Li Shimin was sitting on the dragon chair, his eyes as bright as a torch, as if he could see into people's hearts. He stared at Li Yun in front of him, and the emotions in his heart were like the undulating sea, full of joy and pride for his son, but also mixed with unspeakable doubts and worries.

He saw the firmness and determination in Li Yun's eyes, which was the maturity and stability given to him by time and experience. He knew that this son was no longer the immature boy he once was, but an adult with his own thoughts and opinions. His growth made Li Shimin feel happy, but it also made him more vigilant.

As an emperor, Li Shimin knew that he must stay awake and vigilant at all times and not be swayed by family affection. Therefore, he did not speak immediately, but quietly looked at Li Yun, trying to read more information from his expression and demeanor.

Li Yun also felt Li Shimin's gaze, but he did not flinch or avoid it. He met Li Shimin's gaze calmly, as if telling his father with his actions: I am ready. No matter what you want to say, I will face it calmly.

The two of them were relatively speechless, and the atmosphere seemed tense and solemn. The surrounding palace people also held their breath and did not dare to make any sound. They knew that this was a conversation about the relationship between father and son and about the future of Datang.

At this moment, Li Yun suddenly spoke: "Meet Father!" His voice was firm and powerful, as if to break the silence.

Li Shimin frowned slightly, feeling Li Yun's uneasiness and nervousness. He took a deep look at Li Yun, and then slowly said: "I have been thinking about a question."

Li Yun's heart tightened suddenly. He knew what Li Shimin might ask next. He tried to stay calm, but his heart was undulating like a lake blown by strong winds. He is afraid that his secret will be exposed, and he is even more afraid of losing his father's trust and favor.

He clenched his fists tightly and dug his nails into his palms, as if he wanted to use pain to remind himself to stay awake and calm. He told himself that no matter what Li Shimin asked, he had to be honest and couldn't hide anything.

However, when Li Shimin's question really fell on his ears, he still felt panicked. He didn't know how to answer, let alone how to face the consequences that might happen next.

He raised his head and his eyes carefully fell on Li Shimin, trying to catch a hint of comfort or some kind of hint from his father's eyes as deep as the sea. However, Li Shimin's eyes were like a lake shrouded in thick fog, calm and deep, without revealing any emotion. Li Yun couldn't help but feel a sense of depression and fear in his heart, as if he was standing in front of a huge insurmountable mountain, feeling unprecedented pressure.

Li Shimin's voice echoed in the empty hall, calm and deep, but with an irresistible majesty: "What did Li Min give you? Why would you rather go to Concubine Yang and ask her to tell you where he is?" Are you willing to stay in Chang'an?" These words were like a bolt of lightning, instantly splitting the fog in Li Yun's heart.

Li Yun was speechless when asked. He did not expect that Li Shimin would mention the matter so directly. He originally thought that he had done it secretly enough, but he didn't expect that Li Shimin had already understood everything. He froze on the spot, looking at Li Shimin with empty eyes, and his heart was in confusion.

Li Shimin was sitting on the dragon chair, his eyes as bright as a torch, as if he could see into people's hearts. He looked at Li Yun quietly, but his heart was in turmoil. He understood that every word and sentence he spoke was related to the future of Datang, and more importantly, to the trust and understanding between father and son. He took a deep breath and tried to keep his voice calm: "I hope you can be honest and don't hide anything."

Every word was like a heavy hammer, hitting Li Yun's heart hard. He felt his heart beating violently, as if it was about to burst out of his chest. He felt that his face had turned pale and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

There was a panic in his heart, as if someone had suddenly lifted off the fig leaf. Everything he had planned now seemed meaningless. He even began to doubt his decision. Was it wrong from the beginning? He felt that his thinking had become confused and he didn't know how to answer Li Shimin's question.

He stood there, his body trembling slightly, his heart filled with fear and uneasiness. He knew that he had nowhere to escape and could only face Li Shimin's questioning. He tried to calm down his emotions and tried to find a suitable way to answer Li Shimin's question.

