Chapter 2369

After Li Yun heard these words, his heart was instantly grasped tightly by an invisible force, as if being tightly grasped by an invisible big hand. The deep feeling of powerlessness surged like a tidal wave, quickly occupying his heart and making him almost unable to breathe. He clearly realized that no matter how hard he struggled and tried, he seemed unable to shake Wei Zheng's iron-hard determination.

He looked up at Wei Zheng and saw that the other person's eyes were firm and deep, like the brightest star in the night sky. No matter how dark the surroundings were, it could not cover up its light. Wei Zheng's eyes were filled with unquestionable determination, as if he were a majestic mountain peak whose foundation could not be shaken by wind or rain.

Li Yun sighed helplessly, and that breath seemed to carry all his unwillingness and helplessness, like fallen leaves in autumn, slowly floating in the cold air. He turned around and prepared to leave. He never wanted to stay in this place that made him feel suffocated and depressed for one more second.

However, just as he was about to step out of the door, his steps suddenly stopped. He felt as if he was being pulled by an invisible force that was so powerful and mysterious that he couldn't resist. He couldn't help but look back at Wei Zheng. At that moment, a firm light flashed in his eyes.

The light was like the rising sun, burning from the depths of his heart, illuminating every inch of skin on his face. He took a deep breath, as if to draw all the courage and strength into his body. Then, he straightened his chest and said loudly: "Wei Zheng, I will not give up!"

His voice was firm and powerful, like a sharp sword, cutting through the silence in the room. After saying that, he turned around and strode away from the Shengtang Group's tenement building, each step appearing so firm and powerful.

The moment Li Yun stepped out of the tenement building, a breeze blew gently, carrying the unique coolness of the night and caressing his cheek. He looked up at the sky and saw a bright moon hanging high in the night sky, shedding silvery white light, as if covering this dark world with a mysterious veil.

At this moment, a pair of women broke into his sight. They were slowly passing by him holding a child. The child's laughter was clear and sweet, as sweet as a mountain stream. It echoed in the night sky, adding a bit of vitality to the silent night.

Seeing this scene, Li Yun felt a sudden warmth in his heart, as if he was infected by the child's laughter, and the haze in his heart also dissipated a bit. He suddenly remembered a person - Concubine Yang, the woman who was inextricably linked to Li Min.

If Concubine Yang is found, she may be able to learn about the whereabouts of sixth brother Li Min. This thought flashed through his mind like a bolt of lightning, making him instantly excited. Yes, Concubine Yang has a close relationship with Li Min, and she may know where Li Min is hiding. However, he also understood that this idea was not simple. As the emperor, Li Shimin was very thoughtful. He would definitely think of this and send someone to monitor Concubine Yang.

However, Li Yun did not give up. He knows that sometimes, the success of things often depends on the slightest bit of courage and determination. He decided to use other methods to make excuses, that is, to ask Concubine Yang under the guise of Li Min's name, so as to learn the whereabouts of Li Min. In this way, he could leave Chang'an and meet with Li Min to discuss future plans.

So, he rushed home with excitement. The night is getting darker, and the lights of the palace are brightly lit, like bright pearls embedded in the darkness. He knew that the road ahead would be full of unknowns and dangers, but he was ready and determined to uncover the truth of it all. He took his wife and children into the palace full of mystery and majesty, full of expectation and determination.

Li Yun took his wife and children and walked towards Concubine Yang's palace. His wife looked at him puzzled, with curiosity shining in her eyes, but she did not ask any more questions because she knew that Li Yun had his own reasons for doing things. Along the way, the wife teased the child, and the little guy's innocent smile was like the spring sunshine, warming everyone's heart.

Soon, they reached the depths of the palace. Concubine Yang's palace is located in this quiet and deep garden, surrounded by green bamboo forests and blooming flowers. They are blooming, as if welcoming every visitor. The moonlight is like water, quietly falling on every corner of the palace, adding a bit of mystery and tranquility to the palace.

Li Yun stood at the door of the palace, took a deep breath of the flower-scented air, and couldn't help but feel an inexplicable tension in his heart. He knew that the success of this trip all depended on the conversation that followed. He adjusted his breathing to make his voice sound more steady and powerful, and then said loudly: "Fei Yang, Yun'er brought his family to see me!"

