heart, including concern for his mother and understanding of Li Min. He knew that he could no longer hesitate and had to make a decision.

"So, you know, only you and your family can know about this matter. Of course, Wang Guifei is also your family member, but she can't know." Li Min's tone became serious, and he knew the truth about this matter. severity.

Li Yun nodded, indicating that he understood. He knew that the reason why Li Min said this was because he was worried that Wang Guifei would talk nonsense and leak the existence of Shengtang Group. This will be a huge test for Shengtang Group. The current Shengtang Group may not be ready to face such a challenge.

"If the emperor finds out, you may still be unable to leave Chang'an, and it will also be a challenge for Shengtang Group." Li Min continued, with a hint of worry in his tone.

Li Yun took a deep breath, knowing that what Li Min said was the truth. If Li Shimin knew about the existence of Shengtang Group, he might take measures to restrict Li Yun's actions, or even suppress the Shengtang Group. For both Li Yun and Li Min, this was an undesirable result.

"It's best that we don't do such a thing." Li Min finally said, with a hint of warning in his tone.

Li Yun understood what Li Min meant. He was telling himself that he should not do things that might bring disaster to Shengtang Group because of impulse. He must remain calm and rational to make the right decision.

"I understand Brother Six!" Li Yun finally said these words, with a hint of firmness and determination in his voice. He knows that he must make a choice, and this choice will determine his future destiny.

At this moment, Li Yun's heart was filled with complex emotions. He felt both a sense of relief and a sense of heaviness. What was relieved was that he finally made a decision and no longer hesitated; what was heavy was that he knew that this decision would bring a series of consequences and challenges.

However, no matter how many difficulties and challenges lie ahead, Li Yun is ready. He believes that as long as he and Li Min work together, they will be able to overcome all difficulties and lead Shengtang Group to a more glorious future. (End of chapter)

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