
Chapter 157 1 Sword Allure and Sword Return

Chapter 157 One Sword Allures the City and the Return of the Sword
Half a quarter of an hour later, the girl in red appeared in the square outside the Piaoxue Hall.

With a snow-white veil, the stars are shining brightly!

Among the slender fingers, there is a three-foot Qingfeng.

Around the girl in red, there were elders from Piaoxue Palace, as well as elders from Wuhoujing who had retreated.They looked at the girl in the middle of the square, as if they were facing an enemy.

And the disciples of Piaoxue Palace surrounded the square, staring at the girl in red curiously and doubtfully, their eyes were full of astonishment.

It seems that I have never seen such a beautiful girl.

I have never seen such a powerful girl who has the terrifying Marquis Wu realm, which is a realm that the palace master Yan Nangui does not have.

When did such an amazing and peerless genius appear in the Eastern Spirit Realm?
But at this moment, in front of the girl in red, stood a woman in white.

The clothes are as frosty as snow, and three thousand blue silks hang down to her waist, and her expression is indifferent and peaceful, like a lotus in the water, leaving behind the world and being independent.

The woman in white looked at the girl in red in front of her, her beautiful eyebrows slightly frowned.

"Your name is Lin Cangxue?"

The girl in red asked, with curiosity in her cold voice.

The woman in white was Lin Cangxue, she nodded, but Shuangxue's face did not change at all, she just stared at the girl in red in the same curiosity.

Like everyone else, Lin Cangxue also wondered about the origin of the girl in red.

But Yun Feifei in the crowd smiled, she seemed to recall the origin of the girl in red, it seemed that in King Wu's tomb, it was this girl who stabbed Lin Huang with a sword.

Thinking about it this way, the girl has a big enmity with Lin Huang.

Now the girl in red went to Piaoxue Palace again to look for Lin Cangxue. It seemed that Lin Cangxue was going to perish today after all.

Thinking of this, Yun Feifei showed a bright smile on her face, which made the disciples around her feel excited.

In the arena, the girl in red continued to speak again, her voice was clear and cool, not offensive, but she could hear the seriousness of the latter:

"They said that you are the arrogance of the East Spirit Realm. You once killed Tian Yuan with the Earth Yuan. Looking at the thousand-year-old talents in the East Spirit Realm, no one can compare with you?"

Lin Cangxue smiled coldly, "Maybe it used to be!"

"Okay, then I challenge you! Please enlighten me!"

The girl in red clasped her hands together, her star-like eyes ignited with a strong fighting spirit.The expression is serious, but there is no arrogance, there is only a moment of sincerity towards martial arts.

In the arena, everyone exclaimed, even the ancestor Wuhou of Piaoxue Palace was a little inconceivable.

This girl who obviously possesses the realm of Marquis Wu and has a mysterious background wants to challenge Lin Cangxue, a fallen genius.Challenge a person in the realm of earth element.

Hearing this, Lin Cangxue was stunned, then smiled and said, "Do you think I can accept your challenge now that I am like this?"

The girl in red nodded seriously and said, "Of course I will suppress the realm to the second heaven of earth and element. If it doesn't work, you and I can deduce the method of fighting!"

Lin Cangxue frowned slightly.

From the eyes of the latter, she actually saw a sincere heart of martial arts. She has already entered Marquis Wu at such an age, but there is no trace of arrogance in her eyes.

He had seen such a look in Lin Huang's eyes before.

After a long time, Lin Cangxue appeared with a three-foot green spear in his hand, and smiled at the girl in red, "I don't know your name yet!"

"My name is Jun Qingcheng, you can call me Qingcheng!"

"Jun Qingcheng?"

Lin Cangxue murmured in a low voice, her beautiful eyes lit up after a little thought...

"You can call me Sister Xue!"

The corner of Lin Cangxue's mouth curled up in a teasing arc.

Jun Qingcheng's star-like eyes froze slightly, and he was a little puzzled by the inexplicable smile on Lin Cangxue's face, as if he felt that the latter was much kinder to him.

But amidst the kindness, there was also a touch of hostility.

