
Chapter 1398 A Game of Misery

Chapter 1398 A Game of Misery
Sky Continent.

As time goes by, people's memory will become blurred.

Even people on the mainland sometimes think of Linhuang, the Battle of Zhongzhou back then, and the Battle of Tianshenguan far outside the Xuanwu God Domain.

But Lin Huang has disappeared for too long...

Only when on the mainland, every time a young Tianjiao rises, will someone suddenly remember that there once appeared in Zhongzhou a powerful Tianjiao, who single-handedly crushed the four young emperors.

That era... Even though it was only a year, it seemed like a long time had passed.

The Tianjiao on the mainland have sprung up like mushrooms, constantly covering up the reputation of the former Tianjiao.

And those people...

None seemed to show up.

Desolate forest.

Lin Cangxue.

Situ Huang's grave.

Song Changling.


It seems that in one night, these people disappeared on the mainland and were never seen again.At most, there are only some sporadic legends, indicating that they have not left yet.

And the mainland is becoming more and more peaceful.

Nine out of ten of the rampant evil clan's remnants were wiped out in less than a year, which is simply a rare feat.The names of Xingtian Temple and Dongtian Divine Sect are also in full swing because of strangling the evil race.

It's just... mortals can never see the truth of this world clearly.

They didn't know that it was on a mysterious mountain in the Buddhist Kingdom of the Western Heaven.When the Tianshenguan battle broke out, the monk in white was already half Buddha and half demon, and he was already dying at this moment.

The monk didn't know if he would become a demon in one thought, and completely become a Buddha who killed life.In the ten thousand miles of sky, there are monks in white clothes chanting the first sentence of Amitabha Buddha that his master taught him when he first entered the Buddhist gate!
And outside the Langjuxu God Realm, the once mighty terrestrial soldier lord in a golden robe is now in an indescribable embarrassment.

However, after more than a year, the black hair on his head has turned into frost white.It wasn't that he was getting old, nor that he had experienced the pain of life and death.

But tired!

Day after day, he is repairing the gap outside the Langjuxu God Realm...

Li Shasheng.

Xue Qingshan.

Ye Canglan, Zhao Tianjia...

No matter where they are, they are guarding the peace of this continent.It is also because only the top powerhouses on the mainland can perceive that something is wrong in this world.

The seal of Langjuxu God Realm is about to be broken.

There was also a change in the gate of the plane connecting the Sky Continent.

Under the seemingly calm sea surface, there are unknown terrifying waves hidden, perhaps even more terrifying than the catastrophe 3000 years ago.

The strong are guarding, and the arrogance that springs up after the rain is just the time when the scenery is proud.And the geniuses from the mainland a year ago have disappeared for too long...

On the road leading to the Holy Emperor, they searched and searched, step by step!


White Tiger God's Domain.

Three thousand gods play the city!
It was just a very small city, and it was also an unknown city.There is no martial arts, no gods, no invasion of evil spirits, only ordinary life.

There are also a series of chess stalls in the streets and alleys.

The young man was dressed in white, and when he came here for the first time, he frowned... He really didn't understand why Li Baiyi asked him to come to this place.

But when he squatted down and started to play against a stall owner in his 60s, he was going to earn two copper coins to buy three steamed buns and four taels of beef...

... In less than half an hour, he fell down.

The young man was naturally very dissatisfied, thinking about how his imposing disciple of Li Baiyi, the future Tianji Thirteen, would be defeated by this unknown person.

Then, the young man lost so much that he didn't even have any trousers left. He had enough money to live in a restaurant, but ended up making do with a night in a dry well beside a bridge.

In the early morning of the next day, the young man wandered around various chess stalls, earning that kind of non-gambling game.

one day.

Two days.

Seven days.


The young man lived a pitiful life, and he was the one who was most jealous of filth, and he was already unkempt.If you don't look carefully, you really can't tell that his robe was once snow white.

As long as there is a broken bowl in their hands, young people can go to work and earn money directly.

And the barrenness of these external objects seems to have long been unable to restrain the wildness and fanaticism deep in the youth's heart.

He is like a lunatic, playing against many chess players in the streets...

Haven't won a game in the past seven days.

Until seven days later, an old woman saw that the young man was really pitiful, so she deliberately lost a sentence to him, and then gave him two coins to let him have a full meal.

The young man was brazen, thinking that his chess skills had been sublimated, so he turned around to challenge another stall owner, and then he ushered in an unprecedented 180 seven-game losing streak.

The young people were beaten and cried.

After a month, the young man finally won a sentence, and he won a game openly... Afterwards, the stall owners in the streets and alleys couldn't restrain the young man.

In just three months, the young man has won from the street to the back of the alley, and has become an existence that everyone shouts and beats.

Because when the young man surpassed everyone in chess, he came to these chess stalls to pick up money!
In order to kill this stick who didn't know where it came from, those stall owners began to dig pits for the youth, allowing the youth to play against multiple people at the same time, and increase the bet at the same time!
If you have a lot of money, you are a fool if you don't make it!
Then the youth's small coffers were drained again.

Although he can be equal to one person, and can barely support two people, but no matter how powerful he is, he can't stand the tricks of more than three people in a short time.

Fortunately, young people become more courageous as they fight, practice makes perfect...

Gradually began to fight with three people.





After seven months, the young man finally regained his gentle and elegant image in white clothes.

He is holding a white letter in his left hand and a black letter in his right hand, sitting in the middle of the street with his eyes closed!In no time, many young men ran towards the young man, shouting for the whereabouts of the stall owner he followed.

The young man in white was sometimes in deep thought, sometimes calm, and sometimes frowning, and then reported his plans one by one.

A young man alone, playing blindfold chess with 99 players in the streets and alleys!

This battle...

It lasted for three full days.

It only took three short days for the young man to go from having a rosy complexion, to being powerless, and then to being listless, as if he was on the verge of death.

In the end, the stall owners in the streets and alleys gave up their children one after another.

The young man also collapsed on the ground at this moment, because of extreme fatigue, his cough was covered with blood, "Old guy, I won, so I can officially leave the army right now!"

"No, you didn't win!"

In front of the young man in white, a head popped out suddenly. It was the oldest old man among 99 chess players in the streets and alleys. He looked at the frail young man with an amiable smile on his face:
"Congratulations, you are now qualified to play against nine big players!"

(End of this chapter)

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