
Chapter 1501 Li Baiyi Goes to Tianji Pavilion

Chapter 1501 Li Baiyi Goes to Tianji Pavilion

Regarding Lin Huang's interpretation, Wang Yifeng raised his eyebrows slightly.

It seems... there is nothing wrong with it.

"There are three people who can kill you, but when you are in crisis, at least three people will rescue you, won't they?"

Wang Yifeng laughed and said, "Besides, if the three top commanding masters in the Sky Continent take action, it should be very difficult for you to die!"

"Then what about Senior Shen Chunqiu?"

Lin Huang stared at Wang Yifeng and said.

Wang Yifeng was silent, then shook his head and smiled, "In the future, you will understand what it means to be the guardian of the three generations of heavenly secrets! If it weren't for a coincidence, this would be impossible. Among the gods of the human race, Qin Zheng is probably the only one who is qualified now. Several different commanding masters agree with his identity as the protector!"

"Three generations of Heavenly Mystery, although they are inherited in the same strain, they will take different paths in the end. If the paths are different, then the concepts are very different, and their guardians are the same person. Do you know what this means?"


Lin Huang nodded, "This means that you have different methods to kill me!"

Wang Yifeng put his hand on his forehead, feeling like he was playing the piano against a cow.

Lin Huang also spread his hands. In fact, he knew...but he couldn't get used to Wang Yifeng in front of him, and lost the sense of expectation he had before.


"Then can I go now?"

Lin Huang said.

Wang Yifeng shook his head.

"Looking you here, whether it's to tell you the secret, or to become my guardian, this is secondary! The most important thing is to keep you here for the time being!"

"Stay here? Temporarily?"

Lin Huang frowned and stared at Wang Yifeng.

"Li Baiyi has already set foot on the Heavenly Secret Pavilion. This is the catastrophe of his life, and it is also the opportunity for him to become immortal and fly into the sky! Together with his order, his thousand years of accumulation will be tested in the Heavenly Secret Pavilion!"

"He can only rely on himself to win, and no one can interfere, otherwise he is not worthy of leaving the Sky Continent!"

Wang Yifeng opened his mouth to explain.

"Even if I don't go to Tianji Pavilion, do you really think that Zuo Jiaming sect has no one?"

Forest Road.

"Others don't matter, the people in Tianji Pavilion can naturally block them. You are different... You are Li Baiyi's protector! If you stay here, I can block your breath! In this way, all Heaven's Punishment , will fall on Li Baiyi's body!"

"Senior, are you really not worried that Li Baiyi will kill you?"

Lin Huang suddenly asked.

"Naturally I'm worried!"

With his hands behind his back, Wang Yifeng looked at the snow falling outside the house, "I have never met a confidante in my life, and the only one who accompanies me is this apprentice. Although he is a master and apprentice, he loves him like a father and son!"

Wang Yifeng smiled, "His father was brilliant in the Eternal Night Era, but died tragically in the end. Her mother was a pitiful and resolute person, but it's a pity that she was buried deep in the loess in that era!"

"Since Bai Yi can remember, he has never asked me about his parents..."

Wang Yifeng rolled his sleeve robe, he turned his head and glanced at Lin Huang, "But the phoenix nirvana, and the fish jumping over the dragon's gate, need to go through all kinds of hardships! If you can't soar to the nine sky, you can only fall into the abyss!"

At this moment, Wang Yifeng looked a little cold and hard.

Lin Huang shook his head, and sat down calmly, "I hope you won't regret it!"

"In this world, there is no thing that you don't regret!"

Xiao Yishan smiled carefreely, while his sleeves were flying, in the void outside the house, there was a picture projected.

Lin Huang looked up... only to see the clouds covering the fog in the picture, and an ancient mountain range flowing with colorful rays of light, running through the sky.

In the cloud and mist, there are countless people in white clothes with stars looking down, their expressions are tense, as if they are facing a big enemy.

And on that mountain road, there is a middle-aged man in white at the moment, he walks slowly and climbs up calmly.

Half a month has passed, and this middle-aged man is not walking fast, it seems to be just passing by.However, in the past half a month, the middle-aged man broke through seventeen barriers in a row, defeating most of the commandos on this mountain.

