
Chapter 1595 Divine Body

Chapter 1595 Divine Body
In the sea of ​​blood, Lin Huang didn't know that Bai Xuanyuan had so many thoughts.

He never hid anything...

It's just that the road is going step by step, and the enemies are hacking one by one. There is no need for people to know what is not a foregone conclusion.

"Then senior will stay in my body first, and after leaving Qianliu Realm, senior will stay and stay voluntarily!"

Forest Road.

Bai Xuanyuan nodded, but didn't say much.

Afterwards, Lin Huang didn't hesitate too much, first of all, the figure of Overlord Wushuang was condensed in the inner world.

The next moment, Tian Shura in the center of the world opened his mouth wide, and violently swallowed Tyrant Wushuang into his belly.Immediately afterwards, Tian Shura's face was red, and there was a crazy breath surging in his abdomen.

Tian Shura's eyes showed a cold light, and he began to use an extremely powerful posture to completely smelt Tyrant Wushuang.

While Lin Huang was swimming in the sea of ​​blood, devouring the blood soul.While surging the mysterious sea in his body, he extracted the power of Buddhism in the sea of ​​blood, and continuously shaped the golden body of Buddhism in his body to become stronger.

Time goes by, quietly like water.

I don't know how long it took.

Tian Xiuluo gradually calmed down, and the originally domineering Wushun was completely smelted.

And Tian Shura's eyes, which were full of evil spirit, added three points of arrogance, and his power of Tian Shura also increased a lot, not far from the eighth realm.

The Heavenly Shura Eight Realms correspond to the Great Emperor.

However, according to Lin Huangyuan's previous estimate, it is possible to reach the eighth realm by devouring millions of blood souls.

It's a pity that when he devoured the millions of blood souls after the fall of the silver incandescent angel, he didn't cause too much trouble in Tian Shura.Lin Huang estimated that it would take tens of millions of blood souls to arrive.

But a Tyrant Wushuang contains the power of at least 2000 million blood souls.

Therefore, at least 5000 blood souls are needed to attain the Eighth Realm of Asura.

What is exciting is that there are more than 5000 million blood souls contained in this sea of ​​blood, perhaps hundreds of millions.

As long as he is given enough time, he will be able to become emperor in Qianliu world!

After devouring the Heavenly Shura, Lin Huang directly cut off the body of the eighth life, allowing himself to be one with the ninth life, and melted into the ancient immortal body.

It's just that without seeing oneself, the ancient immortal body is not complete after all.

And even if he merged into seeing himself, I'm afraid there is still a long way to go before the immortal body reaches the divine body.After all, in the vast ages of the entire human race, there are very few gods born.

If he can reach the divine body with a few simple operations, then the divine body will not be so powerful.

The God of Longevity, Emperor Jintian and others are not so powerful.

But Lin Huang was not in a hurry.

He is still young.

Moreover, in the Sky Continent, there is no need for him to rush to become the Great Emperor.

Now all parties hide their clumsiness, it depends on who can get more.

At the bottom of the surging mysterious sea, the golden body of Buddha Dharma is now more than a thousand feet tall, and it is still far behind the ten thousand feet body of Tian Shura.

And beside the golden Buddha body, there is a snow-white sculpture.

The power of sculpture is sealed by forest waste.

However, from the appearance of the sculpture at the beginning to now, in just a few months, the snow-white sculpture has reached a height of more than [-] feet, revealing the majesty of defying the world.

... the Dharma Body of the Heavenly Emperor.

But now, it is not the time for the Heavenly Emperor Dharma Body to appear.

The eight-hundred-foot Heaven-Earth Dharma Body is vulnerable to a ten-thousand-foot Sky Shura.

Moreover, his golden body Buddha God has not yet cultivated the power of the past demon and future Buddha.Only after he has successfully cultivated can he put the Heavenly Shura in the past, the immortal body in the present, and the Heavenly Emperor Dharma Body in the future.

Only in this way can Tai Asura and the Dharma Body of the Heavenly Emperor not conflict without the need to magnify the theory of yin and yang.

In the tumbling sea of ​​blood, Lin Huang was not in a hurry.

Sometimes slow is fast.

Both the Heavenly Emperor Dharma Body and the Golden Body Buddha God are in the seed stage and need to grow slowly.Tian Shura can only be regarded as breaking ground.

Only one day, when these three, together with the ancient immortal body, become a towering tree, will he have enough declare war on the heavens and all races.


one day.

Three days.

Seven days.


Estimating the time, Lin Huang had already been in the sea of ​​blood for half a month.

In the past half a month, Lin Huang did not rush to devour the blood soul, but continuously smelted the miscellaneous power in his body.He chopped off a lot of mysteries, and in the end only the four cornerstones remained.

The ancient immortal body.

Too Asura.

Golden Buddha.

The Dharma Body of the Emperor of Heaven.

Lin Huang himself did not expect that at the end of his cultivation...his path would lead to the path of the divine body.

In the past, many things were eliminated by him, such as formations, which he gave up very early.The Cangtian Absolute God Slash at the back was also smelted by him into a profound art.

"Senior White... have you ever understood the original world or the gods?"

Lin Huang suddenly asked.

"I don't know much, but some remaining memories!"

Bai Xuanyuan appeared.

"The road of the divine body, what kind of road is it?"

Lin Huang asked, he has a basic understanding of the divine body, the essence of the divine body is like a world, in this world, countless Dao laws have been smelted.

For example, the way of Tai Asura is to kill the world, to suppress the enemy with the evil spirit that frightens through the ages.But such a world is unstable and can easily collapse, causing warriors to go mad.

A body that is too immortal is similar to the road to the human world!There is heaven and earth, sentient beings, oneself, time and space, and the alternation of seasons!He is not necessarily very strong, but the four seasons are dry and yellow and there will be prosperity in the end, the years are endless, and the world should be immortal.

But Lin Huang didn't understand where the path of the divine body was.

As strong as Emperor Jin, possessing two great divine bodies, he might also fall in the end.So... the divine body is not invincible, so how can warriors suppress the heavens and myriad feet, and despise the ages and ages.

Bai Xuanyuan shook his head...

He has never been in contact with the divine body, so how can he know the way to the divine body? Lin Huang is asking the blind man for directions.


Bai Xuanyuan thought for a while, "In my remaining memory, there is a few words, it seems that the birth of a god body is against the sky!"

"So, the divine body suffers from heaven's jealousy! Therefore, it is said that the divine body has a heavenly calamity!"

"In my memory fragments, there seems to be a remnant picture. A Tianjiao who cultivated the divine body was hacked to death during the tribulation, and he will never be reborn forever!"

Lin Huang frowned slightly...

"Going against the sky? Crossing the tribulation?"



Lin Huang pondered these words lightly, and then his eyes focused, "One flower, one world, one leaf, one universe!"

"you understood?"

Bai Xuanyuan turned his head and asked Lin Huang.

"Maybe, it's just a guess!"

Lin Huang smiled, "The so-called divine body is a world! And this world itself is a world. When the divine body is strong enough, it can threaten the existence of the world! It is normal to bring down the catastrophe! "

"Moreover, the catastrophe of the divine body is probably extremely terrifying. Because the birth of the divine body borrowed the rules of the world, but in the end it threatened the world. It is really a rebellion!"

"And the divine body is not invincible, because he is weaker than this world in this world, and others can borrow the power of the rules of heaven and earth to kill the divine body!"

Lin Huang slowly figured out the key point, "The divine body is against the sky, and it can be replaced by the heaven and the earth!"

(End of this chapter)

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