
Chapter 1520 Xiao Yishan, Zhundi Emperor of the World

Chapter 1520 Xiao Yishan, Zhundi Emperor of the World

The wolf lives on the sacred mountain of the Xu God Realm...

The withered figure suddenly stood up.

He held the instant knife, his eyes were calm.

Afterwards, he slowly walked down the mountain...

Hundreds of miles away, hundreds of evil clans couldn't help smiling as they watched the ancient figure walk down the mountain.

Unexpectedly, that young man really did it.

Even though the Nine Emperors Desolate Sky Formation is still operating, they will not believe that a young man will bury the good years of his life here.

In a short time, the Nine Emperors Desolate Heaven Formation will be incomplete.

After thousands of years, they can finally escape the darkness and reappear in the world.At that time, the king's banner of the evil clan will be planted all over the vast land of the world.

Let those servants of the human race see who is the real master of this continent.

On the top of the sacred mountain, Lin Huang sat cross-legged on the ground, maintaining the operation of the Nine Emperors Huangtian Formation.He stared, watching the broad-backed, white-haired middle-aged man shaking his neck, dragging Shan Na Dao with one hand, and walking down the mountain in the mighty wind!
next moment.

A dazzling white knife light hung across the sky and the earth.

One knife, thousands of miles across.

next moment.

The middle-aged figure disappeared!

Looking back, he had already appeared a hundred miles away.

In an instant, the battle a hundred miles away shook the sky.

Lin Huang's eyes were far-sighted, and he could only see endless sword lights sweeping across the sky and the earth, and that white-haired figure standing majestically between the sky and the earth.

He is like a madman in the world, domineering and arrogant, holding the heads of the evil clans in one hand, and piercing back and forth among hundreds of evil clans with the other hand.

After a while, he was injured.

The pitch-black robe was stained with blood.On the face like a rock, there are also bloodstains, including his own and enemies.

However, he was unusually indifferent and calm.

After walking in the world for 3000 years, Xiao Yishan is no longer the soldier soul of Tianzuo who has gone through the ancient times.

He has feelings.

He's getting weaker!

But he is still the soldier soul...

Between the pitch-black world, the murderous aura that belongs exclusively to Xiao Yishan swept across, like a hunting banner sweeping across all directions.

Even if hundreds of evil clans horribly besieged and slaughtered him, and the overwhelming attacks fell from the sky, they were all carried down by the Nasha knife.

That's a knives...

A fragment of the former magic knife Tuoba Tathagata.

He is the soldier soul of Tianzuo.

At this moment, it seems to be integrated into one body, despising the world, and there is only one knife between the world and the earth.

Suddenly, Xiao Yishan let out a long whistle.

A jet-black sword light spread across the world, cutting the black earth in front of him out of the abyss of hundreds of miles.

On the top of the mountain, Lin Huang's eyes lit up.

That's not Tuoba Rulai's martial arts, but Qin Changsheng's martial arts - dominating the world!
Complete domination of the world.

Thousands of years ago, Qin Changsheng came to an end and took a curtain call, but he didn't really complete his final move to dominate the world.But now, Xiao Yishan has displayed it.

The moment it was cast, dozens of evil races were buried with it.

At this moment, hundreds of evil clans were completely shocked.

They didn't expect that a young man stepped onto the god, but let a killing god walk down.

He is not absolutely invincible, but in the latter, they feel the vicissitudes of the past, and the endless murderous intent.


The murderous aura around him is getting stronger and stronger.

Blood, like the nourishment of this person, made him more wild and stalwart.

In the battlefield, Xiao Yishan didn't speak a word, the Shan Na Dao in his hand was just like his body, every time it appeared, it would be accompanied by the rolling of the head.

"Three thousand years in the world, you may have forgotten who I am!"

Xiao Yishan spoke, his voice was indifferent, and seemed to look down and contemptuously, "But I have traveled through the mighty river of time, and in the fragments of time 10 years ago, there is no light or shadow of the evil race!"

"A race that rises suddenly, just like this rich man in the world, how can it stand shoulder to shoulder with my magnificent human race!"

"The human race... has been struggling, but has never stepped down from the altar!"

"A short nap, let you wait for the clown to show off for a few days! Who knows that once the sleeping tiger wakes up, the whole world will tremble!"

Xiao Yishan's voice was like thunder, full of ancient confidence and incomparable pride.

I saw him let out a long howl, and suddenly flew into the void. He raised the knife above his head with both hands, his white hair was fluttering, and his black robe was curled horizontally, like a man under the eternal night.

However, when everyone is angry, the heaven and the earth will mourn for him.

In an instant, a sound of howling devils sounded from Shan Na Dao, and a blade light that cut across the darkness engulfed time and space, like a torrent of annihilating the world, completely annihilated thousands of miles around.


At this moment, a thunderous roar resounded in the dark depths of the Langjuxu God Realm, and a giant pitch-black hand tore through the void and appeared above the sky.

The giant hand descended from the sky with the rules of the avenue.

Xiao Yishan raised his head, he glanced contemptuously at the giant hand that descended from the sky, snorted coldly, and immediately slashed out with a knife that crossed Jue Biyu...

"The vast land of the world, the heavens and all races... those who dare to stand under the sword of Tuoba Tathagata, and dare to say 'presumptuous' in front of me, are no more than one hand in the past and present. Even if the tiger falls into the sun, but you... what are you? thing!"


Boom boom boom...

Before Xiao Yishan could finish his words, the entire void that spanned thousands of miles exploded completely.Endless smoke and dust soared into the sky and turned into thin clouds.

Lin Huang saw the top of the sacred mountain.

He saw the giant pitch-black hand coming through the void, cut off by Xiao Yishan.That should be Sheng Moye, the leader of the evil clan in the Langjuxu God Realm mentioned in Xiao Yishan Pass.

And the hundreds of evil clans attracted by Lin Huang were also completely buried under Xiao Yishan's first blow.

In the gushing sea of ​​smoke and dust, Xiao Yishan was covered in blood, he walked out calmly with Shan Na Dao in his hand.


Xiao Yishan once again set foot on the top of the sacred mountain, and returned the Shan Na Dao to Lin Huang.

"It's over!"

Xiao Yishan sat down cross-legged, "After going out, tell Xue Qingshan that I have cut off one of the arms of the Holy Devil, and his vitality will be severely injured. The evil clan will no longer think about leaving the Langjuxu God Realm in a short period of time. He doesn't have to guard Outside the crack!"


Lin Huang asked.

"Why, I'm not worthy?"

Xiao Yishan raised his eyebrows and snorted coldly, "The teacher was the quasi-emperor a thousand years ago... What's so difficult about returning to the top now? Do you think that there was no great emperor among the evil clans thousands of years ago? Or do you think I can't compare to the Ming Cult leader? Tuobafu?"

"Don't think that Master is old. No matter how fast you and Changsheng run, it will take a long time to realize. And I am the Tao. If I destroy the evil clan alone, I don't need to practice, and I can directly step into the realm of gods!"

"I was a little proud before? You thought you surpassed me? Don't even think about it!"

Xiao Yishan seemed to be a little arrogant at the moment, "It's just that Emperor Zhun hurt the Great Emperor. Thousands of years ago, I held the thirteen powers of the Ming Dynasty and used the Emperor Zhun to kill the Great Emperor! Only later did your senior brother Changsheng use the power of the moment to ban the evil god! Then This is my chance to make your senior brother famous!"

Lin Huang raised his eyebrows.

have to.

Let Xiao Yishan pretend to be here!
(End of this chapter)

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