——Tianji Pavilion.

"What is the attitude of Tianji Pavilion on the mainland?"

Lin Huang turned his head and asked Wang Yifeng.

"No attitude, just monitor the mainland!"

Wang Yifeng smiled, "This Tianji Pavilion was originally created by me. I founded it after Zuojia Mingjiao fell. I hope that one day, I can help Mingjiao to make a comeback!"

Lin Huang was suddenly surprised.

According to Wang Yifeng, the old man that day is really Wang Yifeng.

"But today's old man Tianji is no longer the old man Tianji!"

Wang Yifeng said.

"One hundred years after I created the Tianji Pavilion, people from the Destiny Clan sneaked into the Sky Continent, took the Tianji Pavilion from me, and became the new Tianji old man!"

Wang Yifeng said that the wind is calm, and there seems to be no hatred.

However, Lin Huang was a little frightened. Being able to snatch the Tianji Pavilion from Wang Yifeng's hands without a sound showed that the strength of this old man of Tianji is too terrifying.

As a result, Li Baiyi is bound to be in great danger.

At least from Lin Huang's point of view, there is still a certain gap between the current Li Baiyi and Wang Yifeng.

"I really want to know, if I want to leave here, how can senior keep me!"

Lin Huang thought about leaving again.

It is impossible for him to sit back and watch Li Baiyi die like Wang Yifeng.

"There is no way!"

Wang Yifeng said bluntly, "You can leave at any time...but before the battle between Li Baiyi and the old man Tianji is over, if you appear in the Tianji Pavilion, Li Baiyi will be useless in this life, and he will not be grateful to you!"

"He doesn't know that you are still in the Sky Continent, and you set up such a trap for him behind your back!"

Forest Road.

"He is my disciple, if he can't even deduce this, he is not worthy of being my disciple!"

Wang Yifeng seems to have confidence in Li Baiyi.

"The commanding master...can't he set up some dark schemes?"

"This is the conspiracy!"

Wang Yifeng smiled and said, "They've all come to challenge the old man Tianji, this is not a conspiracy!"

"And... Baiyi's father is the saint of the last academy in the Eternal Night Era! He is also the master of the dilapidated Haoran academy in Zhongzhou!"

"Haoran Academy, once held the torch for the advancement of the human race in the Eternal Night Era. But his father died tragically in the end. Do you know how he died?"

"Fate family?"

Lin Huang asked tentatively.

Wang Yifeng didn't answer, "The Fate Clan is terrifying, even scarier than the Blazing God Clan! The attack from a treacherous corner is the deadliest!"

"Although Bai Yi never mentioned his parents, do you think that after 1000 years, he will not be able to deduce his origin?"

"Do you think that before the identity of the old man Tianji was guessed, he would step into the Tianji Pavilion so recklessly? When he didn't have a certain strength, he would step into the Tianji Pavilion so impulsively?"

Wang Yifeng turned his head and looked at Lin Huang, "It's as if you...have the aura of the Holy Emperor consummated on your body. I caught you here with a serious injury, but your strength, can it really be compared to the little consummation of the Holy Emperor?"

"A gentleman hides his weapon in his body, and the commanding master is really deep-minded and hard to figure out. But this is because we don't have strong force to protect ourselves. You warriors are different, you just need to keep hiding your strength!"

"Since you entered the snow hut, it seems that you have been led away by me, and your mind is not very bright. But you also know that you have got a lot of news from me... Even after drinking the fish soup, you became my guardian. Taoist, I'm afraid it can be lifted at any time now!"

"Even though I've told you so much, I know that I haven't convinced you. You seem to agree with my point of view, but once Bai Yi is really in danger, I believe you have been preparing for such a long time since you stepped into the snow hut. Once it erupts, it will definitely appear in the Tianji Pavilion in an instant!"

"You look young and give people the feeling of being brave and resourceful, but it's the most frightening appearance. If you were really brave and resourceful, you would have died a long time ago. I'm afraid even Li Baiyi You and the white-clothed disciples are all lied to! Don't be fooling around with me here... You know, there should be more than I imagined!"

Lin Huang looked blank, "I can't understand what you are talking about!"

(End of this chapter)

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