The first rebel of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 629 There is a kind of you, say it again

Chapter 629 It's kind of you to say it again

On this day, Li Yin set off from Shengtang Group in an electric car and headed south of the city.

Ji Ruxue and Wu Yi were also in the car.

Once outside the south gate, a large number of people gathered in one place, holding hoes and other things in their hands, sitting at the corner of the city to rest.

Li Yin's car drove very slowly, and he could vaguely hear the people discussing everything about the locust plague.

Someone said: "I heard that locusts are coming to Chang'an City, the south of the city may be a serious disaster right now!"

"What's so scary, the imperial court has already made preparations, and the Minister of the Ministry of Punishments and Xu Guogong took the lead. With them, everything will be fine!"

People also trust the imperial court very much. Besides, there seems to be no one to rely on. Li Yin said that he should govern, but in people's eyes, he has not acted. The people can only trust the imperial court.

"Didn't the Zhenguan News say it? The Shengtang Group will make a move, and they will make a move, so there will be no problem!"

"Shoot? Have you seen the people from the Shengtang Group? This time, they didn't move anything. It's really doubtful that they don't want to control the locust plague! Otherwise, they would have taken action and it wouldn't be like this!"

Someone else said so.

When Ji Ruxue heard this, she tried to roll down the car window and told everyone that things are not what you think!You misunderstood Li Yin!He has done more than you think, don't be brainwashed by the court.

But it was stopped by Li Yin.

"Ru Xue, these people are ignorant, so we shouldn't be as knowledgeable as them. By then, they will know everything we do. And we do these things for ourselves, right?"

Everyone is a community. If the people are bad, Li Yin will be bad too. More recently, his fields are also in the south of the city!

"But, they're talking about us!"

"He said us, will we lose a piece of meat?"

Li Min asked back.

Wu Yi continued: "Yes, sister Ji, these people don't know what we are going to do next, they don't understand, let them talk."

Ji Ruxue was silent, but still very angry.

You can say anyone, but you can't say Li Yin.

But before she got angry, someone got upset.

"Mr. Zili is not your father. How can you think of you for everything? They also have their own affairs, don't they? Count on him every day, where are they going?"

Ji Ruxue was puzzled, who was clearly speaking for Li Yin, but it was not the case.

When she saw who came, she frowned.

When everyone saw it, the visitor was dressed in official uniform.

Seems very displeased with them discussing about Li Yin.

At this time, Li Yin could see who was coming.

It can only be seen that it is an army headed by two people.

They turned out to be Hou Junji and Gao Shilian.

When everyone saw them coming, they saluted immediately.

After all, they were the ones who took the lead this time, and Li Shimin asked them to be responsible for killing the locust plague.

And these people standing at the corner of the city are the people they hired.

They dug the ground and built huts, because it was midday and everyone was resting here.


The two women were very puzzled.

When Li Yin saw the two appeared, he smiled.

But he didn't pay much attention to it, and drove straight ahead.

But at this time, Hou Junji saw it.

He rode his horse and blocked Li Yin's way.

"Zi Li, where are you going?"

His voice is quite loud.


where is it?
It directly attracted everyone's attention.

Only then did everyone realize that it was Li Yin.

Everyone didn't notice the car just now.

It may be because people who drive cars make everyone discouraged.

That is not something they can reach.

But because of Hou Junji's words, everyone gathered around.

Li Yin slowed down the car.

"Hou Junji, is there something wrong?"

He directly called Hou Junji's name.

"It's something, of course it's something, I heard that you also want to deal with the locust plague!?"


"I heard that you want to deal with it, why don't I tell you a method? Get your nets ready. When the locust plague comes, you may be able to catch some of them and make some contributions to Chang'an!"

After he finished speaking, Gao Shilian laughed out loud.

"That's not right, this kind of physical work should be done by Zili."

Li Yin didn't want to pay attention to the two of them.

Because it is not necessary.

He started the car and was about to leave.

But Hou Junji had no intention of leaving.

"What? Are you leaving now? Are you ashamed because you can't cure the locust plague? It's nothing, you are still young, and you still have a lot to learn. We still need to come to control the locust plague. Well, you'd better go back and play in the mud!"


Li Yin spit out a word lightly from his mouth.

Hou Junji did not respond.

Ji Ruxue was upset.

"Let you go, didn't you hear?"

If she becomes fierce, she will be more fierce than anyone else.

At this time, the common people were shocked when they saw this.

Some people know Ji Ruxue, but she is a frail girl.

But the current Ji Ruxue is not like this.

Even more shrew.

She, Ji Ruxue, was not like this in the first place, but there must be a reason for this, so it depends on someone.

Hou Junji wanted to be angry, but when he saw her, he suppressed his anger.

Because this woman is Li Shimin's favorite woman.

If he really scolded her, it might make Li Shimin angry.

By that time, his official luck was gone.

This opportunity, which was so hard to find, was lost just like that.

This is what he doesn't want.

"Ji Ruxue, this matter has nothing to do with you, don't interfere!"

Gao Shilian said.

He couldn't understand why.

"Gao Shilian, ever since the death of eldest grandson Wuji, you have been looking for ways to deal with Mr. Zili in different ways. He didn't kill him, why didn't you wake up!? What kind of man are you to avenge yourself!"

What Ji Ruxue said shocked all the people.

That's news that no one has heard.

What happened today may spread throughout Chang'an City within half a day.

At that time, Gao Shilian was afraid that he would be condemned by the people. After all, Li Yin's reputation was extremely high, and once the news of his framed Li Yin was really spread, he would not feel comfortable as an official.

"What did you say! Say it again, believe it or not, I will tear your mouth apart!"

Gao Shilian was riding a horse and was about to charge up.

But he was held back by Hou Junji.

Hou Junji also made a face to him.

Gao Shilian was even more puzzled.

What is this for? I have been scolded like this, so why don't I save some face?

"Come on, bullying women in broad daylight is nothing!"

When Ji Ruxue became fierce, people felt frightened, even Li Yin was frightened.

This kind of behavior is too wild.

But it's also for myself.

"Sister Ji is well said!"

Wu Yi said on the sidelines.

Now, Gao Shilian became furious.

"You kind of say it again!"

(End of this chapter)

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