Chapter 2377

The corners of Li Shimin's mouth raised slightly, revealing a gentle smile. At the same time, he nodded slightly, showing extreme satisfaction with Li Ke's words. His eyes shone with curiosity, full of expectation like a child, and he seemed to have countless questions he wanted to ask eagerly.

Then he raised his hand and stroked his chin gently, and asked again: "Besides, what else is there?" Li Shimin's question was like a bolt of lightning piercing the sky, causing a look of surprise to appear on Li Ke's face. In the past, Li Shimin would never pay attention to such matters, but at this moment, he showed a strong interest in this matter.

"There is also synthetic biology." Li Ke's words revealed a hint of surprise.

"What is that?" Li Shimin frowned slightly, his eyes like two blazing flames, staring closely at Li Ke, and asked eagerly, his voice containing an urgent desire for knowledge.

Li Yun on the side spoke impatiently, with sincerity and eagerness in his tone, as if he were a traveler in the desert craving for water, and his eyes were full of thirst for knowledge, like a hungry man seeing delicious food. His body leaned forward slightly involuntarily, obviously still in a state of confusion about many things. At this moment, for him, it happened to be the perfect time to learn about this new knowledge. He deeply felt that he must know this knowledge.

"Okay, let me tell you my opinion!" Li Ke took a deep breath, as if to absorb the wisdom and strength of the world, and then straightened his body, like a towering mountain, calm and firm.

"Say!" Li Shimin folded his arms and nodded slightly. His eyes were like the deep starry sky, containing endless wisdom and expectations.

"Wait, father, wait for me!" Li Ke said, while quickly organizing the words in his mind, his thoughts were like a flock of birds circling and soaring in the air, and his hands were also gesticulating in the air, as if describing a scene. A grand blueprint.

"Why?" Li Shimin asked with a trace of confusion on his face.

"There are a lot of things, I have to prepare well!" Li Ke frowned slightly, with a serious expression, as if he was facing a difficult battle.

When Li Shimin saw this, he waved his hand and shouted loudly: "Come here, give Ke'er a glass of water!"

Not long after, a man holding a glass of water quickly walked up to Li Ke and carefully handed the glass over.

Li Ke grabbed the water glass without hesitation, raised his head and drank it in a big gulp. His throat was like long-dried land, greedily sucking every drop of the water of life. He was so thirsty that he drank every drop of water with a few gurgling sounds. After finishing the drink, he casually wiped the remaining water droplets at the corner of his mouth with the back of his hand, thinking to himself: "Finally my thirst has been quenched. Now I can tell my father about it."

Li Shimin waited patiently on the side, his eyes full of concern and expectation, his hands hanging naturally on his knees, nodding slightly, as if to encourage Li Ke.

"Is it okay?" Li Shimin asked softly, with a hint of gentleness in his tone. His eyes fell on Li Ke, with a faint smile on his face.

"Okay, father, please listen." Li Ke calmed down and took a deep breath to calm down a little. He adjusted his sitting posture, sitting more upright, and clenched his hands slightly, as if to encourage himself. He thought to himself: "I must explain this matter clearly so that my father understands my thoughts." Then he began to talk slowly.

His voice is calm and firm, with a moderate speed and a measured tone, and full of confidence: "Synthetic biology is an emerging scientific field that aims to design and build new biological systems or transform existing biological systems. . It integrates information and communication technology, biotechnology and nanotechnology to achieve precise control and transformation of organisms by recombining and regulating biological components such as genes, enzymes and metabolic pathways in organisms.

Quite different from traditional biology, which dissects living organisms to study their inner structures, the research orientation of synthetic biology is to start from the most basic elements and gradually build parts to create artificial biological systems that operate like circuits. There are also significant differences between synthetic biology and genetic engineering. Genetic engineering mainly focuses on extending, changing and transferring the genes of one species to another species, while the goal of synthetic biology is to build biological systems with specific functions.