His voice echoed in the empty palace, as if awakening ancient gods from their slumber. Concubine Yang heard the sound, she gently put down the teacup in her hand, frowned slightly, and a trace of curiosity surged in her heart. She didn't have a close relationship with Li Yun, so why did he bring his wife and children to see her now? Her heart was full of doubts and expectations, and she didn't know what the purpose of Li Yun's trip was.

Concubine Yang stood up, walked to the window, and looked at the bright full moon. The moonlight shone on her face, adding a bit of mystery and charm to her jade-white skin. She thought quietly, trying to guess Li Yun's purpose.

Soon, Li Yun's figure came into view of Concubine Yang. He was wearing a dark robe. The material of the robe seemed ordinary, but it faintly revealed an extraordinary temperament. He is tall and straight, like a pine tree standing in the wind and rain, tough and powerful. His face has clear lines, and his deep eyes seem to contain endless wisdom and determination. He is so majestic that people dare not look directly at him.

Following behind him was his wife. She was dressed in simple and elegant clothes, without makeup, but she had a gentle temperament. Her eyes were full of admiration and love for her husband, and the child in her arms was like a little angel, so cute that you couldn't help but tease her. That child's innocent smile seemed to melt all the coldness and hardness in the world.

"Concubine Yang, Yun'er is polite!" Li Yun stepped forward, clasped his hands together, and saluted respectfully. His wife followed closely behind and saluted together. The scene was harmonious and beautiful.

Concubine Yang looked at them, nodded slightly, and motioned for them to sit down. Her eyes sparkled with wisdom, as if she could see through all illusions and truths. Li Yun, his wife and children sat down on the cushions. For a moment, the atmosphere in the palace became a little subtle, as if there was an undercurrent quietly surging.

"Yun'er, what did you come here to do today?" Concubine Yang asked straight to the point. Her voice was soft yet majestic, like the spring breeze blowing on her face, yet it carried an undoubted power.

Li Yun took a deep breath, calmed down, and then said, "Concubine Yang, it's like this. Sixth Brother asked me to ask you a question." There was a trace of hesitation in his voice, as if he was worried about what he was going to say next. "Oh? What's the problem?" Concubine Yang asked curiously, her eyes sparkling with curiosity, as if full of desire to explore the world.

Li Yun hesitated for a moment, as if weighing the pros and cons, and then said: "He said he would take you to him." Although his voice was low, a kind of joy echoed in the palace.

When Concubine Yang heard this, a warm current suddenly surged in her heart, like the sunshine in early spring shining on her heart, warm and bright. She thought about the past with Li Min, the happy times they spent together, and the difficult years of supporting each other, and she couldn't help but feel filled with emotion. Her eyes sparkled with longing, as if she could penetrate the barriers of time and space and return to those beautiful days.

However, this warmth was soon replaced by a trace of doubt. She asked with some confusion: "Why don't you tell me directly, kid?" There was a hint of doubt and expectation in her voice, as if she was waiting for Li Yun to give an answer.

Li Yun explained: "Brother Six has been so busy recently that he didn't even have time to talk to me. He asked someone to find me and asked me to help deliver a message to you. However, Brother Six did not tell me that he The current specific location, I just hung up the phone in a hurry, and I can't contact him anymore, so I want to ask you if you know Brother Six's current location, and then take you to him."

After hearing this, Concubine Yang fell into deep thought. Her brows furrowed slightly, as if she was thinking about Li Min's intentions and how she should respond. She didn't think too much about whether there was anything wrong with Li Yun's words, because in her heart, Li Min was always the child she loved so much, and she was willing to believe everything about him.

She said to herself: "I haven't seen Zhen'er for many years! How could he suddenly think of me at this time? He must have something important. But, if I leave here, will His Majesty agree? What? No, I can’t leave like this, but I really want to see him!”

