
Chapter 127 Lu Han buys a gun

Chapter 127 Lu Han buys a gun
Outside Wanbao Street, Lin Huang and Lu Han squatted on the street corner, staring at Wanbao Building.

"Tell me, which floor is that golden gun on?"

Lin Huang asked boredly.

"The top floor!"

"Have you been up there?"


"Then how do you know?"

"I guessed it," Lu Han said with a serious face, the expression on his face seemed to be a conclusion drawn after countless analysis, confident and firm.

Then, he was kicked to the ground by Lin Huang.

If the things on Wanbao Street vary from good to bad, and most of them are false, then Wanbao Building is the last fig leaf.

And it's an iron fig leaf, the kind that can't be torn off no matter how you tear it.

At least there are no false statements about the things inside.

Even in the darkness, Wanbao Tower is still so brilliant.The building is brightly lit, and there is an endless stream of warriors coming and going. The three golden characters of Wanbaolou are like flames jumping in the dark night, which are particularly eye-catching.

It's too difficult to let people not pay attention to such a golden pavilion that exudes the aura of local tyrants and don't want to enter it!

Just like that, Lin Huang and Lu Han walked in like two country bumpkins looking left and right.

Lin Huang is fine, after all, he is a person who has seen big scenes.But Lu Han was different, he was frightened as soon as he entered the Wanbao Building, his dark face was even more black and shiny because of the excitement.

Not to mention that the building is brightly lit, it is simply magnificent, and everything that shines is decorated with night pearls.The bright and soft light, reflected by the transparent jade window, refracts into dazzling brilliance.

And the things in the window look a little better because of this.

What's even more frightening is that the dress of the woman at the counter in the building is simply shameless.

The thighs that were as crystal as jade, and the bottomless gully on his chest, just dangled in front of Lu Han and Lin Huang.

Shaking the two of them dizzy.

"You're drooling!"

Lin Huang stared at Lin Huang contemptuously, his eyes were equally erratic.

"Buy a gun buy a gun!"

Lu Han quickly put on a serious face, feeling a little uncomfortable in his abdomen.

There are seven floors in Wanbao Building.

The first floor is not a rare thing, but it has already dazzled Lu Han.

The second floor sells priceless items.

The third layer is the treasures of heaven and earth, which are helpful for warriors to practice.The martial arts sold on the fourth floor are not of the mysterious quality, and they cannot even reach the fourth floor.

The fifth floor sells weapons, and the buyers of these weapons are also warriors in the Tianyuan realm.

The sixth floor is the auction house!
On the seventh floor, no one knows what's inside.

"You're dressed a bit shabby!"

After staying on the first floor of Wanbao Building for a long time, Lin Huang suddenly said.

During this period, everyone who entered the Wanbao Building would receive a warm reception, except for the two of them.Lu Han's eyes turned red as he saw the graceful women walking by.

"Then let's go up by ourselves!"

Lu Han glanced at the sackcloth on his body and felt that he had been greatly insulted.

Lin Huang put his hand on his forehead, and followed Lu Han to the second floor of Zhenbao Pavilion.

Then the two of them were stopped like wild dogs. At the entrance of the second floor, a middle-aged man with a slightly short stature asked with a smile on his face:
"You two have seals!"

There was an inexplicable taste in that smile.

"What is a seal?"

Lu Han looked up in doubt.

Lin Huang turned his head away and quietly took a few steps away from Lu Han.

"Naturally, it's the seal issued by Wanbao Building." The smile on the middle-aged man's face dimmed a bit, and he continued: "Only those who hold the seal can set foot on the second floor of Wanbao Building. After all, the things on it are not ordinary things. normal person……"

The middle-aged man didn't go on, but the meaning was obvious.

"I have money!"

Lu Han said with confidence.

"Without a seal, even if you have money!"

After looking at Lu Han, the middle-aged man shook his head and said, the smile on his face was completely gone, "The so-called rich is just a relative concept. Just like anything on the first floor, it costs at least a thousand taels of gold. And the price of the second floor is more than ten times!"

"I don't know if your money is ten taels of gold, or 100 taels?"

Lu Han scratched his head, a little angry in his heart, but more at a loss.

Lin Huang's face turned cold, but before he could speak, there was another discordant voice in the restaurant:
"How can all kinds of beggars come in? Is this how Manager Li manages Wanbao Tower?"

Then a tall figure appeared, folded the folding fan and pushed Lu Han away, there was a trace of disgust between the handsome brows, it seemed that Lu Han's coarse linen clothes made him feel sick, "You are blocking my son's way!"

Lu Han at the top of the stairs didn't move at all.

"Mr. Xuanyuan, why are you here? You are such a rare visitor!"

Li Guanshi looked at the young man in purple, and his face was filled with a smile, which seemed to be flattering.Then he stared at Lu Han fiercely, and scolded:

"Things with no faces are blocking the way of Mr. Xuanyuan, so hurry up and get out of the way!"

