
Chapter 1027 They

Chapter 1027 They

There are three poles in the sun. ...

It was an unknown city.

Under the shadow of night.

The city was brightly lit, and there were so many bustling shengxiaos.

The river passes through the city, and it is covered with exquisite lanterns. Those lanterns not only carry the lovesickness and love of many boys and girls.

In the middle of the river, there is a Louchuan night market.

On the bow of one of the large boats, a young man in a blue monk robe was sitting cross-legged at the moment.

He has a beautiful appearance, not inferior to the stunning women in the world.

With a calm and peaceful face, he sat quietly cross-legged on the bow of the boat, with his hands clasped together, despite the noise and everything around him, he remained motionless.

Until I don't know when and where, a middle-aged man appeared beside the young monk.

The middle-aged man was dressed in simple clothes, but he was not ordinary.The expression is calm and comfortable, and the eyes are piercing.Holding the scroll in his hand, he looked at the bustling scene around him, and said to the young monk, "The world of mortals refines one's mind? Are you sure you won't be swallowed by the world of mortals?"

The young monk slowly opened his eyes, he turned his head to look at the middle-aged man, and then at the scroll in the latter's hand.

It's not some poems and songs.

It's a policy of life!

The young monk looked up at the middle-aged man again, his brows were slightly frowned, and then relaxed, "I didn't expect to meet you here! It's just that I didn't come to find you this time!"


The middle-aged Confucian scholar frowned slightly, "You know me? That's right, it's not surprising that you know me!"

It seems that middle-aged Confucian scholars are very confident about their popularity.

The young monk looked up and down the middle-aged Confucian scholar again, "Looking at your bearing, you shouldn't appear in this small city, you should be the black dragon above the nine heavens, but I don't know you, no matter who you are! But I I know you again, but the you I know is not the you you are now!"

"Are monks talking so mysteriously?"

Out of interest, the middle-aged Confucian scholar also sat on the bow of the boat, sitting side by side with the monk in Tsing Yi.

"Even if it's mysterious!"

The young monk said calmly: "Can I ask you to do me a favor?"


The middle-aged Confucian student was stunned again, "You little monk is a bit strange, even if you don't call yourself a poor monk, you are so impolite. Why don't you know each other, so let me do things for you! You really don't know who I am? They It is said that the people who can talk to me are the creation of these people!"

"Is that so..."

The young monk said perfunctorily: "Then your next life will be a bad one!"

"I will become emperor in this life! There is no next life!"

The middle-aged Confucian scholar laughed.

The young monk also laughed, and continued: "My name is Xie Qinghou! I'm about to leave here. I came here to find a girl! I hope you can help me find it too!"

"What's the girl's name and what does she look like?"

The middle-aged Confucian scholar asked.

The young monk shook his head, "Only when I saw her, did I know it was her. Just as I saw you, I knew it was you!"

"You little monk, you are really interesting!"

The middle-aged Confucian scholar smiled, "I have always given orders to others, but I never expected to be ordered by you today. I have always told others things they don't understand, but today you are here talking to me like a tiger. Won't you crush and kill a tiny ant?"

However, the young monk did not answer the middle-aged Confucian scholar's words, "I can only stay here for two sticks of incense, so I'm leaving first! I hope I can see you again when I show up next time, and I hope you can Bring me good news!"

After saying that, the young monk disappeared from the bow in an instant.

The middle-aged Confucian scholar raised his eyebrows, turned back to the cabin, and murmured: "Xie Qinghou, who is it?"


Under the warm sunshine, in a ruined temple, the young monk slowly opened his eyes and let out a long sigh of relief!

"How about it, the previous life was fun?"

In the ruined temple, another voice sounded.That was also a monk, dressed in white, he didn't look like a good person, he had a taste of both good and evil.

"I met Lin Huang. From his tone, he seems to be very powerful! He also threatened to become an emperor in this world! If he knows that he will be suppressed under the Great Leiyin Temple in this life, I don't know what kind of expression he will have!"

The young monk laughed.


night still!
In the cabin, when the middle-aged man was about to lie down and fall asleep, a voice suddenly rang in his ear.


The middle-aged Confucian scholar got up instantly and turned his head to look over.

Immediately he frowned, "Who are you?"

At this moment, the middle-aged Confucian scholar looked at the suddenly approaching monk with doubts in his heart.He thought it was the monk in green who left earlier.But what appeared in front of him at this moment was a young monk in white.She wasn't as pretty as the monk in Tsing Yi, but she was okay.

"Little monk Lingxu!"

The little monk in white opened his mouth and looked at the middle-aged Confucian scholar with bright eyes.

"That Xie Qinghou in the green robe just now is your senior brother?"

The middle-aged Confucian scholar asked.

"This little monk has no senior brother, Xie Qinghou... This name is somewhat familiar, but this little monk doesn't know him!"

The little monk in white said.

"Then why are you here? Do you want me to help you find someone?"

The middle-aged Confucian scholar felt that what happened tonight was very interesting. He sat down slowly and looked at the little monk in white in front of him with interest.


The little monk in white suddenly became a little cautious, and said awkwardly: "I don't know why I came here, and I don't know why I came here, but the moment I saw you, the benefactor, I wanted a ray of the benefactor's soul breath!"


This is the third time the middle-aged Confucian scholar has asked questions tonight.

"The little monk doesn't know why he wants the aura from the master, but he just wants it!"

The little monk in white said cautiously, "Before this, the little monk has appeared in many places inexplicably!"

"It's all for the breath of the soul?"

The middle-aged Confucian scholar asked.

The little monk in white nodded.

"What if I don't give it?"

The little monk in white shook his head, "There was a person who killed the little monk thousands of times before, but the little monk didn't know why, and couldn't die every time. Later, that person couldn't take it anymore, so I gave it to the little monk!"

"You really don't know Xie Qinghou?"

"do not know!"



It was a peach grove.

In the peach forest, there is a low hut.

Outside the thatched hut, there is a dull young man, using peach wood as a sword, constantly slashing the space in front of him.

Two years later.

The boy has grown a lot taller, and he is no longer as dark as before.

But the stupidity is the same as before.

"Senior Li, when will Sister Xue recover... It's been almost half a year!"

When the boy stopped practicing his sword, he turned his head and asked the drunk Li Taixuan beside him.

"What's the hurry!"

Then Li Taixuan turned over and threw the jug at Li Chunfeng, "We buried Cangxue under the hundred-mile peach grove in spring, and this is how we can live through the summer, and it's not autumn yet, how could she Can come out so quickly!"

(End of this chapter)

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