
Chapter 139 The first Wuhou to appear

Chapter 139 The first Marquis Wu to appear
The atmosphere in the hall was extremely suppressed at this moment.

Even Nan Yunlie, who is half-step Wuhou realm, is helpless at this moment.The things in King Wu's tomb have long been beyond his imagination.

While Lin Huang was terrified, there was still a tinge of doubt in his heart, that is the bloody crows filled with corpse puppets.

On the way to Piaoxue Palace, that mysterious blood shadow is the Scarlet Crow.

Wuhou Jia Wanjin also had a blood crow in his body.

In Piaoxue Palace, during the battle against Jiang Huaiyin, a blood-colored crow entered Lin Huang's body, and was later suppressed by him.

The bloody crow has already left an indelible mark on Lin Huang's heart.

And there are so many blood crows in this corpse puppet, what does it represent?
"Remember, you must not let the blood crow enter your body!"

Lin Huang warned Lu Han and Mo Canfeng beside him.

"This kind of blood crow is afraid of the hissing of a horse!"

Lu Han said suddenly.

"how do you know?"

Lin Huang turned his head and stared at Lu Han suspiciously.

Lu Han cleared his throat and scratched his head, "I don't remember clearly, I think there was one at home when I was a child. It was terrified when it heard the neighing of a horse!"

Lin Huang turned his head with difficulty, the corners of his mouth twitching.

Who the hell is Lu Han, to raise blood crows at home?
He has seen the power of the blood crow entering the body before, even Jia Wanjin, a generation of Wuhou, was helpless.And if he hadn't been able to restrain the blood crow because of Tian Shura, he might have become the puppet of the blood crow long ago.

While the two were talking, the corpse puppet's eyes were already red-eyed.Any fresh breath has become the target of his attack, whether it is an earth element or a sky element warrior.

What's even more frightening is that all attacks by warriors have no effect on the corpse puppet.Whether it's the sword energy or the thunder flame, when they come into contact with the blood light all over the corpse puppet's body, they all turn into nothingness.

The corpse puppet seems to have become an irresistible existence.

After the corpse puppet beheaded seven Tianyuan warriors one after another, Nan Yunlie's face became completely solemn. With his half-step Wuhou realm, he also felt deeply powerless after the tentative attack.

A single punch from the corpse puppet is enough to kill any martial artist below the realm of Marquis Wu.

"I'll give it a try!"

Looking at the many warriors who were ruthlessly beheaded in the hall, as well as Qin Han and Lu Yun who followed Yun Feifei down the mountain in Piaoxue Palace were beheaded, Lu Han took a deep breath and said resolutely.

Suddenly there was a neighing sound in the hall.

Martial Soul—Iron Horse Glacier Yanyue Spear!

Behind Lu Han, a horse in armor appeared with a hiss, and a river of ice gradually formed around him.Lu Han swung the golden gun in his hand and let out a roar.

The moment the horse neighed, the body of the corpse puppet trembled involuntarily, and the thick blood around him became dim.

The corpse puppet turned around and stared at Lu Han.

I don't know why, but it seems to feel a little fear!The man with the golden gun was obviously so weak, but he sensed danger.

Afterwards, the corpse puppet stretched out like a thunderbolt, charging towards Lu Han with endless blood energy.

"Iron Horse Glacier..."

Lu Han gave a long cry, and several figures of war horses appeared around him, turning into black whirlwinds, charging towards the corpse puppet.

Afterwards, Lu Han flew up, the golden gun in his hand vibrated, the green dragon pattern on it shone with light, and a sharp and cold aura filled the hall.

"... Yanyue Spear!"

Holding a golden gun, Lu Han flew downside down, pointing directly at the puppet's head.

There was a shock, and before Lu Han got close to the corpse puppet, the latter roared suddenly, and the blood in his body was shaken, and the terrifying breath suddenly sent Lu Han flying, hitting the top of the hall heavily, and then fell down.

And the several war horses that hit towards the corpse puppet suddenly exploded the moment they touched the corpse puppet.

