
Chapter 1298

Chapter 1298

In Zhendi Divine Abyss, Lin Huang looked at the martial spirits that filled the city, his eyes sparkled.

And outside, those human warriors and evil tribes were still fighting each other, or hunting and killing spirits.

They are like forest waste, from weak to strong, and step by step become tyrannical.

But until now, they have not discovered the existence of Emperor Blood City.


Three million miles away from Tianshen Pass.

It is a long steel dragon lying prone on the entire sky continent. Looking from the endless heights, one can find that ancient steel dragon is like a rune of imprisonment, guarding the entire vast land.

Dafeng Qingtian Bronze Ancient Great Wall!
According to legend... that was the ancient city wall built by Emperor Ming Ai 3000 years ago when he collected the soldiers from all over the world.

Some people also say that the Dafeng Qingtian Ancient Great Wall was transformed by the ancient gods, and it became what it is today through the hands of Emperor Ming Ai.

But no matter what, Dafeng Qingtian Ancient Great Wall...

They can all be called the number one artifact in the Sky Continent.

Outside the Great Wall, there have been countless tragic battles. The foot of the city wall is full of corpses, and the blood of humans and evil races is all over the city wall.

Even if it is invincible.

But it is also covered with traces of swords, guns, swords and halberds, engraved with traces of years and wars.

The ancient Great Wall was as high as thousands of feet...

Like the barriers and barriers of this world.

Tens of thousands of miles away, one can feel the majestic aura that overwhelms the world.

It seems that with its presence, all enemies in the world can be suppressed.


There is a mysterious figure, like a bird flying over the top of the city.

The man stood on the ancient city wall, patting the city bricks with his hands, and suddenly sighed deeply.

Afterwards, that person slowly took off the mask on his face, leaving his true face to this world which is rare.

However, the face under the face is not pretty.

It was so bruised and bruised that it was almost unrecognizable as a face. It must have been brutally slaughtered...

"It's a pity... I was born too late. I can't defend the Great Wall with Emperor Qin, I can't guard rivers and mountains with Master Xiao Yishan, I can't set foot in the Eternal Night Era 2000 years ago, go back 3000 years ago, and fight with thousands of heroes of my human race." , The world is bathed in blood!"

Mingjiao Thirteen Killer Seventh Generation Dragon Head shook his head in disappointment, and then he put on that cold mask again, regaining his indifferent and boundless temperament.

He moved like a ray of light in the ancient Great Wall of Dafeng Qingtian, moving forward like a blue dragon.

Not long ago.

The seventh-generation dragon head stopped. He looked up at the beacon tower in front of him, his eyes became serious.

The flames of the world.

Death to the world!

He really wanted to see the sight of all the beacon fires shining on the sky at the Great Fengqingtian Ancient Great Wall back then, how magnificent and magnificent it would be, and shocked Yu Nei.

But he would rather this beacon tower be abandoned forever.

Because once the beacon tower is lit, it represents war and fighting.

The seventh-generation dragon head waved his hand and branded the jade ring on the groove of the beacon tower...

All of a sudden!
A majestic and boundless aura suddenly swept out, and the terrifying force made the capital of the seventh-generation dragon take a few steps back.

He looked at the beacon tower reverently, with a serious expression.

According to legend...the appearance of every beacon tower represents the fall of a strong man.Because only their fleshly bodies boil oil and light the lamps to ensure that the Beacon Tower will ignite the ancient beacon fire at any moment of need!

With a loud noise, a flame rushed out of the dead and silent Fenghuo Terrace, and went straight into Xiaohan.

Within a radius of several million miles from this beacon tower, one can see the beacon flames gushing out of the world.

In the Great Hall of the Desolate Clan's Defense Line, Li Baiyi stood up. He looked at the beacon fire that day, with a bewildered expression, and shook his head in a bit of disappointment.

After thousands of years, see you again.

He has been planning for thousands of years, so he should be extremely excited at this moment.

But he didn't feel happy at all.

In Yubei Division, the voice of the emperor Tianshu stopped abruptly. He walked out of the hall, looked at the wind and fire of the candle shining on the world, lowered his brows, and there was a trace of cruelty in his eyes:
"Li Baiyi...has he started to get real?"

The whole room in Yubei Division was shocked.

In the Tianji Pavilion outside Tianshen Pass, everyone also looked at the ignited beacon with dull eyes.

"Quickly report to Pavilion Master, Li Baiyi has made a move!"

The five-star deacon of Tianji Pavilion shouted.

"No need, the pavilion master's methods of ghosts and gods are naturally known!"

The sub-deacon said coldly.

In the Tianji Pavilion, the old man who had been sitting cross-legged in the secret room of the starry sky for years opened his eyes again, with a slight smile on his lips, and took out a chess piece from the chess box beside him for the first time.

Twist lightly and slowly!

But not long after, a second beacon ignited between heaven and earth.


Half a quarter of an hour later, the third beacon burst into the sky!

Three beacon fires were lit in different places of the Dafeng Qingtian Ancient Great Wall, illuminating countless territories under the night sky.

Quite a few civilian fighters were puzzled and shocked when they saw the flames shining on the world.

They wondered that there was still a beacon in the cold and dead beacon tower.

They are shocked...

Shocked in this troubled world, what does the appearance of Fenghuo mean?

Could it be that the human race has reached the dangerous point of fighting together?

Could it be that the human race will fall into the eternal night era in 2000 again?

They are confused, shocked, hesitant, worried, and afraid!
But for those warriors and order masters who knew what the lighting of the beacon meant, they were even more shocked.

Because this means that Li Baiyi has made a move!

After the disappearance of Wang Yifeng, the peerless counselor and commander in the Sky Continent.

Mystery Twelve!

In the battle hall of the Desolate race, Li Baiyi sat down cross-legged as he watched the three flames rising from all over the world. He melted a drop of blood into the basin of clear water in front of him.

The next moment...

In the boundless world, a figure in white clothes appeared.

That figure is elegant and indifferent.

But there is an air of spring and autumn in the palm of your hand.

Elegant and gentle.

There is an attitude of arrogance between the eyebrows.

In the mountains, rivers and mortal world, countless people looked at the projected figure in the void, and their eyes quickly shrank.

The tricks of the Commander are unpredictable.

But it is very difficult for ordinary order guides to project in the air.

Even a slightly stronger Commander can only cover a void.

And the figure projected by Li Baiyi...

Four Great Gods.


East Spirit Realm.

The whole world can see him.

Except for the three layers of snow on your body, who in the world can wear white clothes!
Somewhere, a woman raised her head from under the moon, looked at the figure in white clothes with frosty temples in the void, her eyes were dazed, and then tears streamed down her face.

After 1000 years, she finally saw him again.

In the Langjuxu God Realm, a lonely figure looked up. He looked up at the hazy world above his head, but he also felt the breath of white clothes beyond the world. His voice was hoarse, as if he was about to reach the end of his life:

"May the king's banner win and wipe out the evil race!"

"May my Sky Continent be peaceful forever!"

"I hope my disciple Lin Changsheng will bring peace to our human race..."

(End of this chapter)

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