However, no matter how hard he tried, he could not hide the panic and uneasiness in his heart. He knew that he had lost Li Shimin's trust, as well as his dignity and honor. He could only bear the pressure and fear silently, waiting for Li Shimin's next move.

Li Yun slowly raised his head, his eyes carefully falling on Li Shimin. He longed to find some comfort or guidance from his father's eyes as deep as the sea. However, Li Shimin's eyes were like a lake shrouded in thick fog, calm and deep, making it impossible for him to glimpse the mystery.

At this moment, Li Yun's heart was full of mixed flavors, as if he had knocked over a spice bottle. The sweet, sour, bitter, spicy, and salty flavors were intertwined together. He felt an unprecedented panic and helplessness, as if he was standing on the edge of a huge abyss, the ground under his feet was crumbling, and if he was not careful, he would fall into the place of no return.

Recalling what he had done before, Li Yun felt regretful. If I had known earlier, I would have followed Li Min's advice and not act impulsively or do so many regrettable things. However, the desire and impulse for freedom in his heart, like a wild horse running wild, prevented him from stopping. He wanted to leave Chang'an City and pursue the vast sky in his heart.

But now, he seems trapped by his own impulses and desires. Facing Li Shimin's question, he felt at a loss and didn't know how to answer. He didn't even know how to clean up the mess in front of him and get everything back on track.

He felt dizzy, as if the whole world was spinning. His heartbeat echoed like thunder in his chest, making it almost impossible to breathe. He stood there with empty eyes, letting the panic and fear in his heart spread like a tide.

At this time, he truly realized what it means to "do one's own fault and you will not survive." He understood that all the difficulties and pain he was facing now were caused by himself. His heart was filled with regret and self-blame, but he was powerless and could only endure it all silently.

He stood there, letting time pass, but it seemed he could never get out of this darkness. He didn't know what to do next, nor how to face the future. He could only stand there blankly, letting the panic and fear in his heart continue to spread.

Li Yun stood there, as if frozen in time. His mind was churning wildly, but on the outside he maintained a stiff calm. The light in his eyes gradually dimmed, as if all color had been lost, leaving only endless darkness.

The air around him seemed to become heavy, making him breathless. His chest was heaving, and every breath felt like a struggle. His hands were clenched into fists, his nails digging into his palms, but he couldn't feel any pain.

His thoughts were like fallen leaves blown away by the strong wind, drifting in all directions and unable to concentrate. He tried to recall everything in the past, but found that he had been lost in the maze of memory. He didn't know how he got here, or how to get out.

Li Shimin's voice rang in his ears again, as if it came from a distant place, but also as if it was very close at hand. Every word was like a heavy hammer, hitting Li Yun's heart hard. He felt his heart tremble, as if it was about to burst out of his chest.

He tried to calm down his emotions and tried to find a suitable way to answer Li Shimin's question. However, he found that he had lost the ability to speak. His throat seemed to be blocked by something, and he could not make any sound. He could only stand there and let the panic and fear in his heart continue to spread. He felt that his world was collapsing and everything was moving away from him. He didn't know how to face all this, let alone how to clean up this mess.

At this time, he had completely fallen into the abyss of despair. He felt as if his soul had been pulled away, leaving only an empty body. He didn't know how long he could hold on, or whether he still had the courage to face the road ahead.

Li Yun stood there, as if swallowed by the torrent of time, unable to break free from the shackles of darkness. His heart was filled with endless regret and self-blame, like a blazing flame, constantly burning his soul. He knew that he had made an irreparable mistake, but he could not find a way to redemption.

In the end, Li Shimin still failed to get a reply from Li Yun. He frowned, and there was an unquestionable majesty in his voice: "What? Why did you go to find him? Can't you tell yourself?"

Li Yun's heart tightened, and he knew that he could no longer hide it. He took a deep breath and plucked up the courage to say, "Father, no, that's not the case. I just want to know where Brother Six is."