With one blow, Lu Han vomited blood and collapsed to the ground.

The corpse puppet turned its head, walked towards Lu Han again, raised its foot, and stomped towards Lu Han...

Lin Huang's eyes were fixed, and his figure moved suddenly, reaching an unprecedented speed.He grabbed Lu Han who was on the ground and rolled aside at the same time.

There was another bang.

Where the corpse puppet stepped down, a huge pit appeared in the hall.If the two of them hadn't escaped in time and avoided the kick in a dangerous way, they might have already turned into meat paste.

"No way, the difference in realm is too much!"

Lu Han spat out blood, and said with an extremely pale face.

Lin Huang stared at the terrifying corpse puppet, the blood energy around him was not as strong as before after being attacked by Lu Han's martial spirit.Can't help but ponder, said:

"Maybe we can try again!"

Afterwards, Lin Huang made a move with his arm, and dozens of formation marks flew out of his sleeves, forming a formation in the hall.

"The array has no effect on him!"

Lu Han shook his head.

Yun Feifei at the side, looking at the formation in Lin Huang's hands, even revealed a touch of mockery, "But a warrior of earth origin also wants to fight against such a tyrannical corpse puppet. With a first-level formation?"

After Lin Huang frowned and glanced at Yun Feifei, he said seriously to Lu Han, "Integrate your martial spirit into the formation!"

Lu Han pondered for a moment, then waved his arm.Wuhun's figure resurfaced again, and gradually merged into Lin Huang's formation.

In a moment, the sound of war horses throbbed in the hall.

With one move of Lin Huang's arm, he threw the sword array out.

Afterwards, the sword array swept around and walked around the corpse puppet, but did not launch an attack.It's just that there are countless war horses galloping wildly in the formation, making blood-boiling horse neighing sounds, fused together like rolling thunder.

The blood around the corpse puppet then dimmed.

Afterwards, the corpse puppet let out an angry roar, staring at Lin Huang and Lu Han with murderous intent.

"Elder Nan!"

Lin Huang turned to look at Nan Yunlie.

Nan Yunlie nodded, as if he understood Lin Huang's thoughts.He rushed towards the two of them like a frightened bird, then grabbed Lin Huang with his left hand and Lu Han with his right hand, and ran wildly in the hall.

The so-called running wildly is to avoid the attack of the corpse puppet.

While Lin Huang was moving, the formation around the corpse puppet was also moving along with it, constantly changing its orientation.The only thing that hasn't changed is the thunderous neighing of horses in the hall, getting louder and louder.

Seeing this scene, the eyes of the warriors in the hall lit up.Under the neighing of the horse, the blood around the corpse puppet seemed to grow dimmer.

Everyone seemed to understand that the neighing of the horse was the nemesis of the corpse puppet.

In no time... There were actually a few warriors in the hall, their heads raised, neighing.Tired and red in the face, but extraordinarily energetic.

"This... is even more powerful!"

Lin Huang turned his head to look at those warriors with admiration on his face.

In the main hall, surrounded by the formation, the corpse puppets showed a trace of anxiety in their anger.The countless blood crows in the body began to become sluggish.

However, as time passed, Nan Yunlie's speed also slowed down. After all, what he was facing was a corpse puppet, and every time he avoided it, it took a lot of vitality.

It was not easy for Nan Yunlie to persist for half an hour.

"Or not!"

Lin Huang shook his head, his face full of helplessness.

Not only was Nan Yunlie unable to hold on anymore, he also had a limit to controlling the formation, and the same was true for Lu Han's control of the martial soul.

In half a quarter of an hour, although the blood energy around the corpse puppet has been completely cut off, it is very difficult to shake the corpse puppet itself...

In the end, Nan Yunlie stopped in his tracks, sweating profusely, and Lin Huang and Lu Han were also exhausted.

In the main hall, the corpse puppet sensed the gradually disappearing formation, and suddenly let out a roar, and a smear of blood flickered all over his body again, staring at Lin Huang and the other three like vultures.

