
Chapter 1060 Martial Altar 108 City

Chapter 1060
After sitting in the restaurant for half an hour, Lin Huang was finally... kicked out!

I sat for a long time and didn't order anything else.

A dog who occupies the latrine and does not shit.

In a place like Zhongzhou where every inch of land is precious, how could Lin Huang be allowed to sit here and mess around.

Lin Huang, who was kicked out of the restaurant, looked back, then rolled up his sleeves and left.If he was a few years younger, he might have bought this restaurant with Shang Julu's money.

Now it's just a smile, but it's funny.


Lin Huang didn't know where he was going!

Although he had always looked forward to Zhongzhou in his heart, he was still a little dazed when he suddenly opened his eyes and appeared in Zhongzhou.

Then Lin Huang let go of the confusion in his heart, and walked on the extremely bustling Zhongzhou Avenue.

Until now, he still feels like a world away.

After all, for three years, he spent it in a deep sleep.

His memory of the previous moment still stays in the Taixuan Domain.

Stay in the Qingtian Martial Mansion's destruction, stay in the ancient battlefield, stay in the Qin Changsheng Emperor's Mausoleum, and stay in the realm of the Martial Emperor.

And turned around.

He just circled around the Western Heaven Buddhist Kingdom, went to the Langjuxu God Realm on a whim, and when he opened his eyes, he appeared in Zhongzhou.

Also stepped into the pinnacle of Martial Saint Realm.

It can even be said that half of one foot has stepped into the realm of the holy king, wearing an immortal body, hiding several legendary and peerless martial arts, and several martial spirits.


It's really dreamy!
He needs a little time to let himself settle down a little.

At the end of the bustling streets and alleys in Zhongzhou, Lin Huang dressed in white and walked slowly...

When the dawn was about to appear, Lin Huang suddenly squatted down.He squatted beside the meandering river, touched the river with one hand, and smiled slightly:
"In the future, you will have to go alone! But you must be careful, don't be caught and boiled for a tooth-beating sacrifice... See you in a few years!"

In the calm and gentle river, Lin Huang's fingertips touched the little black dragon's head.

The little black dragon raised his eyes to look at Lin Huang, wagged his tail, like a little girl without much emotion, turned his head and left...

Looking at the little black dragon gradually disappearing in the water, Lin Huang rolled up his sleeves and smiled.

The little black dragon can be regarded as a great encounter in his life.

The battle in the Eastern Spirit Realm was the first time he faced Liu Cangsheng, the first time he truly rose...

Without the little black dragon, he would not have the Azure Dragon Eucharist.

It is even more impossible to comprehend the profound meaning of space so quickly.


In fact, the most powerful part of the little black dragon is not these.

It's luck!

The little black dragon was originally formed by the dragon veins of mountains and rivers.Dragon veins... is luck!
The theory of luck is mysterious and mysterious.But no martial artist dares to say that there is no such thing as luck in this world, and no one dares to ignore the existence of luck.

It can invisibly turn bad luck into good fortune, and make people rise from adversity.

This kind of power may be more terrifying than dominating the world, an immortal body, or even a domineering spirit in the world!
At least, after so many years of companionship, Lin Huang had already regarded this guy as an extremely important partner, and now he let him leave suddenly, after all, he felt a little bit reluctant.

But the departure of the little black dragon is imperative!
Dragon returns to heaven and earth, this is the right way!
Only in this way can it grow infinitely...

Moreover, the most important point is that Lin Huang has always had a faint feeling in his heart——

——Tian Shura in his body has ideas about the little black dragon!

Lin Huang was very flustered.


Shura feeds on dragons!

In the sky, dawn breaks.

Lin Huang clapped his hands and stood up, his sleeves fluttering as he walked forward, his whole body reflected the rising sun, and his steps seemed much lighter.

It seems that he has a huge burden on his shoulders, which is nothing.

Day by day.

