
Chapter 123 The Invincible Person

Chapter 123 The Invincible Person

In the restaurant, Lin Huang stared blankly at Mr. Shenji for a long time, but didn't react...

"From now on, you will follow me, Young Master, to ensure that you can stand out in this barbaric land. The Tianlei Sect of Piaoxue Palace is just a group of ants."

"With my son here, no one dares to hurt you at all, because you belong to my son."

"But following me, you have to have some rules, you have to be clear about this."

Master Shenji continued.

"This kind of good fortune, in this barbaric land, is only you. It can be regarded as God's mercy, let you meet me."

"Okay, don't be dazed, kneel down and thank you, I will be your master from now on!"

Young Master Shenji said with a gentle face.

Lin Huang looked at Mr. Shenji with a natural look on his face, and his face was messy.

"Why, happiness came too suddenly, forgot to meet the master's rules?"

Seeing that Lin Huang was still stunned, Mr. Shenji looked a little displeased.

"Fuck you, idiot!"

Lin Huang opened his mouth in shock, his heart was still full of thunder. He never expected that people from this great region would have such a strong sense of superiority.

He regards Dongling as a barbarian.

All people are ants.

Accepting a slave is still a gift.

After all, Lin Huang had spent so many years in his previous life, but he had never seen such a superior person, and he simply didn't take anyone seriously.

"What did you say?!"

Young Master Shenji frowned, with a slight look of anger on his face.

"Say you're an idiot!"

Lin Huang said categorically.

"It's a bit of arrogance, I like it very much." Master Shenji's face turned cold, "But your arrogance should not be shown in front of your master, this is the rule!"

"Thinking of your first offence, I will spare you the death penalty this time, but you must remember not to set an example!"

Mr. Shenji said with a serious face, "However, capital crimes can be avoided and life crimes cannot be escaped. Only rules can make a circle. Mr. Xue, clap your hands ten times, let him remember this lesson, and remember not to lose your appearance. I don't like being ugly. slave!"


The white-haired old man nodded, walked up to Lin Huang, and waved his palm.

"Three thousand miles!"

Lin Huang yelled loudly, and he jumped out.Naturally, it was not to fight desperately with that white-haired old Xue, but to escape that slap.

Lin Huang knew that the two characters in front of him were more than ten times more terrifying than Han Yun and his ilk.

Qin Xuance may have said that three people entered Xuanyuan Mansion four days ago, and two people walked out alive.One of them was naturally dead, but Xuanyuan Tibing was seriously injured.

What a powerful figure Xuanyuan Tibing is, that is a human myth in the Eastern Spirit Realm.

The person who can make Xuanyuan Tibing seriously injured, the genius doctor Sun Buer enter the city, and the guardian of the Tiandi Xuanhuang Four Character Battalion is not an ordinary person.Although one died, there is still one here.

Not to mention the white-haired old man, even if Lin Huang used a puppet to contend against this master of magic, it would be quite difficult.

"Dare to escape?"

Seeing that Mr. Xue's slap failed, Mr. Shenji frowned deeply, and there was a trace of sullenness on his face, and then said: "Mr. Xue, slap your mouth twenty times, let him kneel down in front of this young master, let me Young Master, come and tell him how to be an obedient dog!"

The white-haired Mr. Xue was already upset that he didn't need to be ordered by Mr. Shenji. This kid actually dared to avoid his palm, which is really a bit presumptuous.

Seeing old Xue's five fingers and claws, a cage appeared in the void, directly restraining Lin Huang.Afterwards, Old Xue's arm was retracted, and Lin Huang was strangled by the latter.

"No one has ever dared to disobey the young master's will, and no one has dared to escape the old man's punishment!"

Old Xue stared at Lin Huang with a gloomy expression, "If you are punished obediently, this old man can be more lenient. But you just don't know the rules, so I can't blame this old man."

In the arena, everyone was watching the show, but they didn't expect the situation to be so unexpected.

Originally, everyone thought that Mr. Shenji was helping Lin Huang, so they taught Han Yun a lesson.Unexpectedly, this person wanted to take Lin Huang as a slave.

That's pretty funny.

A smile appeared on Yun Feifei's face at the side. She was also very annoyed at first. It was a foregone conclusion for Han Yun to kill Lin Huang, but she didn't expect to kill Chen Yaojin halfway.

But it never occurred to him that this person actually wanted to take Lin Huang as a slave.

There was an indescribable smile on Yun Feifei's face, "The strength of Mr. Shenji and the white-haired old man is extremely terrifying. Lin Huang can't help but not submit. Once Lin Huang recognizes Mr. Shenji as the master..."

This result, Yun Feifei thought it was interesting.

In front of Dongling's major forces, Lin Huang recognized his master.

The younger brother of Lin Cangxue in the legend of Dongling, betrayed Piaoxue Palace and became someone else's dog.

In this way, I'm afraid it's more interesting than killing Lin Cangxue... Whenever she thinks of Lin Cangxue, who was naturally proud, knowing that her younger brother has become someone else's dog, Yun Feifei's face is full of pain. An indelible smile.