Concubine Yang's conflicting emotions were like a mess, which made Li Yun feel a little at a loss. He sat there with his hands clenched into fists and his eyes wandering, not knowing how to respond to Concubine Yang's doubts and expectations. His wife held the child quietly, occasionally using her eyes to indicate to Li Yun what to say, but Concubine Yang was in a complicated mood at the moment, and Li Yun really couldn't find the right words to comfort her.

The atmosphere in the palace became a little heavy, as if there was an invisible pressure spreading quietly. Li Yun knew that it was not appropriate to say anything more at this moment, so he could only wait silently for Concubine Yang's decision. Concubine Yang fell into deep contemplation, her heart filled with longing for Li Min and worries about the unknown future.

At this moment, Li Yun's mood was so mixed that it was hard to describe. He was eager to learn Li Min's whereabouts quickly so that he could escape Chang'an as soon as possible and embark on the road to realize his plan; at the same time, he was worried, deeply afraid that his actions would implicate Concubine Yang and put her in jail. After all, Concubine Yang lives in the palace, and her every move is like being bound by invisible shackles, and she is under strict surveillance and restraint at all times. This kind of inner struggle and contradiction made Li Yun feel extremely heavy, as if a huge stone was pressing on his chest, making him almost breathless.

Under such emotional pressure, Li Yun took a deep breath, trying to calm down his excitement and make his voice sound as calm and sincere as possible. He looked at Concubine Yang, with a hint of sincerity in his voice: "Concubine Yang, um, do you know where sixth brother Li Min is at this moment? I intend to fly a plane to take you there to meet him."

His words were like pebbles thrown into the lake, instantly breaking Concubine Yang's tranquility of contemplation. Concubine Yang raised her head and looked at him with eyes full of surprise. The emotions in her heart were like the turbulent sea, including longing and expectation for Li Min, as well as fear and uneasiness about the unknown journey. She knew that once she embarked on this road, it meant facing countless unknowns and risks, but she also knew that this was the only chance to reunite with Li Min.

At the same time, Li Yun's wife was also shocked. She looked at Li Yun, her eyes full of doubts and confusion. She didn't understand why Li Yun suddenly proposed such a plan, let alone why he wanted to leave Chang'an with Concubine Yang. However, she also knew that this was not the time to ask, so she could only wait silently for Li Yun to finish speaking.

"What did you say?" Concubine Yang's voice was trembling and startled, and a trace of confusion flashed in her eyes. "Where is your sixth brother? I... I really don't know!" Her voice sounded. Lower and lower, as if ashamed of his ignorance.

Li Yun's expression also froze for an instant. He couldn't believe his ears, frowned, and asked doubtfully: "What? How is this possible? Didn't Brother Six contact you? Didn't he tell you where he was going? ?"

Concubine Yang shook her head gently, with a hint of helplessness and loss in her voice: "No, Zhen'er... he didn't tell me his specific location. Over the years, the contact between us has been limited to occasional He is always running around during phone calls and videos, and I never ask about his whereabouts.”

Li Yun was completely embarrassed and disappointed. He originally thought that he could easily find Li Min's whereabouts through Yang Fei, but he didn't expect such a result. His heart was full of loss and frustration, and at the same time he gritted his teeth unwillingly.

He took a deep breath, trying to calm down his emotions, and then said slowly: "Is that so... It seems that I can't take you there for the time being. Otherwise, you can try asking Wei Zheng, after all, he is The person Sixth Brother trusts the most may know some information that we don’t know.”

Li Yun already had a new plan in mind. He thought of Wei Zheng, a man with an upright character. Although Wei Zheng treated everyone equally and kept Li Min's secrets, Li Yun felt that since Concubine Yang asked in person, Wei Zheng might reveal some useful information to him.

However, he also knew in his heart that this was just a possibility. Wei Zheng's character and loyalty determine that he will not reveal anyone's secrets easily. Even Concubine Yang may not be able to get exact answers from him.

But at this moment, Li Yun had no other better way. He could only place his hope on Wei Zheng, hoping that this important official in the court would reveal some useful information to him for the sake of Concubine Yang. At the same time, he prayed silently in his heart, hoping that everything would go smoothly so that he could find Li Min as soon as possible and leave here as soon as possible.

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