
Chapter 1570

Chapter 1570
This night, Mingjiao came out.

At the end of the night and dawn, outside the ancient city, corpses were everywhere.

The entire army of more than 20 evil races was slaughtered!
The corpses piled up into mountains, higher than the ancient city.

But outside the ancient city, the formation of more than 30 Mingjiao troops was still in order. They quickly cleaned up their armor and buried the corpses of their comrades.

Lu Han glanced at the towers of the ancient city, and said calmly:

"Do Mingjiao a favor and clean up the battlefield here?"

"it is good!"

On the tower, the middle-aged man did not hesitate at all.

They didn't participate in the battle that night, but they watched it all night, which made their scalps tingle.

It turns out... this is the combat power of the human race.

This is the former Mingjiao army.

The 20 evil race could fight against the 60 human army, but they were slaughtered overnight by 30 Mingjiao followers.The dozens of imperial realm powerhouses of the evil clan had just emerged before they were quickly suppressed by the four chiefs.

Behind the 30 army, there are still millions of troops, but they didn't make any moves.

On the broken and blood-stained battlefield, Lu Han glanced at the army, then waved the battle flag in his hand, and led the four armies towards the next gathering place of the evil army.


Mingjiao was born, and the soldiers were invincible!
Terrible killings followed.

The 30 army, like a mad dragon sweeping across the world, started from destroying the evil clan outside the ancient city, and marched along the Dafeng Qingtian Ancient Great Wall.

Everywhere he went, there were corpses everywhere.

And the Ming Cult did not leave a large army to garrison. Now that the Ming Cult has just returned, it is not appropriate to divide the troops to weaken the combat power. At worst, after scanning once, go back and scan again.

One day later, Mingjiao went to Hanbei City and wiped out [-] evil army.

Two days later, all the soldiers from the Mingjiao Department went outside the city of Mohai, and surrounded the army of the evil clan without destroying it... It was night, and the Mingjiao ambushed and killed the three armies of the evil clan who rushed to help them, totaling more than [-]!


As news came out one after another, the entire Sky Continent was shaken.

Countless people, their worried hearts suddenly became stable.

That Demon Cult is back!
But that Demon Cult wiped out nearly 50 troops of the Evil Clan in just three days.

This is unmatched by the four ancient clans.

Before that, the human race could only defend passively, unable to counter the evil race...

And now, they heard the news of victory.

They see hope.

But at this moment, neither the Four Great Ancient Clans nor the Evil Clan seemed to be sleeping well.



Bafang City, Tianshui Tower.

This is just a very ordinary restaurant.

However, in the early morning of this day, several people appeared one after another, looking for a seat by the window.

"The patriarch of the emperor is very elegant, and he found such a place to meet!"

The first to speak was a young man with a beautiful and charming face!
"Amitabha, ordinary is true!"

A dying monk spoke, his brows were blank, and he felt a sense of charity.

"Let's talk about things, Pindao doesn't like Bafang City!"

A Taoist in feather clothes spoke calmly, and slowly poured himself a cup of tea.

"Mingjiao is born!"

Among the four, the last middle-aged man in black spoke and said something that is well known in the world.

"so what?"

The young man from the Yaozu said, "Patriarch Emperor, do you want to follow the example of our predecessors and pull us to fight Mingjiao once?"

"We let Mingjiao go, Mingjiao will never forget the hatred it had thousands of years ago!"

Di Cangtian said flatly, "If you don't have this thought, why are you here... The tea here is probably not that delicious!"

"I don't know what the patriarch of the emperor thinks?"

The Taoist spoke, his expression still calm.

"I don't know Lord Buddha, what do you think?"

Di Cangtian did not respond to Zhao Huangjin's question from Nine Heavens Taiqing Palace, but turned his head to look at the withered Buddha Lord of the Western Heaven Buddhist Kingdom.

"Amitabha, God has the virtue of good life!"

The Lord Buddha clasped his hands together and didn't speak human words at all.

"Patriarch Emperor, if you want to say something, don't beat around the bush and let us say it ourselves... Be blunt, I don't like too many twists and turns!"

Kong Xuansu, a young man from the Yaozu, said coldly.

Di Cangtian frowned slightly.

He tapped his fingers on the table and was silent for a moment.

Only then did he speak, "The Evil Clan is restored and invaded the Sky Continent. We, the Four Ancient Clans, have suffered a great loss of vitality in order to resist the Four Great Evil Clans!"

"Now that the Ming Cult is back, the soldiers are invincible!"

"But after a long battle, we will be exhausted. At that time, there will be no more soldiers available in this world. This is a great crisis for our world. For this reason, we should take a long-term view and take advantage of this opportunity to withdraw our troops to recuperate!"

"At this time, the troops are withdrawn, and the Mingjiao is sitting outside. When the Mingjiao is exhausted, our ancient clan will also recover here, and we can take over the Mingjiao and rule the world again!"

"What do you think?"

Di Cangtian turned his head to look at the other three.

The three of them did not rush to answer.

The scene fell into silence again.

In the end, it was Kong Xuansu from the Monster Race who spoke first, "Mingjiao has changed its tactics now. It will never divide troops, and will never suppress a city or a pool. Those who run away after fighting will never give us a chance to withdraw!"

After finishing speaking, Kong Xuansu frowned, he understood Di Cangtian's thoughts.

"Amitabha, God has the virtue of good life!"

The Buddha Lord of the Western Paradise Buddha Kingdom still does not speak human words.

After Zhao Huangjin slowly drank a cup of tea, he said, "Once the defense lines of the four clans are withdrawn, the evil clan will cross the ancient Great Wall of Dafeng Qingtian, and millions of troops will sweep the four great gods! At that time, the real world will be in chaos. Displaced!"

"So... is it too much to kill?"

Zhao Huangjin seemed to be unable to bear it.


Kong Xuansu snorted coldly, "Master Taoist wants to become a saint? Now that the evil clan has returned, Lin Huang killed the Holy Infant Emperor alone, and then killed two great emperors! The Taoist wants the cooperation of the four ancient clans." After the Ming Cult suppressed the evil clan, let Lin Huang turn around and destroy my four ancient clans?"

At this moment, Kong Xuansu and Di Cangtian reached an agreement.

Zhao Huangjin frowned again, and then he looked at the Buddha Lord of the Western Heaven Buddha Kingdom.


This time, Lord Buddha finally stopped talking nonsense, and asked, "What do you think of the evil race?"

As soon as this remark came out, the scene fell into silence again.

Di Cangtian seemed to have the words, and after a little deliberation, he said: "Everyone can come here, it shows that I can reach an agreement on one point. The survival of the four clans is the most important thing!"

"Now, the Four Clans, the Ming Cult, and the Evil Clan can form a trio of forces!"

"And the biggest difference between the Ming Cult and the Evil Race..."

After a short pause, Di Cangtian continued, "The evil race can be discussed, but Mingjiao... can't be discussed!"

For a moment, everyone had different expressions.

Di Cangtian's words are actually very obvious... Between the Xie Clan and Mingjiao, he chose the Xie Clan.

If Ming Cult is allowed to grow stronger, the four clans will surely perish.

And if the Ming Cult falls, as long as the strength of the Evil Clan can be weakened before the Ming Cult falls... At that time, it may be possible to reap the benefits of the fisherman, and at the worst, it can divide an area for the Evil Clan.

At least in this way, the four ancient clans will always exist.

(End of this chapter)

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