
Chapter 121 Fighting Thunder

Chapter 121 Fighting Thunder

In Dongling Restaurant, there was a sudden silence. After Lin Huang finished drinking the tea in his cup, he lazily said:

"Hit as you want, noisy!"

Lin Huang raised his head, staring at Han Ming and Ling Huangyi with sneering faces, the Suppressing Demon Knife was out of its sheath in his hand, and slashed towards them.

Ling Huangyi and Han Ming's expressions changed slightly, and then they sneered, "Can you win with a sneak attack, childish!"

In an instant, there was a burst of sword chant, and two sharp long swords stabbed towards Lin Huang.


Lin Huang spat out his thin lips, and a domineering force burst out instantly. As the Suppressing Demon Knife spun, there was a clang, and the long swords of the two men were cut off.

"Three thousand miles!"

The moment Ba Ye cut down, the Suppressing Demon Knife instantly changed from domineering to extreme speed, piercing Han Ming's chest with lightning speed.

Han Ming's face changed drastically...

The long sword returned to defense immediately.

Accompanied by the sound of cloth being torn, the blade pierced straight into Han Ming's chest, and the moment Lin Huang pulled out the blade, blood spurted out.


Han Ming shouted, staring at Lin Huang in disbelief, he didn't expect Lin Huang's knife to be so fast, so fast that he couldn't see it, you must know that Lin Huang didn't have this ability a few months ago.

The sudden scene stunned Ling Huangyi.

"I forgot to tell you, I am not the forest waste that you chased and killed like a dog before. I was able to leave a scar on your face outside the blood triangle, and I can still leave a scar on your chest today." one article".

"And you Ling Huangyi, when I fought with Prince Lingyun, it was witnessed by everyone. He died and we won. This is our own destiny, but it is not the reason for you to kill me. I don't kill you today, just because of you and me Both are from the Great Xia Dynasty, don’t fight in the same room in front of outsiders, you will lose the face of my Great Xia Dynasty!”

Lin Huang stared at the two of them and said coldly.

"you you……"

Ling Huangyi's eyes widened, looking at Lin Huang's wolf-like eyes, a chill came to his heart. They never thought that Lin Huang had reached the realm of the Earth Element Third Heaven in less than a year.

And the strength just now has the strength of the fifth heaven of earth element.

Once upon a time, the guy I thought I could hold in my hands and let me play with turned out to be so powerful and looked down at me so condescendingly. A nameless anger welled up in Ling Huangyi's terrified heart, and then he yelled:
"I kill you!"

Then, a sword light stabbed towards Lin Huang fiercely.

Looking at the long sword stabbing obliquely, Lin Huang's eyes suddenly became murderous, and he suddenly swung the demon-suppressing knife in his hand...

The fall of Lin Huang's knife was enough to cut off the heads of Ling Huangyi and Han Ming.

At the moment when the long knife fell, the edge of the knife clanged and was cut off by an epee, and then the rebound made Lin Huang's mouth go numb.

"When will a disciple of Piaoxue Palace dare to attack my Tianlei Sect!"

In Lin Huang's ears, there was a thick scolding sound, and a burly figure appeared in front of Lin Huang, looking down at Lin Huang, and an oppressive aura pervaded.

It was the young man headed by Tian Leizong.

Behind the young man, a woman with a square face and long legs also stared at Lin Huang with a smile.

"Senior Brother Han Hu, this guy should die!"

Han Ming clutched the hole in his chest, and said with a murderous look on his face.

"Earth Element Seventh Heaven?"

Lin Huang turned his head to look at Han Hu, narrowed his eyes into a narrow slit, and slowly stood up, "Is the Tianlei Sect really amazing? There is only one person who bullies me? Lu Han!"

As the words fell, Lu Han walked out of the room with a dull expression, holding a rusty spear in his hand, and stood beside Lin Huang with an expression on his face.

"Yo... the people in Piaoxue Palace are so poor that even the weapons in their hands are rusted?"

Han Hu grinned, his face full of ferocity.

"Qing'er, I'll leave the one with the knife to you. I'll kill the one with the gun. It's also for them to remember that although the Tianlei Sect of Piaoxue Palace is equally famous, there must be a priority!"

The square-faced woman called Qing'er nodded, the smile on her face gradually turned cold, and a long sword suddenly appeared in her hand, pointing directly at Lin Huang.

"There must be a priority!"

Lin Huang grinned, wiped off the blood on the Suppressing Demon Knife, his expression was completely cold.

The breath in the air suddenly became heavy.

With Han Hu's roar, the whole scene immediately became chaotic.Han Hu rushed to Lu Han first, and Lin Huang also rushed to the woman named Qing'er at the same time.

The whole restaurant erupted into battle in an instant.

The people who were eating breakfast upstairs retreated far away, looking at the scene in front of them.

Just as the four were fighting, several people appeared again in Dongling Restaurant.

White clothes are better than snow.

