
Chapter 1604

Chapter 1604
The moment that eye opened, the entire sea of ​​blood began to violently turmoil.

Countless blood-like rays of light illuminated the entire bottom of the deep sea.

In those blood-colored eyes, there was doubt and evil spirit.

Shocking evil spirit.

Then, the blood-colored pupil blinked for a moment, and the murderous intent in it disappeared, leaving only doubts.


He felt that a trace of his free power disappeared.


The sea water surged, and the blood eyes blinked, as if a wave of anger was brewing.

Unexpectedly, in this world of thousands of streams, someone would dare to covet his power.

This is a great sin!

Afterwards, that blood-colored eye closed again, and countless red threads began to swim in the sea of ​​blood, touching millions of miles of sea in an instant.


The blood eyes were puzzled, and then became even more indifferent.

He didn't even find the culprit, the clansman who dared to steal his power escaped so quickly.

Then, he snorted heavily.

Not long after... a blood column appeared in the deep sea.

The blood column then turned into a figure, kneeling in the middle of the deep sea.

And in front of him...

It has a huge head.

That head seemed to grow on the bottom of the sea, stretching thousands of miles left and right, with blood-red hair as long as one hundred thousand feet, floating randomly in the sea of ​​blood like that, looking extremely wild and terrifying.

"Slave, I have seen Emperor Xuan!"

The figure kneeling in the middle of the deep sea spoke with a nervous expression and a trace of horror in his eyes.

"Nan Xuanzun..."

In the deep sea, a huge sound sounded, like the thunder of the nine heavens and the sound of a demon god, sounding from all directions, giving people a sense of incomparable majesty.

"Who dares to plunder the blood of this emperor?"

The head of the self-proclaimed emperor opened his mouth.

Nan Xuanzun froze slightly, with doubts and surprises in his eyes...

"My lord Xuandi, within a million miles of the place where you sleep, it is a forbidden area for my Evil Moon God Clan. No one should dare to touch your divine power!"

"However, I will definitely investigate this matter and give an explanation to Lord Xuandi. No matter who it is, it is unforgivable to dare to offend Xuandi's divine power!"

Nanxuan respectfully said, his body seemed to tremble a little.

"Better so!"

The Emperor Xuan said, "It's nothing for this emperor to lose a drop of blood essence! But the traitor who robbed me of my blood essence must be found! Interested in existence. Find that traitor and bring it here, the emperor wants to see it for himself!"

"Follow Emperor Xuan's decree!"

Nan Xuan respectfully said.


Nan Xuanzun suddenly heard something, and then said: "Not long ago, there were strong people from the human race who invaded our Qianliu Realm, maybe... it was done by the strong people from the human race! Only they dare to offend the supreme power of the Lord!"


All of a sudden, Emperor Xuan was furious, and he yelled at him, which immediately caused a sea of ​​blood to turmoil!A bloody chain, like a tentacle, suddenly appeared in the sea of ​​blood!

The tentacle rolled and lifted Nan Xuanzun up in the air.

"I have worked so hard to manage the place for thousands of years. You dare to let the human race invade. Moreover, you haven't killed it completely? What do you want to do?"

Emperor Xuan said angrily.

"Xuan...Emperor Xuan calm down!"

Nan Xuanzun didn't dare to struggle and said, "The remaining human race, according to our speculation, should be the leader of the Zuo Jiaming sect!"

"Ming Sect leader?"

That Emperor Xuan was puzzled, and then let go of Nanxuan Zun, "After Tuoba Tathagata died, did Xiao Yishan become the master of Ming Cult?"

"No... it's Xiao Yishan's apprentice, a guy named Lin Huang!"

Nan Xuanzun replied.

"Lin Huang...Xiao Yishan's apprentice..."

Emperor Xuan glanced at Nan Xuanzun, then smiled and said: "Interesting!"

"Anan... the emperor forgot, you were once a human race! Maybe you still have feelings for the human race!"

Emperor Xuan's voice suddenly became cold.