Afterwards, the corpse puppet flew directly into the air, and a palpitating aura came towards Lin Huang and the three of them like a tide...

Nanyun Liehu stood in front of the two, his eyes were unprecedentedly serious.

Puppets appeared around Lin Huang.

Lu Han held the golden gun in his hand, which was extremely sharp.

Everyone held their breath, and their hearts were filled with shock.Anyone can see that this is the corpse puppet really angry, and the three people in Piaoxue Palace under the corpse puppet's huge body will also be turned into flesh in the next moment.

At the moment when the corpse puppet fell, something happened suddenly in the hall.

I saw a huge palm of one hundred feet suddenly appeared in the hall, like a millstone falling from the dome, within a few swings, the corpse puppet was sent flying with a single palm.

The sudden change stunned everyone present.

Who made the move and sent the corpse puppet flying.

It also broke the blood around the corpse puppet.

This is a corpse puppet of Marquis Wu realm!

Lin Huang also frowned, and moved his gaze to a corner of the hall, only to see a bloody figure appear there at some point.

The whole body was wrapped in bright red robes, and the robes fluttered in the hall like hell blood flowers blooming in full bloom.

Not only the robe was blood-colored, but also the latter's hair was as bright red as possible.Falling down from his shoulders, it gave Lin Huang the feeling of a blood-colored waterfall.

The blood-colored figure had a thin face and high cheekbones. Lin Huang had never seen such a face with sharp edges and corners. The deeply sunken eyes made people feel extremely depressed.

"This is……"

Even Nan Yunlie took a deep breath after seeing the blood-clothed man, as if he had guessed the latter's identity, his puzzled eyes were filled with shock.

There is also a strong fear.

Lin Huang glanced at Nan Yunlie, and then turned his eyes to the man in blood, his brows were deeply frowned. Based on his understanding of the Marquis of Wu list, no one seemed to match his image.

There is no doubt that the blood-clothed man standing not far from everyone is a strong Marquis Wu.

In the tomb of King Wu, the first Marquis Wu appeared.

The blood-clothed man's face was silent, his sunken eyes swept across the crowd like a vulture, and a cold look appeared on his thin face, and he said with a dismissive smile:
"It's just a mere corpse puppet, and it's hard for you to subdue it. The warriors of the four sects and ten dynasties are really disappointing!"

"I don't know what your name is?"

A brave warrior asked.

"Everyone who knows the name of this Marquis is dead, are you sure you want to know?" The blood-clothed man turned his eyes sideways, and then glanced at the warrior who asked the question. His gloomy eyes frightened the latter so that he dared not speak.

The corpse puppet who got up in the hall let out another roar.This time he turned his target to the blood-clothed man, and rumbled towards him.

I saw that blood-clothed man smiling awe-inspiringly, with indescribable contempt in his eyes.Clasping five fingers across the air, a blood-colored vitality invaded the corpse puppet, and a terrifying aura also permeated the hall.

In the main hall, the speed of the corpse puppet was getting faster and faster, but it was directly sucked by the blood-clothed man.

In an instant, the blood-clothed man flew up and pressed his palm on the corpse puppet's head. Between his five fingers, he forcibly deprived the corpse puppet of its strength.

The blood crow in the corpse puppet hissed wildly, but under the powerful force of the blood-clothed man, it was like an imprisoned ant, unable to break free.

At this moment, the blood-clothed man's beard and hair were flying, and his robes were swirling all over his body. The power of the corpse puppet poured into his body continuously like the water of a great river.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Lin Huang's staring eyes gradually froze. It was the first time he had seen such a domineering method.

The people in the hall were full of joy. The corpse puppet's deprivation of power was undoubtedly the happiest thing for them.If no man in blood appeared, they would all be buried here.

Nan Yunlie's face was ashen, looking at the figure of the blood-clothed man, he was shocked to the extreme, and he was not at all happy because the corpse puppet was deprived of its power.

Because he knew that this blood-clothed man was an even more terrifying existence...

(End of this chapter)

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