After listening to Li Ke's words, Li Shimin's face bloomed with a smile as bright as the sun, which was full of relief and joy. He then turned to look at Li Yun, with some expectation in his eyes, and said slowly: "Yun'er, what do you think will be the benefits to Datang if solar energy is developed? Can you elaborate on it?"

Li Shimin's question made Li Yun's eyes widen in an instant, showing great surprise and surprise. He didn't expect that his father would suddenly ask this question, which caught him off guard for a moment. Li Ke on the side was also very confused, frowning slightly and looking at Li Shimin in confusion.

But Li Yun quickly calmed down and responded respectfully: "Yes! Father!" Then, when he was about to explain, Li Shimin suddenly interrupted him and said: "Wait a minute!"

Li Yun's heart tightened and he didn't understand why his father asked him to wait. He raised his head and looked at Li Shimin in confusion, only to see Li Shimin looking at him with gentle eyes. Just when he was confused, he heard Li Shimin say: "Come, give Li Yun a seat!" As soon as he finished speaking, the eunuch acted quickly and brought in an exquisite chair.

A warm current suddenly surged in Li Yun's heart, which was a small touch. Before that, Li Ke was sitting leisurely, and Li Shimin was also sitting there, but he was the only one who stood the whole time. Now that Li Shimin asked him to sit down, he felt the warmth of being treated as an equal, as if the ice in his heart was quietly melting at this moment.

"Thank you, Father!" Li Yun's voice contained a hint of gratitude.

"Okay, you sit down and talk!" Li Shimin said with a smile.

"Yes!" Li Yun sat down obediently, his mood becoming particularly complicated at this moment. Deep in his heart, he was both nervous and uneasy about explaining his point of view, and also deeply moved by his father's concern. This mixture of complex emotions made him feel a little flustered. He adjusted his sitting posture slightly and straightened his body, as if he was carefully preparing for the in-depth explanation that was about to unfold.

Then, he slowly said: "First of all, in terms of energy security, the widespread application of solar energy is gradually reducing Datang's over-reliance on traditional fossil energy. Over-reliance on external fossil energy, once supply interruptions or price fluctuations occur, Datang's will be in trouble. Now, with the continuous development and application of solar energy technology, the situation is changing.

Take some remote areas of Datang as an example. In the past, development in these places was very slow due to inconvenient transportation and lack of energy. However, by vigorously promoting solar photovoltaic power generation, these areas not only solved the energy supply problem, but also used solar energy to develop specialty industries, such as solar water heater manufacturing, solar street light installation, etc., driving the development of the local economy. This not only greatly improved the lives of local people, but also provided strong support for the stable development of Datang.

Li Yun felt Li Shimin's recognition and felt excited. A delighted smile appeared on his face, and his bright eyes shone with determination. He bowed deeply and replied respectfully: "Thank you, Father!"

At the same time, the widespread application of solar energy can also reduce greenhouse gas emissions and play a positive role in environmental protection. Just like the solar bus system we have implemented in some cities, it not only reduces operating costs, but also reduces exhaust emissions and makes the city's sky bluer. This is like laying a solid foundation for Datang's energy building, enabling our Datang to move forward more steadily and confidently in the energy field, without fear of any fluctuations and challenges from the outside world. "

His voice was full of passion and longing. It was loud and firm, as if it could penetrate all obstacles, making people deeply impressed. His words were like a burning flame, exuding fiery energy, so that everyone who heard them could feel the power contained in them. In his description, the utilization of solar energy is like a beautiful picture, slowly unfolding in front of people's eyes.

Li Shimin listened intently and nodded in agreement from time to time. Li Yun continued: "This solar energy not only brings changes to the sky, but also brings vitality to the earth. Under the heavy pressure of pollution, the earth seems to be breathless. But now, with the widespread application of solar energy, the earth It’s as if we’ve been given a chance to breathe and are full of vitality again. The vegetation is more lush, the singing of birds and the fragrance of flowers have become the norm, and people feel like they’re in a beautiful paradise.”