The research scope of synthetic biology is extremely broad, covering but not limited to gene design, systems biology, metabolic analysis and redesign, and artificial cell construction. Gene design involves identifying sequences and the interaction patterns and regulatory mechanisms between sequences, while synthesis involves creating these genes in the laboratory. Systems biology is committed to exploring the overall architecture and functions of biological systems and revealing the complex interrelationships and regulatory networks among organisms. Metabolic analysis and redesign focuses on the regulatory mechanisms of biological reaction processes and metabolic pathways to explore ways to improve and optimize metabolism. Artificial cell construction is another hot topic in synthetic biology, which aims to construct biological systems with specific functions through artificial combination of cells.

Synthetic biology has a wide range of applications, including healthcare, chemicals and energy, agriculture, food, and consumer products. In the field of medical and health care, synthetic biology can be used in many aspects such as innovative treatment options, in vitro testing, production of pharmaceutical ingredients, and pharmaceutical enzymes. In the fields of chemicals and energy, synthetic biology can be used to create biodegradable plastics, biofuels, and more. In the agricultural field, synthetic biology can be used to increase crop production, pest control, animal feed, and crop improvement. In the food field, synthetic biology can be used for research and applications in meat and dairy products, beverages, food safety, etc.

In recent years, the field of synthetic biology has made numerous significant advances. For example, scientists have successfully created a yeast strain with more than 50% of its genome synthesized in the laboratory. This achievement fully demonstrates the huge potential of developing the first synthetic eukaryotic genome from scratch.

All in all, synthetic biology is an emerging discipline full of endless potential and severe challenges. It will continuously promote the vigorous development of biotechnology and provide new ideas and methods for solving various problems faced by mankind. "

During the narration process, Li Ke's eyes were firm and confident, shining like stars. His gestures are smart and natural, and his expressions constantly change with the content of his explanation. Sometimes his eyebrows are furrowed, as if he is thinking about a profound problem; sometimes he smiles and nods, as if he is full of confidence in the views he expounds, as if he has already been immersed in this magical field and is fascinated.

Li Shimin listened intently, his eyes as firm as a rock, focusing intently on Li Ke. He nodded from time to time, with a thoughtful look on his face, as if he was trying to understand these novel knowledge. Occasionally, he would ask one or two questions to further discuss with Li Ke. His voice was deep and magnetic, as if it contained endless wisdom.

Li Shimin listened attentively, with a thoughtful look on his face, and nodded from time to time. After Li Ke finished speaking, he fell into brief contemplation. After a while, Li Shimin raised his head, his eyes flashing with excitement, and said, "Ke'er, is this subject really so amazing? So how does the application of synthetic biology in the medical and health field achieve innovative treatments?" Li Ke smiled slightly and replied confidently: "Father, synthetic biology can develop new therapeutic drugs and therapies through careful design and precise control of genes and biological components. For example, using advanced gene editing technology, cleverly Repair or finely regulate disease-causing genes to effectively treat genetic diseases."

Li Shimin then asked: "In the energy field, how to use synthetic biology to produce biofuels?"

Li Ke replied: "Father, synthetic biology can ingeniously transform microorganisms to produce biofuels that can replace traditional fossil fuels, such as bioethanol. This can not only reduce dependence on limited resources, but also Significantly reduce environmental pollution.”

Li Shimin asked again: "What about agriculture? How to increase crop production and prevent pests?"

Li Ke replied: "Synthetic biology can construct microorganisms with specific functions. They are like a group of hard-working elves, promoting the growth of crops and increasing yields. At the same time, it can also develop magical biological agents that can control pests." "

Li Shimin continued to ask: "In the food field, how to ensure the safety of synthetic biology applications?"

Li Ke frowned slightly, his eyes staring into the distance, as if to penetrate the endless void, and he carefully searched for the right words in his mind. His eyes flashed with the light of thought, like the bright stars in the night sky. After a moment, he slowly opened his mouth and replied: "Father, this does require an extremely strict supervision and evaluation mechanism. Those outstanding scientists will conduct a comprehensive risk assessment of synthetic biology technology with a high degree of professionalism and rigorous attitude, and must ensure its safety in the food field."

