
Chapter 1239 The life and death of Jun Xingshi

Chapter 1239 The life and death of Jun Xingshi
When the god closed, Lin Huang frowned.

He did not speak for a long time.

Instead, he fell into deep thought...

When looking at something, everyone has a different perspective.

From him, there is no possibility of Jun Xingshi being killed.

He had fought against his father in the City of Light, and he could roughly infer the latter's state.

And he has also seen Jun Xingshi make a move.

Even if Lin Taiqing can beat Jun Xingshi, it is impossible for Lin Huang to kill Jun Xingshi.

Also, the whole thing is weird.

Jun Xingshi went back to the past to kill himself.

Jun Qingcheng opened the door of time...

But Lin Taiqing entered the gate of time.

no one else!

Lin Huang believes in coincidences, and he doesn't believe in coincidences either.

But he didn't think what Jun Qingcheng said was a lie...

Jun Tianyao.

It is the holy emperor who has been famous for a long time.

The Holy Emperor can walk in the long river of time, but he cannot change or reverse everything in the long river of time.

But the talent of the Jun family can make the latter salvage in the long river of time.

For hundreds of years, Jun Xingshi was not found!
Then in the eyes of Jun Qingcheng and Jun Tianyao, the only possibility is that Jun Xingshi was directly wiped out.

was wiped out in the long river of time.

After Lin Huang spoke for a long time, he tried his best to keep his voice calm so as not to irritate Jun Qingcheng, "I have three doubts!"

Jun Qingcheng didn't reply.

Lin Huang went on to say: "If Jun Shenghuang really suffered misfortune, then in the long river of time before that incident point, there should be no trace of him, and he cannot disappear out of thin air!"

"Besides, I want to wipe out a Holy Emperor directly in the long river of time, making him seem to have never appeared! My father can't do it, I'm afraid senior Jun Tianyao can't do it!"

"Also, if it is true that there is no figure of Jun Shenghuang in the hundreds of years before and after, then..."

Lin Huang's voice paused, "You can't exist, and I won't get to where I am now!"

On the top of the city, Jun Qingcheng is still indifferent.

She didn't answer Lin Huang.

It was only after a long time that he said: "The Martial Soul is that those who have the blood of the Jun family can control the long river of time."

"This is a gift from God!"

"But when God opens a door for you, it will also close a window for you!"

"If a member of Jun's family dies, he will disappear completely in the long river of time! He does exist, but the long river of time will not leave him at all!"

"Buddhism has the theory of transcending reincarnation and leading to the world of bliss. Taoism has the theory of falling into hell forever and never recovering!"

"These are not just empty words! The so-called eternal loss of life is not the complete annihilation of the soul, but the disappearance of everything about this person in the long river of time!"

"This is the fate of the members of the Jun family!"

"After leaving the East Spirit Realm, I don't know when I started to look up to you. But until now, I realized...your knowledge is nothing more than that!"

Jun Qingcheng told everything indifferently, without the slightest change in expression.

Not even the slightest fluctuation of emotion.

"Then... what if your father used the Martial Soul Qianqiu to hide himself in the long river of time?"

Lin Huang continued.

Jun Qingcheng's eyes are fixed...

"Last time we met, I said it. There is no love between you and me. If this place is not the gate of the gods, I will definitely draw my sword!"

"I know, my father's death has nothing to do with you!"

"But I am his daughter, and I am the princess of Xingtian Temple!"

"It's impossible between you and me!"

Jun Qingcheng did not answer Lin Huang's question, but once again drew a clear line with Lin Huang.

"Why didn't you answer my question?"

However, Lin Huang refused to let go.

Jun Qingcheng turned his head, glanced at Lin Huang coldly, then got up and left.

"Are you also in the game, why?"

Lin Huang suddenly asked.

Jun Qingcheng's footsteps paused slightly, and then disappeared at the gate of the gods.

Lin Huang frowned.

He kept looking at the direction where Jun Qingcheng disappeared, sighed heavily, and became worried in his heart.

The disappearance of Jun Xingshi must be tricky!
My last question may have touched some key points.

But Jun Qingcheng didn't say anything.

Lin Huang shook his head and walked towards the battle hall.

He didn't know what the Xingtian Temple's position was in these troubled times.

If Jun Qingcheng opened the door of time and let Lin Taiqing walk in, then where is the starting point of this game, and what is the purpose of this game?
What role did Jun Qingcheng play in this?
Filled with irritability, Lin Huang killed the Tianshen Pass.

Only blood and killing can make him forget everything!

Although time is long, it always passes quietly.

Two days passed in a blink of an eye.

In two days, everyone in the Desolate race was exhausted to death.

Guarding a thousand-mile defense line is an extremely difficult task in itself, and the Desolate tribe only has 800 people.

They could only fight continuously above the defense line, without much breathing time at all.

Only every two hours, Lin Huang led more than 30 people from the original Huang tribe to drill back and forth through the gate of the gods, so that the pressure on the gate of the gods could be relieved.

However, it is only a reduction.

Lin Huang was sad.

Qin Xuance was also worried.


What's more unfortunate is that after a period of relative calm for the entire Tenshenguan defense line, a storm is coming.

Under the setting sun, Lin Huang stood on the top of the city, frowning slightly.

Even though he was in the gate of the gods, he still felt the tremors of the earth frequently today.

The mountains roar and the tsunami shakes the earth.

Lin Huang could clearly sense that an army was beginning to gather.

I don't know if it belongs to the evil race or the human race.

Qin Xuance also walked out of the battle hall early, looking at the dusty sky in the thousand mirrors with serious eyes.

"The attack of the evil race should start!"

Lin Huang silently raised his hand, letting the bloody light of the setting sun pass through his fingers, "When night falls, it will be the carnival of the evil clan, and it will also be a disaster for the defense line!"

"speak English!"

Qin Xuance snorted coldly, "When the Xie Clan attacked the Phoenix Clan's defense line, they would also attack the Wan Li defense line at the same time... and the Desolate Clan's defense line may become the focus of your Xie Clan's attention!"

Lin Huang nodded, "Because there has appeared a soft persimmon that is easier to pinch than the Phoenix Clan! Therefore, if the Xie Clan's battle on the Phoenix Clan's defense line is unfavorable, then the Xie Clan attacking the Spirit Clan and the Temple's defense line are very likely to encircle come over!"

"It's more likely that when the evil clan sent troops, they turned one important attack point into two important attack points! After all, I should have a small reputation for killing the fourteen evil emperors!"

"Can you still make such a big movement?"

Lin Huang turned to look at Qin Xuance.

"This time no one from the evil emperor will help you take the thunder, you will die!"

Qin Xuance snorted coldly.

"You control it, just the kind that can't kill me, but can kill ordinary evil kings! In this way, I will become a walking thunder sea!"

Qin Xuance was silent, then shook his head, "Unless you want my life to be short!"

"That's more important than life!"

Lin Huang shook his head.

Just when the two seemed to be having a relaxed conversation, a childish clang suddenly sounded in Lin Huang's ear.

Lin Huang frowned.

look up.

All I saw was a phoenix the size of a pheasant suddenly emerged from the bright red sky, and landed on Lin Huang's shoulder with flapping wings.

Around Phoenix's neck, hung a jade slip!

(End of this chapter)

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