Li Shimin looked at Li Yun with admiration in his eyes. He waved his hand to signal Li Yun to continue, and at the same time said in that gentle but powerful voice: "Go on!"

He paused and continued: "Under the influence of this magic, a large amount of greenhouse gas emissions have been reduced, as if layers of haze have been wiped away from the sky. The blue sky is once again displayed in front of people's eyes. , allowing people to look up to the long-lost purity and beauty. The air quality has been significantly improved, and blue skies and white clouds are no longer a luxury, but have become the norm in our daily lives.”

Li Yun straightened his body, his voice filled with determination and confidence. He continued to elaborate on his point of view: "For environmental protection, solar energy, with its pure and non-polluting characteristics, has become the green guardian of the environment. Whenever the sun rises, the endless light is like the natural light. The gift spreads all over the earth and brings us endless energy. When we learn to use the energy of the sun, it will be like a magical magician, performing magical magic. "

Li Shimin sat on the dragon chair, his eyes flashed with admiration, as if he was moved by Li Yun in front of him. He nodded slightly, raised the corners of his mouth, and showed a satisfied smile, with a rare hint of approval in his voice: "You are a good boy, I still underestimated you!"

More importantly, the use of solar energy has injected strong impetus into the sustainable development and ecological balance of Datang. We no longer need to sacrifice the environment for development, but can live in harmony with nature in the pursuit of economic growth. His words were full of good expectations for the future, making people seem to see Datang moving towards a better tomorrow in the near future. It is a beautiful scene with blue sky, white clouds, green trees, and people living and working in peace and contentment, which makes people yearn for it infinitely.

"It's Father!" Li Yun said respectfully, with a hint of excitement and joy in his voice.

"Go on, I'm very pleased that you have such an awareness!" Li Shimin's face was filled with admiration. The more he looked at Li Yun, the more satisfied he became. In a short period of time, Li Yun was able to say so many things, which really surprised him. His eyes were full of love and expectation, as if he were looking at a hope for the future. "Yes, Father, in terms of economic development: the vigorous development of the solar energy industry is like a vigorous spring breeze, spawning the prosperity of many related manufacturing and technology research and development fields. From the production of solar panels to system integration, to Technological innovation, a complete industrial chain is gradually formed. In the process, the machines in the factory are roaring, the workers are working busily and orderly, and their faces are filled with smiles of pride and satisfaction. This is not only created for Datang. A large number of job opportunities allow people to pursue their dreams in the sun, and it also drives economic growth. It is like injecting strong power into the economic train of Datang, making it gallop on the track of prosperity and keep moving forward. In this process, Datang’s economic strength has been continuously improved, and the country’s prosperity has become more within reach.”

"Okay, keep talking!" Li Shimin's majestic voice sounded in the hall, with a hint of expectation and encouragement.

Li Yun took a deep breath, and the courage and confidence in his heart became stronger. He said boldly: "Energy diversification is a crucial change that solar energy has brought to Datang. In the past, Datang's energy structure may have been relatively single. , mainly relies on certain traditional energy sources. However, the addition of solar energy is like adding a bright color to the energy palette, injecting new vitality and possibilities into the entire energy picture.

The widespread application of solar energy reduces the risks that may be caused by a single energy type. Imagine that Datang’s energy system becomes more resilient and resilient when it no longer relies solely on one or a few energy sources. Just like a powerful fortress, it can remain stable no matter what kind of impact and challenge it encounters. Various energy sources complement and support each other, forming a closely coordinated whole. When one energy source experiences fluctuations or shortages, other energy sources can quickly take over, ensuring that Datang's energy supply will not be interrupted. This diversified energy structure allows Datang to cope with various uncertainties more calmly and maintain a stable development trend.

At the same time, the emergence of solar energy has also made Datang's energy system more abundant and interesting. It is no longer a boring single mode, but full of diversity and innovation. Different energy sources produce wonderful chemical reactions in their interaction, injecting new power and inspiration into the development of Datang. This energy diversification pattern not only fills Datang's energy field with unlimited possibilities, but also makes people full of expectations and longing for future development.