A long sword hangs from the waist.

The pattern of snowflakes is embroidered on the neckline of the clothes.

The leader was a woman with a graceful figure and slightly revealing clothes. Her snow-white face looked extraordinarily delicate, and instantly attracted the attention of many people.

"Senior Sister Yun, it's Lin Huang and Lu Han!"

A young man in white behind the woman said that he recognized Lin Huang and Lu Han at a glance.

The youths in white clothes who appeared at this moment were none other than Yun Feifei and the others.

"Why did they confront people from Tianlei Sect?" Ye Cheng, the sixth member of the inner sect of Piaoxue Palace, said.

"An arrogant kid knows how to cause trouble," Yun Feifei stared at Lin Huang's figure, and said coldly, looking at the situation in the field, a sneer could not help but appear on her delicate face.

From her eyes, it is natural to see that Lu Han and Lin Huang are at a disadvantage at the moment.

"Should we make a move, they are our disciples of Piaoxue Palace!"

Ye Cheng frowned.

"What did you do? Did you forget what the elders told you before going down the mountain?"

Yun Feifei said decisively: "Our goal is the tomb of King Wu, and everything else has nothing to do with us. Let him suffer a little, so that he can restrain himself in the future!"

"It's fine if we fight with each other, but after all, they are members of Tianlei Sect, and they are related to my Piaoxue Palace's face!"

Yecheng Road.

"Do you think that Tianlei Sect and Piaoxue Palace's face is based on a few fights in the realm of earth element? It's just a childish battle of spirits!"

Yun Feifei said coldly, frowning and retreating the few people behind who were eager to try.

"Lin Cangxue, your younger brother is really a troublemaker, one day he will die outside, hehe..."

Watching the situation on the field, the smile in Yun Feifei's eyes was full of complacency.

At this moment, the battle on the field seemed to be at a stalemate, and Lu Han and Han Hu were on par.And Lin Huang didn't expect that this woman named Han Qing'er actually had the strength of the sixth heaven of earth element.

"Old Xue, it's really interesting to see these barbarians fighting each other to death!"

In a corner of the restaurant, a blue fir youth looked at the scene and said with a smile.A face can be said to be extremely handsome, with gentle brows, a bit like a peerless son.

"Master's skills are as high as the sky. This kind of battle, you should regard it as a monkey show." Next to Master Peerless, a white-haired old man smiled cheerfully, with contempt in his bewildered eyes.

"Hey... the so-called heroes among the barbarians are just a bunch of ants, it's boring and boring!"

The Lanshan youth shook his head and said dullly, "I once heard that there was a Lin Cangxue in the Eastern Spirit Realm who was once called the number one genius in the Eastern Spirit. The young master must go and see it, and take him as a slave."

"The young master is the son of Shenji. Even in the Eastern Emperor Territory, there are many women who love the son. Why accept an uncivilized barbarian woman as a slave, it is a loss of the status of the son."

The old man laughed, his face full of disdain.

"Then tell me, how this battle will end in the end." The master of magic machine played with a compass in his hand, narrowing his eyes and smiling.

"Ant fights are boring to guess!"

The old man shook his head.

"I think the young man with the knife is pretty good. Although his level is a bit low, he is ruthless enough. When fighting with that woman, he obviously saved his hand."

Master Shenji laughed.

"If he can survive this time, I would like to take him as a servant and train him a little bit," Mr. Shenji continued.

The old man looked relieved, and then said: "It is really a great blessing for this kid to be taught by the young master."

When the old and the young talked to each other, the situation on the field became more and more anxious.

Qin Xuance, who was sitting upright by the side, had a calm expression on his face. After rubbing the center of his brows, he dipped water on the table and wrote four words:
The master of magic.


"Little girl, come and take a look, I didn't expect that there is an earth-level martial art in the East Spirit Realm, and it was used from the hands of a little guy with earth element!"

In another room of the restaurant, there is a woman in Tsing Yi who looks to be in her 30s.The woman stared at the battle in the restaurant, her jade cheeks were full of infinite charm.She waved her creamy jade hand, signaling to a young girl in the room.

"dont see!"

In the room, the girl sitting cross-legged and practicing said.

Although the girl was wearing a light veil, her eyes were as bright as stars, her skin was creamy, and her skin was so fair that it could be broken. She was wearing a crimson flowing fairy dress, which made the girl look a little more stunning and peerless.

Just the tip of the iceberg is already a thing of beauty.

"You can't stay with my aunt, you know how to practice every day!"

The woman in Tsing Yi gasped.

The red-clothed girl paused slightly with her jade fingers, and looked up at the angry woman in Tsing-clothed, so she got up and walked to the window, her star-like eyes flickered, and her eyes fell on the battle in the restaurant.

"Is this... Killing the God with a Slash?"

The girl just glanced at it, and the face under the veil, which was like the first snow, froze, and there was a bit of inconceivable taste in her voice.

(End of this chapter)

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