Do things one by one!
In the battle of the great world, what is needed is not to be an enemy of the whole world, and to regard everyone as one's own opponent.The most important thing is to recognize yourself.

who am I?
Where am i?

What am I going to do?
These three questions, whether they are Buddhist, Taoist, or Confucian, have all been awakened by themselves...and Lin Huang now understands it.

These are the three notorious mountains that all warriors must face if they want to step into the realm of a holy king!
If you can't figure it out...

Then get some sleep.

Wake up and think again.

So... Linhuang, who entered Zhongzhou for the first time, became chic and relaxed after a night of confusion and entanglement.

Day after day, he wandered around the ancient city of Zhongzhou with his hands clasped like a knight-errant.

If you are tired from shopping, find a restaurant to sleep in.

No matter how tired you are, change to another city!


Time passed quietly.

In the blink of an eye, it was a month.

This month, Lin Huang slept in thirteen cities...

It wasn't until this month that his tree of mood gradually glowed with brilliance, and he began to truly sense the existence of a trace of coercion from heaven and earth, that Lin Huang stopped a little.

He was beginning to touch the threshold of the Holy King.

This speed is already very fast, but Lin Huang felt that something was wrong... He was not used to it for a while as a genius.He heard that the four young emperors had been born, and they stepped into the realm of the holy king one after another.

It's too embarrassing for them to step into the realm of the holy king so quickly.


Zhongzhou has many secrets.

Zhongzhou also has many secrets that are not secrets!

When Lin Huang slept in the ninth city, he already had a general understanding of Zhongzhou.

Let's not talk about the aristocratic family, the great clan, because there are too many, and it is impossible to fully understand.

Moreover, the hottest news in Zhongzhou at the moment is not this point.

It's still the unavoidable Zhongzhou Martial Arts!
With the Four Young Emperors stepping into the realm of the Holy King, it is an indisputable fact that the Sky Continent has once again entered the era of alternating green and yellow.

Whether Li Baiyi or Xiao Yishan mentioned the Great World War, the prelude quietly kicked off.

And the starting point of that prologue is the one hundred and eight cities of martial arts!

The so-called one hundred and eight cities of martial arts refers to the one hundred and eight cities close to Zhongzhou martial arts...

As more than half a year ago, Di Tian of the Xuantian God Clan stepped into the realm of the Holy King, heralding the opening of the Zhongzhou martial arts world.He opened a dojo in Tianqi City, which is one of the closest martial arts cities in Zhongzhou!

The so-called dojo can be understood as a faction or a sect.

In every era when the martial world turns green and yellow, the younger generation of arrogances will create their own dojos to attract countless outstanding talents.

Because, those who can create a dojo are all outstanding people.

If they don't die, they will become strong in the future.

Sometimes, following the strong is undoubtedly a shortcut on the way of martial arts cultivation.Therefore, if there is a dojo, there will be people entering the dojo.

Dojo can be understood as a force that belongs exclusively to the younger generation.

It can also be understood as the predecessor of the future sect power...

Therefore, all the arrogances who want to go to the world and want to achieve a great cause will step into the realm of the holy king as quickly as possible and create a dojo!
But in just half a year...

Outside of the martial arts arena, there are one hundred and eight dojos!
Whether it is Di Tian of the Xuantian God Clan.

It is also the heart dust of Shixin from the Buddhist Kingdom of the Western Paradise.

Zhao Lingzhuan of Nine Heavens Taiqing Palace.

Yao Likong of the Temple of Ten Thousand Monsters.

They all created their own dojo.

In addition, there are some young Tianjiao who Lin Huang has never heard of, but who must have a good background, also created a dojo.

Shen Guichen.

Wang Tiance.

He Xiaolou.


One hundred and eight dojos.

The one hundred and eight Tianjiao who have stepped into the realm of the Holy King are like one hundred and eight extremely dazzling stars, shining on the sky continent.

And among these one hundred and eight ashrams, Lin Huang found two ashrams that interested him very much!

Phoenix Palace!
Desolate people!

(End of this chapter)

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