On the international stage, Datang shines brightly with its leading position in the field of solar energy technology. This not only demonstrates Datang's technological strength and innovation capabilities, but also attracts the attention of the world like a shining star. Datang's solar technology is like a bright light, illuminating every corner of the world. Other countries and regions cast their eyes with envy and admiration, praising Datang's scientific and technological achievements. This leading position gives Datang an advantage in international competition and enhances Datang's international competitiveness.

While countries around the world are struggling with energy issues, Datang has emerged on the international stage with its advanced solar energy technology. Datang's solar products and technologies have become hot commodities in the international market, bringing huge economic returns to Datang. At the same time, Datang has also promoted solar technology to all parts of the world through cooperation and exchanges with other countries, contributing to solving global energy problems. In this process, Datang not only improved its international image and influence, but also won respect and recognition from the world.

As for solar energy resources, they are like endless treasures in the vast universe, widely distributed in every inch of the Tang Dynasty. Whether in a bustling city or a remote village; whether in a vast plain or a steep mountainous area, solar energy is everywhere. It is inexhaustible and provides Datang with a long-term and stable source of energy. This is like a spring that never dries up, nourishing the development of Datang. No matter how time passes, solar energy has always been by Datang's side, providing a steady stream of power for Datang's prosperity.

The people of Datang can live and work freely under the sun, enjoying the convenience and comfort brought by solar energy. Solar energy provides them with light and warmth, making their lives better. The widespread application of solar energy has also led to great development in various fields such as agriculture and industry in Datang. Irrigation systems in farmland and machinery and equipment in factories are all inseparable from the support of solar energy. Solar energy has made Datang's economy more prosperous and people's lives richer.

Imagine that in the days to come, Datang will move towards a more glorious tomorrow under the guidance of solar energy. Solar energy will become a powerful driving force for Datang's development and drive Datang's continuous progress. The cities of Datang will become more beautiful and livable, and the people will live a happier life. The light of solar energy will illuminate every corner of Datang, making Datang the focus of world attention. "

Li Yun's voice echoed in the hall, and his words were full of passion and longing. Li Shimin listened to his story with a happy smile on his face. He knew that Li Yun's words were not empty talk, but had a solid foundation and broad prospects. The development of solar energy will bring endless opportunities and hope to Datang, allowing Datang to occupy a more important position in the future world structure.

In Li Yun's description, we seem to see a Tang Dynasty full of vitality and hope. A Datang that takes solar energy as its lead, achieves energy diversification, enhances international competitiveness, and is rich in resources. This Tang Dynasty will leave a glorious footprint in the long river of history and become a model for future generations to admire. Let us look forward to the future of Datang together and to the beautiful tomorrow that solar energy can bring to us.

Li Shimin nodded frequently after listening to Li Yun's words, and his heart was filled with more expectations for the future of Datang. He fully understands that the development of solar energy is not only an immediate opportunity, but also the key to the long-term development of Datang.

As time goes by, Datang's investment in the solar energy field continues to increase. Scientific research institutions and scholars are studying day and night to continuously promote innovation and breakthroughs in solar energy technology. New solar energy equipment is widely used in various fields, from urban lighting systems to agricultural irrigation facilities, solar energy can be seen everywhere.

The vigorous development of the solar energy industry has led to the prosperity of related manufacturing industries. A large number of factories sprung up like mushrooms after a rain, producing various solar products, which not only met domestic demand, but were also sold overseas, earning Datang huge wealth.

At the same time, Datang's education system also responded positively and trained a large number of professional solar energy talents. They exert their talents in various positions and contribute their wisdom and strength to the development of solar energy industry.

Driven by solar energy, Datang's environment has also been greatly improved. The use of clean energy has reduced reliance on traditional energy, air quality has gradually improved, and blue skies and white clouds have become the norm. The rivers became clearer, the mountains and forests became greener, and the whole country took on a vibrant scene.

The people of Datang have also truly felt the benefits of solar energy. The cost of living has decreased, the quality of life has improved, and people are full of confidence in the future. They devoted themselves to work and life with a more positive attitude, and worked hard for the prosperity of Datang. (End of chapter)

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