At the top of the stairs, Lu Han still didn't move a muscle. He raised his head and stared at Guanshi Li seriously, with a sharp look in his clear eyes, "I want to go up!"

"Go up? Without the seal, even a strong Marquis Wu can't go up!"

Without the seal, the strong Marquis Wu can naturally go up, but Lu Han is not.

On the side, Lin Huang stared at the so-called Young Master Xuanyuan.He was really good looking, the purple clothes were embroidered with gold trim, he couldn't be called very handsome, but his face was not flawed at all.

Few men's faces can be maintained like this.

In the arms of Young Master Xuanyuan, there is also a soft and beautiful woman, wearing a warm pink long dress, she looks extremely good-looking.The woman didn't speak, but quietly looked at the profile of Mr. Xuanyuan's extremely delicious profile, a little obsessed, like a kitten.

"Master Xuanyuan?"

Lin Huang thought secretly, "I don't know if the word Xuanyuan has something to do with Xuanyuan Tibing?"

"Remember the stinky beggar, I'll just say it once, get out of here." Mr. Xuanyuan is good-looking, but what he said was not pretty at all, even mean:
"Don't even look at your own identity, dare to act presumptuously in this Wanbao building. A bereaved dog whose clothes are not even worth ten taels of silver dares to block my way!"

On the side, Lin Huang's expression turned cold, but he didn't make any moves.

This is Lu Han's business.

"none of your business!"

Lu Han said calmly, he didn't seem to care about Mr. Xuanyuan behind him, he just stared at Guanshi Li in Wanbaolou coldly, and said, "I want to go upstairs!"

Li Guanshi shook his head, grinning grinningly, "Do you know who the son behind you is? Even if you go to the second floor, you won't survive tomorrow!"

"My son Xuanyuan Lihen!"

That Young Master Xuanyuan was about to get angry, but listening to Li Guanshi's words was very helpful, he spread his folding fan in his hand, and said with a little pride.

Xuanyuan Lihen!

As soon as the four words came out, many people in the hall were attracted.

The so-called Xuanyuan Lihen is not from the Xuanyuan Mansion, but it has something to do with it.If it is strictly counted, it can be regarded as a relationship separated by three or four generations.

Xuanyuan Lihen's original surname was Song, and the surname Xuanyuan was only because of some old sesame seeds and rotten millet incidents three or four generations ago.

But in the Eastern Spirit Realm, as long as the surname is Xuanyuan, most of the bystanders will be a little afraid.Besides, strictly speaking, this young man can also be regarded as Xuanyuan Tibing's distant nephew.

Not only that, this Xuanyuan Lihen was also considered the leader of the younger generation of Beiyan Dynasty.

Northern Yan Emperor Wu tested Hwarang!
"I know you." Lu Han at the stairs didn't seem shocked, but said calmly, "That Xuanyuan Lihen who suffered from Hualiu disease when he was seven years old!"

In the building, there was an uproar in an instant, and everyone's expressions immediately became a little strange.

Lin Huang's expression froze, "Seven years old? This guy Lu Han started making rumors, and he really didn't cover it."

The obsessed eyes of the woman in Xuanyuan Lihen's arms instantly became confused.

"Who are you, a lifeless thing!"

Xuanyuan Lihen's eyes were filled with anger, and the folding fan in his hand was like a knife, with a piercing chill, he slashed directly at Lu Han...

Before Xuanyuan Lihen's folding fan fell, an extremely powerful aura suddenly appeared in the Wanbao Building, suppressing Xuanyuan Lihen's offensive completely, and then a voice full of aura sounded:

"In the Wanbao building, martial arts are prohibited!"

Afterwards, the stairs trembled slightly, and a middle-aged figure appeared, walking down the stairs slowly. He was a little thin, with a beautiful beard, and looked relatively calm.

"Steward Zhou!"

Looking at the middle-aged man going downstairs, Xuanyuan Lihen's complexion changed, and he forced a smile on his face.

In contrast, Guanshi Li on the side suddenly became cautious, hooking his body as if he was a little scared.

Lu Han raised his head, and his gaze fell directly on Zhou Guanshi.

"What are you going upstairs for?"

Steward Zhou asked with flick of his sleeves, looking at Lu Han, his brows were slightly frowned.There is really no way to blame Zhou Guanshi for this, it is really that Lu Han's clothes are too shabby.

No one who reads it will think that Lu Han is a rich man.

However, Guanshi Zhou's vision is obviously not within the reach of Guanshi Li. He can at least see Lu Han's realm.You can also see many things from Lu Han's serious eyes.

Listening to Zhou Guanshi's question, Xuanyuan Lihen and Lu Han responded at the same time:
"Of course I'll come and see that golden gun!"

"I'm here to buy a gun!"

(End of this chapter)

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