
Chapter 1275 Small Town

Chapter 1275 Small Town
It was still early morning.

The sun has just risen...

There was smoke from the kitchen in the town, and many residents were sitting on the threshold with bowls in their hands, looking at their relatives and chatting, or they simply sat together and chatted about family matters.

But such gossip mostly belongs to women.

Let's talk about how much money the man made this year... Whose little vixen knows how to spend money without doing anything for a day. The poor man in his family is very honest and only knows to work outside all year round.

From time to time, he scolded his own baby Liao twice for not messing around, making his whole body dirty.

And at some street intersections in the town, there are more men gathered.Gather together, drink relatively light rice wine or tea, and talk about everything.

For example, the little widow in the next door is dressed up every day, and she doesn't know who to show it to.

Or the tigress in my family looked at me wrongly last night, so that I walked over today, leaning on the wall.

Or the tax has increased again this year, which is simply killing people.

Also, in the big city next door, many talented teenagers emerged, but at the age of thirteen or fourteen, they stepped into the realm of human origin.

Every time he said this, the faces of those men couldn't stop yearning and regret.

If it weren't for the lack of money in the family back then, how could he be willing to be ordinary, and how great it would be to become a warrior.Or if you are 20 years younger, you don’t get married so early, and you have to go out for a walk and experience the big world.

It's a pity that most of them are already in their 40s and [-]s, with some old and some young. Even if they are unwilling in this life, there is nothing they can do.I can only comfort myself, hugging my wife to warm the bed is also very good.

But I still have to think about the way out, work hard to make money, and strive to let my little bastard stand on tiptoe to reach the threshold of cultivation.

As for success or failure, they didn't think too much about it. They just regarded it as the fulfillment of their youthful dreams and tried their best to give their children a chance to see the outside world.

"Old Tang, you are from outside, let's talk about the anecdotes outside, don't be like a boring gourd every day, just know how to drink tea! Don't say anything, you are too obvious!"

In the tea shop outside a restaurant at the head of the town, many people gathered together and chatted enthusiastically in their spare time. In a little time, they will go to work.

At this moment, several men gathered around a big table, knocking peanuts, holding Pai Gow, and chatting casually.

"There's nothing good outside, it's all about fighting and killing, and the water is very deep! If it weren't for this, how could I have come to this place!"

The old Tang who was asked was a good-looking middle-aged man, but he was a bit slovenly, with an unshaven face, and he was wearing coarse linen clothes, no different from everyone else.

"This is a bit of a fart for you!"

A man said with a smile: "Then when you first came here, the clothes you wore... It's not easy at first glance. You are at least from a wealthy family, maybe you are an official! Just your wife, long It looks so good-looking, it's not something ordinary people can afford to marry!"

"Did you commit a crime outside, or have enemies, so you have to come here!"

Old Tang shook his head helplessly, "Basically, there are several members of the family who dislike each other, and I almost bankrupted the family. Some members wanted to hack me to death, so they had to flee with the whole family. It’s okay not to talk about sad things!”

"Hahaha... I guessed it was like this. Anyone who is serious comes to our small place. Everyone here wants to go out, and only people who are out of their minds or have trouble will come here!"

A thin middle-aged man laughed.

Old Tang also shook his head helplessly, threw a peanut into his mouth, and looked more relaxed.

"But you have to be careful, that fool Liu in the town has been single for 40 years, and now he can see a sow with eyes shining. Not long ago, he went to Widow Zhang's house in the middle of the night and was beaten out with a stick. You That woman was born so beautiful, just like the fairy in the painting, but you have to beware of this widower, I have seen him wandering around your house several times, he is very old and unprincipled!"

When the old Tang's wife was mentioned, everyone's eyes changed, and they seemed to be more interested.

"Understood, after morning tea, I'll go and break Liu Er's stupid leg!"

Old Tang laughed.

"That can't be done, it's going to be a lawsuit! If things get serious, you might be in prison for the rest of your life!"

"Yes, then I have to think about it!"

Old Tang frowned, looking a bit difficult to deal with.

"This matter is easy to handle... Please ask that fool Liu to go to the brothel in the city for a meal, and ask for the best oiran. If he slips away halfway, then fool Liu will definitely not be able to pay the money, and the brothel will naturally not report to the official easily. Then Naturally, Liu Er will be beaten up! Whether there are legs or not is not critical, as long as the thing below is injured, it will be bad!"

Someone spoke.

"This... is a bit too cruel, it's almost like killing someone!"

Someone shook his head.

"That's easy. Before leaving, tell the people in the brothel that Liu Erlian still has a house, which can pay off the debt. In this way, Liu Erlian will not be able to stay in the small town without a house!"

"There is some truth in saying that, and my mother-in-law is also pretty. I see that Liu Er is like a thief every day, and I feel uneasy!"

A man nodded in agreement.

"Oh... what about Old Tang... Hey, who are you..."

Suddenly someone asked two questions in succession.

The first problem was that he found that Old Tang was missing. Just now he thought it was Old Tang who was offering advice and suggestions, thinking that the people from outside were different, and they were full of bad things.

But when he turned his head, he found that there was a middle-aged man in white sitting next to the table.

How can I put it...

It looks quite uncomplicated, similar to when Old Tang first came to the town. Although he is a bit downcast, he is really well-dressed!
"I... heard that there is a golden pheasant in this town, which is worth more than 100 taels of gold. Let me try my luck!"

The middle-aged man in white said.


Everyone in the tea shed turned their heads and were attracted, "More than 100 taels of gold... I'll be good, why is the pheasant so valuable... It's in the town? When did it happen?"

"I'm off to work!"

"My mother-in-law called me home!"

"My child must have fallen, I have to go back and have a look!"


All of a sudden, everyone in the tea shed left to look for the pheasant worth a hundred taels of gold.

The middle-aged man in white, with his long sleeves rolled up and his hands behind his back, walked stompingly in the deep and winding town.

"This town is somewhat similar to Qin Xiaoer's hometown back then. It can always make people feel peaceful! Even the air is sweet!"

The middle-aged man in white said to himself.

Not long after, the middle-aged man in white leisurely came to the river in the middle of the town...

Along the river, a row of willow trees are planted.

"This willow tree is not bad!"

The middle-aged man in white leaned against the willow tree, and took out a small bench, small table, small chessboard and a pot of tea from the storage ring.

After everything was arranged, the middle-aged man in white looked at a house with a closed door by the river:

"A pheasant worth a hundred taels of gold knows I'm coming, so you're worthless closing the door! Why don't you come out and kill a game with me?"

(End of this chapter)

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