Li Shimin nodded slightly, his movements were elegant and calm, and there was a hint of relief on his face, and he said softly: "Ke'er, your knowledge of this subject can be said to be in-depth and thorough. I am sincerely pleased. Such an emerging subject. , if it can be applied properly, it will definitely bring great benefits to the people. I want to vigorously support the development of this emerging science and technology. Do you have any good suggestions?"

Li Ke's spirit perked up, a hint of excitement flashed in his eyes, as if all the blood in his body was boiling at this moment. He hurriedly replied: "Father is a wise man! I believe that the top priority is to increase investment in scientific research, recruit talents from all over the world, and jointly explore the unknown in this field. At the same time, set up a special organization to coordinate the resources of all parties and promote synthesis "Research and Applications in Biology."

Li Shimin nodded slightly, his eyes became deep and wise, and he said thoughtfully: "What I said is true. However, the development of such emerging technologies also needs to pay attention to guarding against potential risks. How to promote development while Ensuring its safety is also an issue that cannot be ignored.”

Li Ke thought for a moment, his brows furrowed slightly, and his eyes revealed a firmness and wisdom. He replied: "Er Chen feels that strict laws and regulations can be formulated to strengthen supervision of the research and application of synthetic biology. At the same time, scientists are encouraged to uphold a rigorous scientific attitude and continuously explore and improve technology to ensure its safety and reliability."

Li Shimin smiled with satisfaction. His smile was like the warm spring sun, warm and bright, full of admiration and affirmation for Li Ke. He raised his head slightly, with a wise light in his eyes, and said: "Very good! I will work with others to formulate relevant policies and fully support the development of emerging science and technology. Ke'er, you also need to pay more attention to this matter, for the sake of Datang's future." Contribute to prosperity.”

At this moment, Li Yun's voice sounded in the hall, breaking the moment of tranquility. "Fourth brother, there is something I don't understand." There was a trace of doubt in Li Yun's tone, and his young and delicate face was full of confusion.

Li Ke turned his head, with some doubts in his eyes, and asked softly: "Tell me, what don't you understand?" His voice was calm and gentle, revealing his concern for his younger brother.

Li Shimin also turned his attention to Li Yun, with a trace of questioning in his eyes, as if asking him what he still didn't understand.

Li Yun hesitated for a moment, then plucked up the courage to say, "Is synthetic biology really as powerful as you say?" There was a hint of doubt in his voice, as if he was full of curiosity and questions about this emerging discipline.

It turned out that Li Yun had doubts about the role of synthetic biology. However, for the knowledgeable Li Ke, this is nothing. He smiled slightly, a glint of confidence flashing in his eyes.

Li Ke looked focused and said sincerely: "Yun'er, synthetic biology is indeed a subject with broad prospects and unlimited potential. It is dedicated to the careful design and clever construction of biological systems to achieve specific functions and wide applications. Goal. This subject is like a shining pearl, integrating the essence of biology, chemistry, engineering and other fields, and showing extremely broad application prospects.

In this vital field of medicine, synthetic biology plays a pivotal role and can be used to develop innovative drugs and highly effective treatments. Through precise editing and clever transformation of genes, biomolecules with extraordinary functions can be successfully created, opening up new ways to cure diseases.

For agriculture, it is like a sweet rain, which can greatly improve the characteristics of crops, greatly increase yields, and significantly enhance the ability to resist pests and diseases. At the same time, it can also show its talents in the field of environmental protection, such as carefully designing highly sensitive biosensors to achieve accurate monitoring of environmental pollution.

In addition, synthetic biology also has huge potential in the energy field. It has the ability to make full use of the unique advantages of microorganisms to produce a large amount of renewable energy, providing a promising new path to solve the energy crisis.

In short, synthetic biology is undoubtedly a subject full of endless opportunities and huge challenges. Its rapid development will definitely bring extremely far-reaching and significant impacts to human society. "

If you put it this way, Li Yun still doesn't understand, so his understanding ability is a bit poor.

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