But that touch of hostility did not come from him wanting to challenge the latter.

"Let's fight martial arts with spiritual consciousness! It's too boring to suppress the realm of the Earth Yuan realm!"

Lin Cangxue looked at Jun Qingcheng, smiled and said, a mysterious power gushed out of her body immediately.

"Spiritual knowledge fighting needs to have reached the realm of Tianyuan!"

Jun Qingcheng said, "You used to...should only have half a step of Tianyuan."

In the arena, Lin Cangxue smiled softly, her frosty face glowed with radiance, and as she waved the three-foot green blade in her hand, a strong confidence emerged from her eyes.

Just like Lin Cangxue back then!
"When I was in the human realm, I could fight martial arts with my spiritual sense. Otherwise, why would I be called the legend of the East Spirit. Although my realm has fallen into the dust, my spiritual sense is still there. You have to be careful!"

Afterwards, Lin Cangxue slowly closed her eyes, and an illusory figure swept out, pointing at Jun Qingcheng!

Jun Qingcheng's beautiful eyes lit up, and the boiling fighting spirit was burning in those autumn-like eyes.

In the Piaoxue Palace, two figures of peerless elegance appeared in an instant...

The three-foot green edge is as bright as frost and snow.

When the two swords were out of their sheaths, they were like a thunderbolt, like a river and sea surging, and they were spread across the entire Piaoxue Palace inside and outside the palace, instantly being spread out by layers of sword energy.

The two figures are like a frightened dragon swimming around.

A red dress is alluring.

Dressed in white clothes peerless.

At this moment, the disciples of Piaoxue Palace looked at Lin Cangxue in the void, and suddenly felt unspeakable excitement in their hearts.

The woman in white with the three-foot green spear in her hand was still so confident and so high-spirited.

They seem to have seen that Lin Cangxue who once killed Tian Yuan with Earth Yuan.I saw Lin Cangxue who single-handedly suppressed all the geniuses in the Eastern Spirit Realm in the Great War of the Four Schools and Ten Dynasties!
In the void, thousands of swords are arranged like an array, and the humming sound of the swords is like a dragon.

"All swords are united!"

In the arena, some disciples of Piaoxue Palace exclaimed. They clenched their fists and looked at the scene of thousands of swords returning to one sword in the void, feeling indescribably excited in their hearts.

All swords are united!

Lin Cangxue's famous stunt is also the latter's own martial art.

They hadn't seen each other for three full years.

In the arena, Jun Qingcheng also appeared, resisting Lin Cangxue's attack.Every sword is extremely powerful and extremely quintessential, even if Wan Jian Guiyi appears, it has not shaken the girl in red at all.

Everyone was terrified, they saw the mighty Wan Jian Gui Yi, and at the same time they saw Jun Qingcheng's terrifying sword moves, as if behind the three-foot green blade, he was invincible.


Suddenly a disciple shouted.

In the square, suddenly the north wind blew through, and snowflakes whizzed down one after another, like a big mat sweeping across the wilderness, sadly and rapidly.

A strong and piercing sadness filled the square like a tide.

"This is……"

Some disciples frowned, their brows were tightly knit together, and their eyes were full of shock.

The world is snowing!

When the howling snowflakes swept across, and the terrifying power enveloped Jun Qingcheng, what was even more intense was the inextricably sad atmosphere.

Everyone seemed to have seen Lin Cangxue's past.

A generation of arrogant, high-spirited.

He fell into the dust overnight and was ruthlessly betrayed.

From the attention of the crowd to the ridicule of the crowd.


At this moment, even Yan Nangui in the crowd was extremely shocked at this moment.He never imagined that Lin Cangxue would comprehend Xue Piao's world to such an extent.

Compared with the ancestors of Yanzangfeng, it is not inferior.

"What a beautiful snow!"

Looking at the howling and falling snowflakes, Jun Qingcheng, who was full of sword energy, actually smiled.When she waved her jade hand, the entire void froze.

Jun Qingcheng stretched out his hand to hold a snowflake, and Qiushui's clear eyes were full of surprise.

all of a sudden...

