
Chapter 110

Chapter 110
... I don't know where to start.

Coming soon!

I used to think that I must be happy to write a testimonial on the shelf... It means that I can make money.But now, it was put on the shelves because of poor grades, sad... melancholy... or inverted V...

Let’s jump into a prophet first, and talk about the mental journey of writing this book.

I have thought about this book for a long time.

From defining the concept of Martial Soul, to the power system, to the world view, contradictions, power levels, regional levels, emotional lines, upgrade lines, human creations, martial arts rankings, plot ups and downs...

Well, how many sleepless nights, how many tossing and turning difficult to fall asleep...

This book has also been prepared for a long time.

At the beginning of Chapter 1, at least 10 editions were written.

The first three chapters must have at least 7 editions.

It's really not easy at the beginning... I need cheats, I need heroines, I have to slap my face and pretend to be aggressive, and I have to have a smooth relationship. I don't want to write a book that is too homogeneous...

The routines of online writing are deep, and the roads in the countryside are also slippery!

There must also be a 4th edition for the first twelve chapters.I remember one version, Xiao Yishan was called Xiao Rentu, and he washed guns by the river for ten years... At that time, the protagonist was not called Lin Huang, but Tang Yu.

Then, when I wrote chapter 60, I adjusted it once... When I reached chapter 120, I adjusted it once in a major key and once in a minor key... Then I thought about publishing a book and started thinking about the title of the book...

I thought of at least a hundred titles, and most of them were taken up.Those who were not occupied were all killed by myself, and after smoking a cigarette, they called: Zhenshi Martial God!

This book has been written until now...a lot of foreshadowing has been laid, but the plot has not yet unfolded:

The appearance of Jun Qingcheng!
Lin Cangxue came back from Nirvana, with a single sword sweeping the world.

Bai Xiaopang lay down on the king.

The righteousness of Xuanyuan's raising soldiers...the origin of the Xuanyuan family...

The evil king of Yin Yang Valley.

I also want to write Thirteen Kills.

Pushing across the ages, the arrogant and unrivaled Qin Changsheng.

The story of martial arts dominating the world.

The people of Yangjian slaughtered Xiao Yishan.

There are also Qin Xuance, Li Baiyi, Wang Yifeng... Hearing these names, one knows that they are very awesome!
One Hundred Thousand Night Watchmen (Appears in the Tomb of King Wu)

The above is actually in the book, and it has all begun to foreshadow.

Everyone, every story, wants to write and carve well.


However, all wishes are beautiful, but reality will always cheat... When I was young, I also thought about going to Tsinghua University or Peking University...

The grades of the book are not good.

Pity I didn't even recommend a single app...and then it's going to be on the shelves.

This shows that the popularity of this book may stop here.

Before publishing the book, the impetus to write the book came from unlimited YY.After publishing the book, a lot of it came from the grades and the feedback from the bosses...

Having said so much, I feel like I am going to be a eunuch soon!
Suddenly remembered that this TM is a testimonial on the shelves...

Shouldn't you be eagerly begging for subscriptions, maintenance, monthly tickets, and all kinds of begging?

So as a qualified writer, I'm going to start making moves.

Ask the big guys to subscribe!

Ask the big guys to take care of them.

You must believe that I will write well.

——Jian Cangyun!

Don't worry, big guys, even if the grades are not good, I will still struggle twice, after all, lying down and enjoying is not my style!At least, I will keep writing...

Wrote about the appearance of Jun Qingcheng (it is said that it will appear soon)

I will write about Lin Cangxue's return from Nirvana.

I will write Xuanyuan Tibing, after all, I have been bragging about him from the very beginning... ps: I really like the name Xuanyuan Tibing, and Xie Qinghou.

I will finish writing the Four Ten Dynasties Wars.

I will finish writing the Valley of Yin and Yang.

I will finish writing the East Spirit Realm.

Will finish writing xxxx...

I will guarantee that each chapter will be written with my heart...Maybe, just in case, if, if, as soon as I write it, it will become popular...

After all, as a salted fish, you still have to learn to knock slowly.And as a writer, whimsy is also the most basic quality!
Okay, there are 1130 words of nonsense above, the most important thing is to let everyone support me, big guys give me a subscription, if there is a monthly pass, I am also embarrassed to accept it...

Suddenly found that I like ellipsis very much, it can accommodate all complicated feelings and language (in the book, I have tried to restrain myself)
last of the last!
I want to be serious, serious, serious, and cautious to subscribe:

Big guys, please take care of me.

Big guys, come and have fun.

Guys, please subscribe.

Lin Huang: I, the only protagonist in this book, will take you to pretend to fly, will you subscribe or not!No, I'll kill two people to perform for you!

Lin Cangxue: I, Legend of the Eastern Spirit, the phoenix about to be nirvana.Subscribe or not!See you on the blacklist if you don't give it.

Bai Xiaopang shook his butt: Hehehehehehe...

Xiao Yishan: You don't even give me a subscription, what else do you want!
Accidentally, I talked nonsense about xxxx again...

last last last:
Please subscribe!
Please subscribe! !

Please subscribe! ! !
I will write every chapter carefully.

——Jian Cangyun!

(ps: In the next week, three changes a day, one chapter will be updated at 12 o'clock, 18 o'clock, and 22 o'clock)
(ps: Big Brothers, Happy Children’s Day, I hope there will always be a trace of innocence in my heart^_^)

(End of this chapter)

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