Nan Xuanzun suddenly knelt down in the sea of ​​blood, his face was extremely pale, and he hurriedly opened his mouth to explain, "My lord Xuandi, as early as a thousand years ago, I have given up my identity as a human race. I am a member of the Xieyue God Clan. Please also ask Xuan Lord Emperor trust me!"


Emperor Xuan raised his voice, there seemed to be a sneer in his voice, but then he softened, "Of course this emperor believes in you, otherwise, he would not have promoted you to become Nanxuan Zun. Among the four Xuan Zuns, you are the only one." I can come and go freely in the emperor's sleeping place!"


As soon as Emperor Xuan changed the subject, his voice became cold again, "This Emperor needs a reason!"

Nan Xuanzun immediately said, "That Lin Huang...had beheaded the Three Emperors in the Sky Continent! Judging from the battle situation, Lin Huang possessed the power of the most evil——Tian Shura!"

"Heavenly Asura?!"

At this moment, Emperor Xuan suddenly raised his voice.

The [-]-mile face was floating in the sea of ​​blood, transforming into countless emotions.

There is apprehension.

There is coveting.

Have desire.

There is fear.

There is incomparable greed.


"Heh... Cheng Ye Tian Shura, Defeat Tian Shura! It seems that after Tuoba Fu died, the inheritance was not broken!"

Emperor Xuan sneered, his voice full of hatred and insidiousness.

At this moment, Venerable Nanxuan hurriedly cupped his hands and respectfully said, "If Lord Xuandi can obtain the power of the most evil of Tian Shura, the realm of strength will definitely be further improved, which is greater than the improvement brought by hundreds of millions of blood souls!"

"Tian Shura!"

"Heavenly Asura..."

"...Tian Shura, heh!"

That Emperor Xuan repeated it three times in a row, with contempt and coldness in his voice, "You said that the new generation of Zuojiaming sect leader who is responsible for the heavenly Shura has entered the world of thousands of streams?"


Nanxuan said respectfully.

"Hehe... No wonder, no wonder why he dared to devour the blood essence of the deity, but the deity couldn't sense it. It turned out to be Tian Shura..."

"It's a pity..."

Emperor Xuan shook his head in the sea of ​​blood, causing a huge tsunami, "It's a pity that after entering the world of thousands of streams, Tian Shura can only become the blood food of this emperor!"

"At that time, the Sky Continent will be dominated by our Xie Yue God Clan!"

Emperor Xuan snorted coldly.

"Slave, I would like to congratulate Lord Xuandi in advance, for dominating the Sky Continent and reappearing the sacred power of the Evil Moon God Clan!"

Nanxuan Zun said in a timely manner.


However, Emperor Xuan did not sink in the compliments, his eyes were concentrated, and he suddenly looked at Nan Xuanzun:

"Such a shocking event, why didn't you report it earlier?"

When Nan Xuanzun heard it, his face changed drastically, and he knelt down again, "Emperor Xuan listened to my slave's explanation... I didn't covet the heart of the Asura, and only the Emperor Xuan deserves to have such a fetish. He wanted to catch Lin Huang first, and then give Lord Xuan a surprise when he woke up. It could be regarded as a small repayment from Lord Xuan for the care of his slaves for thousands of years... But he never thought that Lin Huang would actually I don't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth, so I woke up Lord Xuandi without authorization!"


That Emperor Xuan raised his voice, and looked at Nanxuan Zun suspiciously, his voice softened again, "It seems that this Emperor has misunderstood you! For thousands of years, this Emperor has watched you grow, so naturally he believes in you !"

"I will go through fire and water for Lord Xuandi, and I will die!"

Nan Xuanzun quickly expressed his loyalty.

"So how are you tracking it down now?"

Emperor Xuan asked.

"For the time being... haven't found it yet. Lin Huang is in charge of Tian Shura, and his breath is very similar to the sea of ​​blood. It is too difficult to find it!"

Nan Xuanzun.

"Is that all you can do?"

Emperor Xuan said coldly.

"This subordinate has already searched carefully his Qianliuhaizi in the southern region, but the other three sea regions..."

Nan Xuanzun was a little worried, when he said this, he was wronged like a child!

(End of this chapter)

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