
Chapter 1341

Chapter 1341

Night is approaching.

The banquet hall in the Huangzu dojo was full of people.

Desolate forest.

Lin Taiqing.

Huang Lingsha.

Lin Cangxue.

Ye Canglan.

Ye Wushuang.

Bai Shen.

Bai Xiaopang.

Song Changling.

Situ Huang's grave.

Wang Xiao.

Li Chunfeng.

Li Jiangye.

Zhao Tianjia.

Lord Grim.

Plus Huang Shiyi and Huang Wuxie of the Huang Clan.

The existence of a group of saint emperors and saint kings can be said to be the existence of controlling half of the sky in any part of the mainland.

It's just... they are in poor condition now.

The atmosphere in the hall was also slightly silent, not as noisy as before...

Because everyone understands that this is the last supper.

It can be regarded as drawing an end to the battle of Tianshenguan, and it is also equivalent to drawing an end to the past...

After the full stop is drawn, they have to go their separate ways and go their own way... The troubled times have begun, and they only have this short time to pursue their peak of martial arts.

Once the war is completely opened, they will not have much time to practice.

In fact, this is also the core reason why Zhao Tianjia and others agreed to retreat.

The so-called retreat is naturally not holding a big rock and sitting there for hundreds of years.Different people have different ways.

Some people choose to sit and feel comprehension.

There will also be people looking for inheritance and opportunities.

Or walk in the world of mortals and see everything in the world.

"Don't be so lifeless, young people should be energetic!"

Li Jiangye snorted coldly while drinking, "I think how happy I was when I wandered the rivers and lakes alone!"

Lin Huang smiled, he now understands that this Li Jiangye is not a pure, virtuous and decent person at all.

Lin Taiqing moved the bench under his buttocks, and moved a little away from Li Jiangye. He was afraid that the latter's voice would shake and something bad would come out.

And with Li Jiangye's forcible resolution, the atmosphere in the hall became lively.

There is nothing in this world that wine can't solve.

If there is, more booze is needed.

After three times the Wanghun Soup, everyone on the table wished they could float up and fly into the sky.

Here Bai Xiaopang has ridden on Bai Chen's head, who is still grinning.

On the other side, Li Jiangye patted Lin Taiqing on the shoulder, knocked on the bowl with chopsticks in one hand, and talked about those shameless things back then.Lin Taiqing wished she could bury her head in the bowl, and Huang Lingsha's face turned blue when she stared at Lin Taiqing.

Zhao Tianjia pulled off Ye Canglan's beard, never before.Although the condition of both of them is not good, but Ye Canglan's Hidden Sword Mountain was wiped out by Li Taixuan, Zhao Tianjia still had to make a fool of himself in front of this Qianqiu Sword God.

Song Changling blushed from drinking, and began to recite things that a serious scholar should not know.

Situ Huangfen directly transformed into three Qings, and a group of Situ Huangfen squatted beside him to watch the play.

As for Huang Shiyi, he squatted on the threshold, holding the jug in one hand, and sighed. He looked at the bustling hall, but felt uncomfortable.

There should be one more person in this hall.

Holding the wine glass, Lin Huang walked into the courtyard. He looked at the bright moonlight, stood aloofly under the moonlight, and raised his glass... I don't know if he was thinking of someone or toasting someone.

A group of people, in the smell of alcohol and drunkenness, let go of all their burdens and responsibilities.

I just want to get drunk to the fullest and sweep away the accumulated feelings in my heart.

"Boss still owe me a daughter-in-law..."

In the main hall, Bai Xiaopang has already begun to drink madly.

Situ Huangfen woke up suddenly, as if he had forgotten that he still had a wife.Immediately, he walked out of the Desolate race dojo with his gun in hand.

Wang Xiao ran over and hugged Bai Xiaopang, he was really a fallen man.

Lord Grim is one of the rare people who is clear-headed, but his eyes are a little strange and he glances at a certain person in the hall. He is shaking his wine glass, his eyes are deep.

Lin Huang turned his head in the courtyard, looking at the room full of people, his drunken face was full of smiles.

Life is like this, great luck!
No matter how they end up in the future, in the past, they fought together, got drunk, laughed, and scolded together!
Time flies, everything keeps turning.

Although these will be obliterated by time, it is enough to remember this moment.

Lin Huang tilted the wine glass and let the wine fall.

He looked up at the sky, and seemed to see many figures under the moon.

Qin Changsheng.

Xiao Yishan.

Xuanyuan raises troops.

Pei Xiufu.

Li Shasheng.

Xue Qingshan.

Lu Han.

Song Hanshan.

Emperor Chu Bai.

Ji Sansheng.

There was even that Liu Cangsheng.


Suddenly, Lord Grim knocked the wine glass on the table, making a crisp sound.

Lin Huang turned around.

Lord Grim took a sip of wine, stood up abruptly, "Lin Cangxue, I like you!"


In the hall, there was an instant silence.

Needle drop is audible.

Everyone was staring at Lord Grim... It was hard to digest this sentence.

However, before everyone could react, Lord Grim timidly ran out of the hall, "Teacher, I'm going out to practice!"

Lin Huang suddenly reacted and chased him out.

In the main hall, Lin Cangxue was slightly taken aback for a moment, then lowered her head, and no one could see her expression.

Outside the Huang Clan Dojo, when Lin Huang chased him out, Lord Grim had already disappeared.

Obviously, a safe retreat is prepared.

"His mother's guts are fat! Even I can't beat me! I like your sister!"

Lin Huang cursed fiercely, and returned to the hall resentfully.

"Sister, next time I see him, I'll cripple his leg!"

Lin Huang was also a little drunk, waving his hands and talking nonsense passionately.

"Need not!"

Lin Cangxue shook her head, "I can cripple him myself!"

The night is getting darker.

Except for Lin Taiqing and Lin Huang who were dragged into the room to sleep, the other group of lonely people all lay in disorder in the hall and fell asleep.

A drunk to relieve a thousand sorrows.

Sleep soundly like a baby death.

At the end of the night and dawn, everything in the world is rolling forward, and those who forgot everything last night will return to their own track.

Lin Huang stood outside Huang Lingsha's room for half an hour.

Then turned to leave.

In the room, Huang Lingsha didn't sleep all night, she looked at Lin Huang's leaving back, and finally couldn't help but shed tears.

In fact, everyone understands what everyone's retreat will mean this time, but they didn't put it bluntly.

In the troubled times, since you choose to join the WTO, you cannot avoid a war with the world after all.

The turbulence of the world is the real unpredictable life and death.

In the days to come, I am afraid that we will gather less and leave more...

Lin Taiqing slowly sat up from the bed, "He can go to today, and he can go to tomorrow!"

Huang Lingsha snorted coldly, and walked out of the room directly.

Lin Taiqing:? ? ?

"What did I do wrong again?"

Sunrise East.

Sunshine shines thousands of miles.

In the golden light debris, Lin Huang's long-sleeved white clothes slowly disappeared at the end of Yaoguang City...

(End of this chapter)

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