
Chapter 1267

Chapter 1267

Outside Haotian Mansion, the concierge was stunned.

"Auntie? It doesn't look like it! But it seems to be true... What did I just do!"

At this moment, the plainly dressed embroiderer looked at Li Baiyi, a gentle smile gradually appeared on her face, and she said without the slightest hesitation:
"it is good!"

Saying that, the woman stepped forward quickly, stood on tiptoe and patted the top of Li Baiyi's head, competing with herself!

"It's been 1000 years, and I haven't grown any!"

Shen Xiuniang said disappointedly.

Li Baiyi suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

"Aunt Shen doesn't have anything?"

Li Baiyi said.

"It's all external things, there's nothing worth caring about!"

Shen Xiuniang said.


At this moment, the concierge let out a loud snort.

He stared at Li Baiyi coldly, wanting to have a duel with him, but actually wanted to abduct Shen Xiuniang... After that... no, he wants to stop it!

Li Baiyi turned his head, with a smile on his lips.

"Tell the lady and the owner, I'm leaving!"

Shen Xiuniang said cleanly, and then left Haotian Mansion calmly.

"Aunt Shen, if you say you live in seclusion, then you live in seclusion. Why do you hide in this Haotian mansion? It's not a small force!"

Li Baiyi laughed.

"I am willing!"

Shen Xiuniang laughed.

"You can come to me, which means that you have made great preparations, and Xiao Baiyi is confident?"

Li Baiyi shook his head, "It depends on how many people in my Mingjiao still remember the love back then."

After speaking, Li Baiyi sighed and said: "Aunt Shen, finding someone is not a one-person job. There are not many people who are as straightforward as you! Everyone is dawdling, not as good as a woman like you!"

"Why, look down on women?"

Shen Xiuniang raised her eyebrows.

"Where do you dare!"

Li Baiyi smiled apologetically, "Aunt Shen, just treat me like I'm complaining, and I have to be patient and invite them out of the mountain one by one!"

"Are you not afraid, they are already old?"

Shen Xiuniang said.

"A skinny camel is bigger than a horse!"

"My hands have been holding embroidery needles for the past 1000 years. Are you not afraid that I am no longer the female Rakshasa?"

Shen Xiuniang said.

"White clothes look down on anyone, but no one dares to look down on Aunt Shen!"

Li Baiyi smiled and said, "You know, there are countless strong men who died under Aunt Shen's plot back then. Master also said that you are his most powerful arm in his life!"

"You, this mouth is sweet!"

Shen Xiuniang snorted, but her face was a little smug, "Wang Yifeng is now..."

Li Baiyi frowned, then shook his head.


Shen Xiuniang said.

"should not!"

Li Baiyi continued to shake his head.

"Forget it, leave him alone..."

Shen Xiuniang waved her hand, "As soon as the battle at Shenguan started today, you couldn't wait to invite me out of the mountain... What is it for? The defense line of Tianshenguan? The evil temple? Or to force the emperor to punish the world!"

"Aunt Shen, you don't seem like a hermit with these few questions!"

Li Baiyi said.

"Tian Shenguan, where is my apprentice now. No matter whether he succeeds or fails, let him go to practice... There are several other disciples of mine in the evil god temple, so don't worry!"

"Please ask Aunt Shen to come out of the mountain, of course it won't be such a thing of killing chickens!"

"Is that for Di Tianshu, or old man Tianji?"

Shen Xiuniang asked plainly.

At this moment, the conversation between the two was suddenly interrupted...

In front of the two, an old man suddenly appeared.

Is an unusually strong old man.

"Who is your Excellency, why did you break into my Haotian Mansion for no reason!"

The old man's voice was polite and tentative.

A person without any background appeared out of thin air in Haotian Mansion, this is the greatest possibility.

"Aunt Shen, they are a little slow to respond. Are you really just an embroiderer in Haotian Mansion?"

Li Baiyi asked calmly, looking at the old man in the Holy King Realm in front of him.


Shen Xiuniang said.

But at this moment, the old man just noticed Shen Xiuniang beside Li Baiyi, and frowned slightly.

Of course, he didn't know this ordinary-looking woman.Because he was the former patriarch of Haotian Mansion, an absolute existence above ten thousand people.

But on the corner of this ordinary-looking woman's clothes, there is the mark of Haotian Mansion.

"Who are you... who are you?"

The old man stepped forward, his terrifying aura suddenly released, and he pressed towards the two of them.

Li Baiyi raised his eyebrows, "Aunt Shen, look... Whenever a person wants to leave, he must leave some unforgettable impressions!"

"I understand this!"

Shen Xiuniang smiled and said, "The brocade clothes have been walking at night for too long, and they will definitely appear holy in front of everyone!"

As she said that, Shen Xiuniang looked at the former patriarch of Haotian Mansion in front of her, pinched a chess piece with her two fingers, and slowly lowered it: "I am not very proficient in martial arts, but I have a little pitiful means for you to see! After all, Haotian Mansion is my chess piece." How much you can comprehend in the places you have stayed, depends on your luck!"

The Holy King of Haotian Mansion frowned.

Good guy!
How dare someone speak so boldly in front of him.

Still a bad-looking girl.

A embroiderer!

Just as contempt appeared on the face of the holy king, his figure suddenly froze.

His expression froze on his face.

I saw Shen Xiuniang's arm falling, and the chess pieces on her fingertips rippling with [-] ripples, the ripples were like thousands of troops arrayed, mighty and mighty.

Within a few breaths, a huge chessboard appeared in the entire Haotian Mansion with a radius of thousands of miles.

Holding the chess pieces in her hands, Shen Xiuniang walked on the chessboard calmly, like a unparalleled female national soldier, planning a strategy to win thousands of miles.

This is conspiracy.

It is also a technique!
The holy king was imprisoned in a grid on the chessboard, making it difficult to move.

At this moment, the entire Haotian Mansion was shaken.


Shen Xiuniang greeted Li Baiyi, casually threw the chess piece in her hand to the holy queen, and then disappeared suddenly.

The whole world suddenly returned to calm.

Nothing just seemed to have happened.

But the Holy King of Haotian Mansion looked at the chess piece in his hand, and suddenly reacted...

It turned out that I really met a legendary character.

It's a pity that Haotian Mansion can't afford such a person, nor can it keep them!
"Aunt have the style of those days!"

Li Baiyi was not stingy with his praise.

"Back then, Di Qingji was fooled into falling by your mouth?"

Shen Xiuniang squinted at Li Baiyi.

"Aunt Shen, don't leave any pot open!"

Li Baiyi said.

"You haven't answered my previous question. Do you want me to deal with Di Tianshu or Old Man Tianji?"

Shen Xiuniang said.

Li Baiyi stroked his forehead quietly, he came to invite Shen Xiuniang, naturally he recognized the latter's strength.

But when he opened his mouth, it was either Di Tianshu or Old Man Tianji.

Are you so confident?

"No, I want Aunt Shen to help me find someone!"

Li Baiyi said.

"It's boring!"

Shen Xiuniang suddenly lost interest, "I will go back to Haotian Mansion and continue to be an embroidery lady!"

"What if you are looking for my master?"

Li Baiyi suddenly spoke.

Shen Xiuniang was stunned for a moment, "You just said you didn't know!"

"That's why I'm here to find Aunt Shen!"

Li Baiyi smiled very cutely.

Shen Xiuniang frowned, and said in disbelief:
"Wang Yifeng is really still in this world?"

(End of this chapter)

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