
Chapter 1620 A World Without Nightmare

Chapter 1620 A World Without Nightmare

Seeing the breath of nightmare breathed out by Tian Xiuluo, Huangfu Tianxia frowned, but he didn't seem to be too angry.

"It seems that I, this Asura world, made a wedding dress for you!"

Huangfu Tianxia said.

Lin Huang rolled his sleeves, with a smile on his face, "Are you waiting, waiting for me to be unable to control Tian Shura's demonic nature, and thus become a demon! You know, my current Tian Shura has stepped into the realm of a great emperor. You will be completely enchanted until you die in battle! At that time, you will get a big deal!"

Huangfu Tianxia nodded frankly, "I have this idea, but it shouldn't be easy!"

"It's really not easy, it depends on the means behind you!"

Lin Huang waved his arms and looked at Huangfu Tianxia with a smile, as if waiting for the follow-up measures to come.

Huangfu Tianxia was also very easy-going and single-handedly removed the Asura Dao World...

All of a sudden, Lin Huang felt his world spinning.In just a few breaths, he felt an incomparably majestic breath!

That breath is not the majesty of mountains and tsunamis, but an atmosphere that exists in the air, an atmosphere that is overwhelming and overwhelming.

The whole world seems to have only daylight.

The great sun hangs in the sky, dispelling the haze.

The mountains are like dragons, and the sea is like tigers!
Even Fengyun has a majestic feeling.

Lin Huang frowned slightly, "This is your world of heaven and earth, without the Kingdom of God, without an army wearing silver or golden armor?"

"Thank you for reminding me!"

Huangfu Tianxia said, "Unfortunately, the world of Heavenly Dao is still under construction and is not complete, so I let you see it! Although it is not enough to deal with you, I think it should make your eyes shine!"

"It seems that you have other means, and you should know that the world of six realms cannot trap me, but you just did this, it must be a conspiracy!"

Lin Huang calmly analyzed.

Huangfu Tianxia quickly admitted, "Since you dare to go through the six worlds one by one, it means you are not afraid, right?"

Lin Huang nodded, "You actually asked me to pick faults in your world of the six realms, and then improve the realm of the six realms... Huangfu Tianxia, ​​it's a pity that you are my enemy!"

"Don't say anything else, help me see my world of heaven and earth!"

Huangfu Tianxia said with a smile.

The conversation between the two at this moment is like friends who have been friends for many years, and then they help each other.But there is no doubt that if one of the six worlds can suppress Lin Huang, Lin Huang would have died long ago.

"Then take a look!"

Lin Huang nodded, then he closed his eyes, stretched his arms, and felt the breath between heaven and earth.

"What is heaven, what is Tao?"

"What is the way of heaven defeated, what is suppressed by the way of heaven? Why does the way of heaven exist? Why does the way of martial arts go against the sky?"

Lin Huang murmured to himself, sensing the aura in the void, "Huangfu are on the wrong road!"

"Oh, tell me!"

Huangfu Tianxia suddenly became interested.

Lin Huang raised his eyebrows, and his figure suddenly rose from the ground, heading towards the big sun in the sky.


Lin Huang turned into a gigantic giant, and punched the Great Sun.

In the next moment, the great sun swayed slightly, and the snow-white light disappeared for a short time, replaced by a fleeting figure!

That figure was covered with snow-white wings.

"Blazing God Clan?"

Lin Huang looked up at Huangfu Tianxia in the sky.

"That's right, a strong man with the blood of the Chitian God Clan has been refined by me and has become the cornerstone of the mysteries of the world of heaven!"

Seeing that Lin Huang had seen through, Huangfu Tianxia did not hide it.

"Huangfu much do you look down on the human race?"

Lin Huang shook his head, feeling that Huangfu's world was becoming more and more disgusting, "Can the Chitian God Clan act as the existence of heaven? The six reincarnations of our human race have accumulated the wisdom of our ancestors, but you use a Chitian God Clan to act as the profound meaning of the world !"

At this moment, Lin Huang only felt that Huangfu's world was completely insane and hopeless, "Since this is the case, why do you still want to keep the six realms of reincarnation and your identity as a human being?"

In the sea of ​​blood, Huangfu Tianxia didn't seem to hear what Lin Huang said, but fell into deep thought, and then said: "Is it the Blazing God Clan? I have tried a lot before, as the carrier of the world of heaven, but in the end only Blazing Gods are the best!"

Lin Huang frowned, he was too lazy to talk nonsense with Huangfu.

When he waved his hand, a blade of light slashed towards the big sun in the void.


The great sun dissipated in an instant, and there was not much resistance.

Perhaps, Huangfu Tianxia felt that what Lin Huang said was reasonable, so he simply let Lin Huang solve it.

However, when the big sun disappeared, Lin Huang hummed suspiciously.

"Heaven Dao World...why doesn't the nightmare in your heart exist?"

Lin Huang looked up at Huangfu Tianxia in the sky.

The great sun in the world of the Dao of Heaven is a blazing god who was refined by Huangfu Tianxia. It is the cornerstone of the world of Dao of Heaven and belongs to the strongest existence.

According to Lin Huang's understanding, the nightmare in Huangfu Tianxia's heart should be suppressed under the great sun.

But now that the great sun has disappeared, he has not discovered the existence of the nightmare.

Is it not in the great day?
or not at all?

Lin Huang's spiritual sense scanned the entire world, but he didn't notice the existence of that nightmare.

So Lin Huang was a little confused.

"Oh, I forgot... Come in right away!"

Huangfu Tianxia opened his mouth immediately, and with a flick of his fingers, a trace of the nightmare in his heart appeared in the world of heaven.

At this moment, Lin Huang did not leave.

He can't figure it out...

Why can there be no nightmare in the world of Huangfu in the world of Heavenly Dao?

Huangfu Tianxia's resentment towards Qin Changsheng, hatred towards Sky Continent, the kind of nightmare of jealousy that would lead to a sense of inferiority when being out of reach and eventually lead to vicious psychology, should be everywhere.

Because... Huangfu Tianxia couldn't get rid of this nightmare by himself.

Therefore, this nightmare should exist in the every breath of Huangfu's world.

In the world of heaven, it must also be possessed.

Could it be that Huangfu Tianxia has a special method to eradicate the nightmare... But if it can produce this kind of power, there is no need for the other five worlds to have it.

Lin Huang frowned tightly, puzzled.

In the sea of ​​blood, Huangfu Tianxia raised his eyebrows slightly.He waved his palm, and the reincarnation disk among the six reincarnation disks behind him began to emit mysterious rays of light, quietly seeping into the world of heaven.

There was a trace of coldness and determination in Huangfu Tianxia's eyes.

Lin Huang walked on the mountains, rivers and land of the Dao World of Heaven, keeping his head down...Suddenly, his pupils shrank.


Afterwards, Lin Huang looked up at Huangfu Tianxia, ​​with a hint of sarcasm on his face, "It seems that you really have the means to temporarily pull out the nightmare in your heart! You even used the nightmare layout of the Six Paths to bury the Six Paths in my body." seed!"

"Presumably, the next step is the world of reincarnation!"

Lin Huang laughed.

In the sea of ​​blood, Huangfu Tianxia squeezed the palm of his hand without changing his expression, the mysterious power that had infiltrated into the world of heaven from the reincarnation disc quietly returned, and Huangfu Tianxia also spoke at the same time:
"Little brother, I have to say that you are very wise, so guess what I want to do?"

Lin Huang spread his hands, "It's nothing more than wanting me to become the body of the six realms of reincarnation, you are greedy for my body, you are despicable!"

(End of this chapter)

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