"Master Shenji is so handsome, and has such great strength, if..."

Looking at the young master Shenji in the field, Yun Feifei couldn't help feeling a little erratic, biting her flaming red lips lightly, and a strange light shone in her eyes.

"Remember, boy, I hope this first palm of the old man can be remembered by you. My son is called Xue Shenji, and he will be your master from now on." The old white-haired Xue said with a cold snort, one hand has already been raised high. air.

Lin Huang's expression was extremely cold, and he stared at Mr. Xue with his eyes like swords. The mysterious sea in his body was already boiling, and the killing god was already brewing, and the puppet was ready to go...

He knew that he was definitely no match for this white-haired old dog, and all his preparations would be of no avail, but he still had to give it a go even if he was a man with two arms.

Recognize people as masters?


In this way, it is just a battle to the death.

Before Xue Lao's palm fell, Lin Huang let out a long roar, his beard and hair flying, and two knives in his hand slashed out...

Shura's wrath.

Right hand overlord.

The left hand kills the god with a single slash.

Body protection big vajra technique.

Ten Spirit Sword Formation.

Array puppet.

All of Lin Huang's moves were slashed out at this moment.Qi Qi's burst of attack also made the white-haired old Xue startled, and involuntarily let go of Lin Huang's neck.

A knife slashed across the latter's chest, tearing out a series of sparks, for dominance.

A knife was slashed on the latter's neck, but it was rebounded violently. It was a slash for killing the god.

The jumping puppets punched the latter's head with five fingers, but made a clanging sound, which had no effect.

And the attack of the Ten Spirit Sword Formation just knocked off the corner of the latter's clothes.

All attacks are completely ineffective!

Lin Huang's complexion changed drastically, and his thoughts fell to the bottom of the valley. He never thought that the white-haired old dog was so terrifying, even if the God of Death slashed at the latter, he couldn't hurt him at all.


In the restaurant, there were two angry shouts.

A sound came from Master Shenji.

The sound came from old white-haired Xue.

Master Shenji didn't expect that Lin Huang was still stubbornly resisting, he simply didn't know how to flatter him, and he didn't give himself the slightest face at all.

But Mr. Xue didn't expect that he panicked when Lin Huang made a move.

In terms of his realm, this is undoubtedly a great shame and humiliation.

"Wild dogs are hard to tame, just kill them!"

Master Shenji snorted coldly, his heart was full of murderous intentions.He never expected that after he came to this barbarian land, he would be frustrated twice.

The first time I recruited that guy named Xuanyuan Tibing, I didn't expect that this person not only didn't know how to praise, but also cut off a big arm of himself.

But today, recruiting this forest shortage, a small earth element realm, was so frustrated.

That Xuanyuan Tibing is the No. 1 barbarian land, so if you can't recruit it, you can bear it, but you are a local warrior, just an ant, how dare you be so rampant?

Deep in Xue Shenji's heart, the pent-up anger of the past few days completely broke out, and he no longer wanted to keep Lin Huang, so he just wanted to disinfect him as a warning to others.

The white-haired old Xue also sneered, and directly swung a wind blade towards Lin Huang.

Lin Huang let out a muffled snort, and was about to resist but found he couldn't move. Even Xuanhai became extremely silent, obviously imprisoned by Mr. Xue with his great supernatural power.

Not only him, everyone present was imprisoned, and no one could move to resist, nor could they save Lin Huang.

The wind blade passed by, and a blood groove appeared on Lin Huang's shoulder.

Another wind blade attacked, piercing Lin Huang's chest.

The white-haired Mr. Xue obviously didn't want to kill Lin Huang directly, but wanted to torture him to death.He understood that Master Shenji also hoped so.

Therefore, the white-haired Xue Lao swung dozens of wind blades in a row, but none of them hurt Lin Huang's vitals, but left Lin Huang with wounds all over his body.

For a moment, Lin Huang's body was dripping with blood.


In the room of the restaurant, the former girl in red looked at the scene ahead, her beautiful eyebrows slightly raised.

"What's the matter, little girl, have you felt compassion again?"

The woman in Tsing Yi who was called my aunt smiled lightly.

The red-clothed girl hesitated for a while, and found a very reasonable explanation, "I don't like the color of the clothes of that Mr. Shenji!"

"Okay, little girl always has a reason to save people!"

The woman in Tsing Yi looked helpless, but her eyes were full of doting. After a few sighs, she swayed gracefully like a water snake, and walked out of the room.


The creaking sound of the door opening was extremely loud at this moment, causing everyone present to turn their heads away.

Where everyone's eyes converged, the door of the Tianzi shop was opened, and a woman in a blue ink flowing fairy dress stood quietly at the door, lightly covering her veil.

While moving in lotus steps, the peerless and graceful figure is fully revealed, the exaggerated curves are particularly eye-catching, and the appearance under the veil is even more mysterious.

It's as mysterious and moving as a fairy in Tsing Yi who has been relegated to the mortal world...

(End of this chapter)

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