Li Shimin stared at Li Yun, with complex emotions in his eyes. He understood that Li Yun was not completely telling the truth, but he also did not expose it directly. He said in a deep voice: "Don't tell me, I already know it."

Li Yun felt panicked in his heart, and he knew that he could no longer hide it. He gritted his teeth and continued: "No, no, no, father, it's not what you think." Now it seems that it has become impossible for him to leave Chang'an.

Li Shimin shook his head slightly, knowing that Li Yun was still trying to escape reality. He said calmly: "Admit it, it's okay. I won't blame you."

After hearing these words, Li Yun's defense finally collapsed. He lowered his head and said in a trembling voice: "Father, this is indeed the case. Sixth Brother has never been in Chang'an. Now there are many things in Shengtang Group that cannot find him unless he uses the phone. Erchen just wants to know His whereabouts so that the group's affairs can be handled promptly."

Li Shimin stared at Li Yun, his deep eyes seemed to contain endless history and wisdom. His eyes moved over Li Yun's face, as if trying to decipher more information. Li Yun felt a strong pressure, as if being penetrated by Li Shimin's gaze, and he couldn't help but feel a surge of complex emotions in his heart.

He knew that Li Yun made such a choice because of his deep loyalty to Datang and his firm sense of responsibility to his family. This sense of loyalty and responsibility drives him to carry out orders that seem risky or even disobedient, even if it puts him in dangerous situations.

However, Li Shimin also knew that Li Yun's behavior had exceeded his expectations and bottom line. As a wise monarch, although he appreciated Li Yun's courage and loyalty, he could not tolerate any behavior that challenged his authority.

"Can't even the people from the Shengtang Group find him?" Li Shimin's voice was low and powerful, as if he was asking or talking to himself.

Only then did Li Yun realize that he had spoken too quickly and exposed his flaws. His heart tightened, knowing that Li Shimin had never known about this matter. Originally, he wanted to take this opportunity to gain some benefits for Shengtang Group, but now it seems that the situation has become a bit complicated.

Some time ago, Li Shimin had intended to incorporate the Shengtang Group and bring it under the control of the imperial court. But now, if Li Shimin knows that Li Min does not exist in Shengtang Group, then Shengtang Group may face an unprecedented crisis.

Li Yun shook his head instinctively, wanting to deny all this. But Li Shimin seemed to have seen through him, and his sharp eyes seemed to be able to penetrate people's hearts. He knew that Li Yun was hiding something, but he did not get angry immediately, but quietly waited for Li Yun's explanation.

At this moment, Li Yun had mixed feelings in his heart. He knew that he had fallen into a dangerous situation. But he also understood that no matter what, he could not betray his loyalty and beliefs. He took a deep breath and prepared himself for the possible storm.

Li Shimin's eyes were still sharp, as if he could penetrate all lies and disguises. He waited quietly for Li Yun's answer. That calmness contained a majesty that could not be ignored.

Li Yun felt an invisible pressure, but he still mustered up the courage and decided to tell the truth. He took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "Your Majesty, I do know Li Min's whereabouts, but I cannot reveal it easily. This matter is related to the stability and safety of the Tang Dynasty, and I must act with caution."

Li Shimin frowned slightly, obviously not satisfied with Li Yun's answer. But he also understood that since Li Yun dared to say this, he must have his reasons. He said solemnly: "Since you knew that he was not in the Shengtang Group, why didn't you tell me earlier? If you had told me earlier, then I wouldn't have to work so hard!"

Li Shimin was talking about the acquisition of Shengtang Group.

Now it seems that this matter has become much simpler.

Especially if Fang Xuanling intervenes again.

I'm afraid the highway thing hasn't been completed yet.

Now it can be said that as long as you have money, you should be able to join the Shengtang Group.

So Li Shimin is very confident now.

But Li Yun was unhappy. He had now betrayed Li Min.

Now, Shengtang Group may never want him again, just like it did back then. (End of chapter)

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