
Chapter 102

Chapter 102

At noon, shortly after Lin Cangxue left, Lin Huang also left Tianpuya.

Now, he is also considered an insider. Although there is no improvement in his current state, the privileges he should have should not be wasted.

Half an hour later, Lin Huang came to the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion.

However, all sects, after years of accumulation and the accumulation of countless warriors, will always inherit many precious things, whether it is martial arts, or the secrets of the mainland, or the history of the sect...

These things have been accumulated from generation to generation to form the Sutra Pavilion.

In the Divine General's Mansion, there is also a Buddhist scripture pavilion.However, the content in it was lackluster compared to a monster like Piaoxue Palace.

In the entire Eastern Spirit Realm, if one were to trace the origin of its development, apart from what some veteran warriors had seen and heard, it was the Buddhist scripture pavilion of the Four Schools and Ten Dynasties.

Not only does it contain the mysteries of the Eastern Spirit Realm, but more importantly, it is a martial art passed down from a sect.

A faction has thousands of disciples at every turn, and each of them cultivates different martial arts.If there is no massive and top-notch martial arts, such power will not last long.

In the entire Eastern Spirit Realm, there are only a handful of truly top-notch martial arts.

Apart from Piaoxue Palace, the top martial arts of the other three sects and ten dynasties are only at the quasi-earth level, which limits the development of many warriors to a certain extent.

On this point, Piaoxue Palace is much more majestic.

More than 100 years ago, the foundation of Piaoxue Palace was a volume of quasi-earth-level martial arts, named "Wang Tu Ba Ye", which means Wang Tu Ba Ye is subject to the whole world.

Since the Yanzang Front, Piaoxue Palace has added another volume of earth-level martial arts:
The world is snowing!

Compared with Wang Tu Baye, the difficulty of cultivation in the Xuepiao Human World is outrageous, and Yan Zangfeng is the only one in the entire Piaoxue Palace who has cultivated to great success.

As for Yan Nan Gui, at most he has learned [-]% of it, and it is difficult to display Xue Piao's true strength in the world.It's not even as powerful as "Wang Tu Ba Ye".

This is also the reason why Piaoxue Palace has earth-level martial arts, but it cannot be the best among the four sects and ten dynasties.

There is a thing!

Learning is another matter.

And the cultivation of great success is another matter.

Regarding "Wang Tubaye" and "Xue Piao Ren Jian", it is impossible for Lin Huang not to be tempted. After all, he has already mastered the art of killing God with one knife, and it is time to practice another martial art.

Under the sun, Lin Huang looked at the Sutra Pavilion in front of him, which was made of gold bricks and glazed and protected by dozens of formations. After taking a deep breath, his face showed excitement...

"Boy, we meet again!"

As soon as Lin Huang stepped into the gate of the Sutra Pavilion, there were two braids dangling in front of his eyes, and then Lin Huang saw Nan Yunlie's childish old face.

"Elder Nan, why are you here?"

Lin Huang didn't expect to meet Nan Yunlie here, so he couldn't help looking up at the old man from Qilin Peak carefully.

His face is old, and there are even a lot of wrinkles on his face, but his face is round and looks a bit childish. He must have been a fat man when he was young.

Dressed in a red and green cross-collar robe, he looked a little young.

The latter has a clean goatee and long sideburns around the ears, braided into two strands that can be tied in a knot at the chin, which is quite amusing.

Nan Yunlie smiled melodiously, "It is my job to protect the Buddhist scriptures pavilion. Why do you think I am here? What, I just got the token of the Buddhist scriptures pavilion, so I can't wait to come here?"

Lin Huang smiled, and handed the token in his hand to Nan Yunlie.

"go in!"

Nan Yunlie nodded, and continued: "You are not my disciple of Qilin Peak, so the rules of the Sutra Pavilion must be strictly observed, all books in it must not be copied or taken out, and you can only stay there for three days at most! "

Nan Yunlie is playing tricks on Lin Huang again!

Lin Huang nodded, and then entered the scripture storage pavilion.

After entering the Tibetan scripture pavilion, Lin Huangfang felt that the vastness of it was far beyond the comparison of the Divine General's Mansion.

There are seven floors in the entire Sutra Pavilion.

The books on the first floor cover almost all the yellow rank martial arts in the East Spirit Realm.

On the second and third floors, there are some volumes about the history of the East Spirit Realm, the change of dynasties, the overlapping of sects, the manufacture of weapons, the principles of formations, and the powerhouses of the East Spirit. There are tens of thousands of volumes in total. as much.

As for the fourth and fifth floors, there are some advanced martial arts.

Most of the disciples from Piaoxue Palace came here for these two floors.

In the same way, Lin Huang also directly entered the fourth floor of the Sutra Pavilion, his eyes swept randomly, feeling the sound of martial arts around him.

Fengjuan Jue, a low-grade Mysterious Grade, can be as powerful as a black wind sweeping the ground, turbulent in all directions.

Tianjianyin, the middle grade of the Xuan rank, can condense the spirit of the long sword and sacrifice the sword energy of Tianyin.

The six-finger piano score, high-grade Xuan grade, is suitable for the cultivation of the warriors of the Qin Wuhun. When the cultivation is complete, the sound of the piano can disturb the ears and confuse the minds of the warriors.


