
Chapter 1057 The Tree of Mood

Chapter 1057 The Tree of Mood
Outside the eyes of the Nine Emperors Huangtian, Xiao Yishan waved his arms, and an illusory spirit tree gradually appeared in front of the two of them.

Just like when Qin Changsheng explained martial arts to Lin Huang in the East Spirit Realm.

"If you want to step into the realm of the holy king, the most important step is to sort out the tree of state of mind in your body!"

"The reason why you think you can forcibly ascend to the realm of the holy king, but you always feel that there is a slight opportunity missing is because you haven't sorted it out properly!"

Xiao Yishan Road.

Lin Huang frowned slightly, feeling a little dazed.

What Qin Changsheng said had long been forgotten by him, so he couldn't remember it all at once.

"The so-called tree of mood is actually your perception of the world! To put it simply, it is how you view the world!"

"If you think the world is good, a bright leaf will be born."

"Because of your tragic experience, you hate others, even the world, then your tree of mood is dark!"

"Warriors practice in the world of mortals. Every thing they experience will have an impact on their state of mind, even if it is a word!"

"So, to put it simply, the influence of all the experiences of a warrior on his thoughts and cognition will be reflected in this tree of mood!"

"Some fighters, disturbed by worldly affairs, have quite a mixed state of mind tree, including greed, kindness, jealousy, loyalty, resentment..."

"And some warriors, even though they have experienced thousands of things in the world, their tree of mood is always the same. No matter how sad or betrayed they are... He always has a love for this world, and his tree of mood must be full of bright leaves !"

"And the tree of mood... is actually the Tao!"

Xiao Yishan pointed to the spiritual tree in front of him, and said calmly, "If you want to step into the realm of a holy king, you must sort out your own understanding of this world!"

"This is Taoism's view of the original mind, Buddhism's questioning Zen, and Confucianism's speculation!"

Xiao Yishan suddenly turned his head and asked Lin Huang: "Have you ever thought about this question before?"

Lin Huang scratched his head and smiled awkwardly.

"I didn't think about it before, it's nothing! Now that I've walked outside the door of the Holy King, I'm about to push the door in, so I have to think about it!"

Xiao Yishan rolled his sleeves, looked at the vast and pitch-black void, and said in a calm voice:
"Have you ever thought that survival is already so painful, why do thousands of people still live in pain? Even the peerless emperor cannot avoid a handful of loess, which shows that the end of life is death, so why do you and I still suffer? struggle?"

"When a person is born, is he good or evil? Why is he good? Why is he evil?"

"Why do people always say that the Dao of Heaven is ruthless, and what did the Dao of Heaven do wrong? Why is it ruthless?"

Xiao Yishan waved his hand and drew a line in the air, "We live in a three-dimensional space, but in this line at my fingertips, are there creatures like us?"

"Is there a higher dimension above our three-dimensional space. Do they see us like we see this line?"

"Summer worms can't be described as ice. Could it be that the outside world seen by the frog at the bottom of the well is really the same world as the one it lives in?"

"The Sky Continent is already very big, but in this world, where is the limit of bigness? Where is the limit of smallness? Is a point in our eyes the limit of bigness in the eyes of others?"

"Where is the origin of time? Where is the end of time?"

"Warrior faces a dilemma. When he chooses one of them. Is there another one in the tributary of the years that he chooses?"

"Why is there the etiquette of heaven and earth monarchs, relatives and teachers?"

"Why does someone want to kill you when you obviously helped him?"

"The kindness we talk about is really good? Is evil really evil? Is ruthless really ruthless?"


Xiao Yishan turned around and looked up at Lin Huang, "All of this needs to be thought about, traced to the source, and formed one's own cognition of this world, and one's own understanding of this world, to form one's own way!"

Listening to Xiao Yishan's words, Lin Huang nodded silently!He really didn't think much about what the latter said.

Once, he only wanted to become stronger.

Get stronger quickly.

But on the way to become stronger, he lost a lot of things.

"Li Baiyi may have told you once that in the struggle of the great world, one slow step is one slow step! Therefore, we must seize the luck in the priority time and climb to the top!"

Xiao Yishan continued to speak.

"But I always hope that you can slow down, and slow down! If you were really slow enough back then, maybe you have stepped into the realm of a holy king now!"

"What's the luck of a lifetime! If you can't rise up in this life, what can you do? I have seen some people who have been reincarnated for a hundred lives and have accumulated luck for a hundred lives! That is the real atmosphere!"

"However, the way of a warrior is to walk out by yourself. I will not point it out to you just because you made a slight mistake. In this way, you will not be able to think. But you must remember, you must not Make the same mistake twice!"

Xiao Yishan patted Lin Huang's shoulder and said with a smile.

Lin Huang was silent.

"Don't be so low!"

Xiao Yishan then smiled and said: "Actually, you are already very good, but I have experienced too much, and my expectations are higher than ordinary people. Maybe it is because your senior brother Qin Changsheng Zhuyu is in front, so the requirements have been raised invisibly. But... ...The way forward, as long as you walk steadily, you will definitely have a place among the strong in the world!"

"Master... you are adding a candy to the stick!"

Lin Huang immediately reacted.

Xiao Yishan laughed out loud.

Then, he waved his hand again and dispersed the tree of mood.What was replaced in the void was an illusory spiritual mountain.

Lingshan is not high, but thousands of feet.

Lingshan is so high that people can't see the top of the mountain even if they look up.

From the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain, there are only a hundred steps in total.So, every step of the ladder is high!

"After entering the realm of the Holy King, every small realm is no longer a first-level heaven!"

Xiao Yishan down-to-earth explained to Lin Huang what the realm of a holy king is, "However, it's not like the one hundred steps you see now!"

"To be precise, there is no distinction between high and low realms in the realm of a holy king!"

"However, there is always a difference between strength and weakness!"

"And the judgment of the difference between strength and weakness is this Tianjing Mountain..."

"Cough cough..."

Lin Huang suddenly coughed and interrupted Xiao Yishan's words, scratched his head, and said in embarrassment: "I'm a little confused!"

Xiao Yishan shook his head, "If you read the collection of books I gave you back then, it wouldn't be a mess like it is now!"

Afterwards, Xiao Yishan explained from the beginning: "After a warrior enters the realm of a holy king, he can sense the Heavenly Realm Mountain in this world!"

"Tianjing Mountain exists in the invisible. But it can be truly perceived by the realm of the Holy King!"

"And the existence of Tianjing Mountain is to verify the level of the warrior's realm, or more precisely, the level of state of mind!"

"Because, the first step for a warrior to push the door to become a martial saint is to understand the Tao and cultivate his state of mind. For a warrior after the realm of a holy king, every step forward is actually more of an improvement of his state of mind!"

"This Heavenly Realm Mountain is a hundred steps high, and every step of the ladder will make you stronger! Climb to the top of the mountain, and you will be able to see the world of the Holy Emperor's Realm!"

"So... but those who are in the realm of the Holy King are just a group of mountain climbers!"

(End of this chapter)

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