Another sword appeared in the void, which actually broke Jun Qingcheng's time-sealed power, and with the momentum of mountains and rivers collapsing, the sky collapsed and the earth fell, he killed Jun Qingcheng.

"Since you are Jun Qingcheng and it's the first time we meet, then this sword is my gift to you, it's called Yijian Qingcheng!"

As Jun Qingcheng's words fell, the boundless sword energy condensed, and from the void condensed a peerless fairy figure under the bright moon, dancing like a frightened bird...

During the dance, the city of people is overwhelmed, and everything is killed!

Looking at Yijian Xilai, under Jun Qingcheng's snow-white veil, he rarely pursed his lips into a smile, Qiu Shui's eyes glowed with pure light, and said:
"Then I will give you a sword too, I hope you will realize it, I named it... Return of the Sword!"

Before Jun Qingcheng finished speaking, while the red clothes were dancing, the entire Piaoxue Palace was covered with illusory long swords within a radius of ten miles, with tens of thousands of handles.

Every sword is surrounded by illusory flames, burning the void.

Suddenly, ten thousand swords condensed, forming a sea of ​​flames on the Piaoxue Palace.In just a moment, the sound of the phoenix's nirvana resounded in the surrounding space.

With a long cry, the phoenix fluttered its wings and soared into the sky, looking down upon the sky, spit out a huge brilliant sword from its mouth, and headed towards Lin Cangxue.

The Nirvana of the Phoenix——The Return of the Sword!


There was a loud noise, and smoke and dust filled the Snow Palace.

One Sword Allurement and Sword Return finally collided, and the pouring out force directly submerged the two of them.

On the square, everyone looked at the power of the two swords with horror.

The ancestors of Marquis Wu who were present were even more frightened.Without a certain realm, I only know how powerful these two swords are, but I don't know how powerful they really are.


Whether it's a sword that falls on the city, or a sword that returns!It was a sword that Lin Cangxue and Jun Qingcheng realized during the battle and presented to each other.

It wasn't until this moment that everyone noticed.Even though Lin Cangxue has declined and lost her martial arts cultivation, she is still the same Lin Cangxue she used to be.

Peerless elegance!

In the square, Jun Qingcheng and Lin Cangxue came back to their senses, and gradually opened their eyes, with smiles on their faces.

"Thank you!"

The two said in unison.

The last two swords, both of them had a feeling.This round-the-clock sparring battle is a rare opportunity for the two of them.

And winning or losing doesn't matter anymore.

Because Lin Cangxue is only in the realm of the second heaven of earth and element, and there is no such thing as victory at all.

"Sister Cangxue, I believe that one day, you will return as a legend!"

There was a smile on Jun Qingcheng's cold face.

Lin Cangxue retracted her sword and approached Jun Qingcheng, her smile seemed to be somewhat satisfied, "Really? My brother once said that too!"

"what is his name?"

Jun Qingcheng asked curiously.

"His name is... hmm?"

The smile on Lin Cangxue's face suddenly froze, and she only felt a slight pain in her heart.Then his complexion changed, he didn't care about Jun Qingcheng, and headed towards the mountain gate of Piaoxue Palace.


Before the mountain gate.

When Lin Cangxue appeared, he saw only a young man in blood and armor slowly climbing up the ten thousand steps, with a long trail of blood trailing behind him.

The young man raised his head and looked at Lin Cangxue in front of the mountain gate. A bright smile appeared on his blood-dried face.

Looking at the boy's appearance, Lin Cangxue's face turned pale, and tears burst out of the embankment...

A young man is naturally Lin Huang.

After beheading Xue Yihou, his injury has not improved at all.From the Qinglong Mountain Range to the Piaoxue Palace for three thousand miles, he finally crawled back with his seriously injured body.

"Sister... I found Fen Xinlian!"

Lin Huang looked at Lin Cangxue who was crying so hard, and the smile on his face became brighter. With blood-covered hands, he took out the Burning Heart Lotus and handed it to Lin Cangxue.

Afterwards, Lin Huang vomited blood violently and fell to the ground...

 Happy Dragon Boat Festival guys!
  Three more today!

(End of this chapter)

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