Lin Huang recognized the voice of martial arts, and shook his head in disappointment. These martial arts may seem powerful, but most of them are flashy.

Except for the six-finger score, everything else is insignificant.However, the six-finger score is only suitable for warriors who have the music of the piano, and it is even more useless for Lin Huang.

Lin Huang wandered around the fourth and fifth floors for a long time, but found nothing.My ears were almost numb, and I couldn't find my favorite voice.

In the process of wandering around, Lin Huang also intentionally or unintentionally searched for traces of "Wang Tu Ba Ye", but he still found nothing.

Afterwards, Lin Huang's eyes fell on the entrance of the sixth floor.

Next to his ears, there was a faint roar of the Overlord, Lin Huang could feel it, it came from the sixth floor.

Without the slightest hesitation, Lin Huang stepped up to the sixth floor.

With a sound of shock, before Lin Huang's footsteps fell, he was thrown away, and a mysterious formation shone at the entrance of the sixth floor.


Behind Lin Huang suddenly there was a giggling sound, and when he turned around, he saw Yan Qing'er laughing with his hips on his hips, a slightly smaller figure outlined in an apricot yellow dress, and his voice was as melodious as a silver bell.

At this moment, Lin Huang was lying on the ground, sprawled like an overturned tortoise.

Lin Huang got up and said with an unfriendly expression, "Why are you here?"

Up to now, Lin Huang's stomach is still a little rumbling because of the food he ate in the morning... Those masterpieces are all made by the little tiger in front of him.

"I'm Yan Qing'er, I can't come to this Sutra Pavilion whenever I want!"

Yan Qing'er snorted and laughed, staring at Lin Huang with a charming face, and said, "Do you want to enter the sixth floor of the Sutra Pavilion? This is a privilege only for the top ten disciples of the inner sect."

Lin Huang curled his lips, looked at Yan Qing'er with flickering eyes, and said, "You should be able to come in and out freely!"

"Of course!"

Yan Qing'er raised her chest slightly, and said proudly.

"In the sixth floor, is there Wangtu Baye?"

Lin Huang asked tentatively.

"Guess what?"

Yan Qing'er rolled her big watery eyes and said with a sly smile, "Even if I tell you, you won't be able to go up!"

Lin Huang chuckled, his eyes swept over Yan Qing'er, and his straight eyes made Yan Qing'er's face turn red, covering her face, staring at Lin Huang, then said:

"Even if I have the qualifications to enter the sixth floor, I can't do whatever I want. Everyone who wants to enter must ask Grandpa Nan to open the entrance himself!"

Lin Huang sighed slightly, with a look of disappointment on his face.

"However, when I came up just now, Uncle Nan told me that as long as you are a Qilin Peak disciple, he can practice with your eyes closed for a quarter of an hour," Yan Qing'er continued.

"So you're here to be a lobbyist!"

Lin Huang smiled jokingly.

Yan Qing'er pouted and snorted, "Then you don't want to enter the sixth floor? And it's Qilin Peak, you think it's the same as your pigsty!"

"My house doesn't have a pigsty!"

Lin Huang replied coldly.

"You are that pig!!"

Yan Qing'er was furious, and the hand that pointed at Lin Huang was trembling, and then he shouted, "You play slowly, I don't bother to care about you!"

"...Um, I'm ready to enter Qilin Peak!"

Lin Huang hurriedly said, so as not to make the little tiger angry.

"Humph! It's almost..."

Yan Qing'er turned her head with a stinky complexion, then raised her voice a little, and called downstairs: "Grandpa Nan..."

In the blink of an eye, Nan Yunyeol appeared.

Lin Huang was a little stunned, and appeared in less than a breath. This Nan Yunlie must have been sitting in that corner, waiting for Yan Qing'er to set him up.

Then Lin Huang smiled again. Ever since Lin Cangxue said about Qilin Peak, he also wanted to enter Qilin Peak, but he couldn't take the initiative to speak...

Or Nan Yunlie is more shameless than himself.

At this moment, Nan Yunlie looked at Lin Huang proudly, but forcibly held back the inner laughter on his face, maintaining an expert calmness, and said flatly:

"You only have two quarters of an hour... After you come out, go to Qilin Peak!"

Lin Huang looked helpless and could only sigh and nod his head.

The expressions of the two people looked so calm, and they seemed to be a little unwilling and disgusted, but they both laughed in their hearts, and scolded each other for being cheap.

Afterwards, Nan Yunlie waved his arm, and a mysterious aura immediately moved towards the sixth floor.

Then, the formation on the sixth floor began to rotate, shining with blue light, and an entrance appeared within a few breaths...

Lin Huang raised his eyebrows slightly, and entered the sixth floor with one step.

"Oh... you wait for me..."

Yan Qing'er yelled, and then only heard a bang, Yan Qing'er's petite body was directly bounced by the closing formation, and landed heavily on the ground.

"Grandpa Nan!"

Yan Qing'er got up and shouted angrily and aggrieved.

Nan Yunlie smiled awkwardly, and had no choice but to send Yan Qing'er to the sixth floor.


In the scripture building, Lin Huang entered the sixth floor.The roar of the Overlord suddenly sounded in my ears, as if thousands of troops were charging forward, and it was hard to beat the arrogance of the sword in the Overlord's hand.

The sound of the martial arts "Wang Tu Ba Ye"!
(End of this chapter)

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