
Chapter 1625 Running Around the Continent

Chapter 1625 Running Around the Continent

Seeing Lin Huang who was suddenly bombed, Huangfu in the distance was stunned.

He only knew that the Emperor's Tomb was terrifying, but he never thought that it was so terrifying that he could directly chop Lin Huang to death.

In the Shence Mansion, Qin Xuance looked at the scene in the sky from a distance, but his expression was calm, but he was still frowning!

It seems that what he is worried about at the moment is not these...

At this moment, the thunder in the sky was still roaring.

It didn't stop because the forest was wiped out.

Huangfu Tianxia immediately came to his senses, and looked at the place where Lin Huang was wiped out, only to see a terrible sea of ​​flames left there...

Thunder roared, this time it was much slower, as if looking for forest waste.

The next moment, the sea of ​​flames began to move.

Quickly moving towards the Langjuxu God Realm...

Since Huangfu wants to protect Qianliu Realm, he can only run towards Langjuxu God Realm.

In the torrential sea of ​​flames, a bit of spiritual light also began to gradually grow larger, gradually revealing Lin Huang's real body, whose skin was like snow, and could be broken by blowing bullets.


Lin Huang didn't expect that just four thunderbolts would force him to Nirvana.

Fortunately, after Nirvana, the temporary silence of the breath prevented Difen from locking him, and he still had time... However, as he continued to grow stronger in Nirvana, after Difen found himself, there would be a fifth thunder.

One Thunder was stronger than the other, Lin Huang didn't know if he could hold it.

And it is impossible for him to achieve infinite nirvana in a short time... Moreover, once Lei Ting directly annihilates his own Dao foundation, nirvana will not work.

Lin Huang didn't have so many thoughts, he just thought that even if he died, he would have to take a few backs.

The evil race in the Langjuxu God Realm is very good.

While the sea of ​​blood was moving, a terrifying blade light was condensing, slashing towards the Langjuxu God Realm.

A loud bang.

When that Xiongba Tianxia was about to touch the seal outside Langjuxu's divine domain, he was blocked by a spear that fell from the sky!

Xiao Yishan opened his mouth as the wolf lived in Xu's domain.


Lin Huang opened his mouth obediently, turned the sea of ​​fire and rushed towards the place where Qingtian Wufu used to be.

Although it is a good choice to go to Langjuxu God Realm.But he also understood Xiao Yishan's worry, once the emperor's tomb landed, it would definitely crush the Nine Emperors Desolate Formation!

At that time, if the evil race inside cannot be completely wiped out, there will be a big problem.


Above the sky, a thunderbolt reappeared in the sea of ​​thunder. It began to brew, roared, and aimed at Lin Huang who had stepped into the quasi-emperor realm again.

Below, the sea of ​​flames moved crazily, like lightning, and landed in the Qingtian Martial Mansion.


Lin Huang opened his mouth suddenly, turned around again, and ran towards the location of the Western Heaven Buddhist Kingdom.


In the Western Paradise Buddhist Kingdom, an ancient Buddhist voice suddenly appeared!

They were also very scared when they saw Lin Huang's sudden attack. The thunder from the emperor's tomb can obviously kill a strong man in the emperor's realm with ease.

In an instant, countless Buddhas appeared in the Western Paradise Buddha Kingdom.

They formed an formation in an instant, and a terrifying enchantment of ten thousand Buddhas appeared in the entire Western Heaven Buddha country. Tens of thousands of Buddhas recited the ancient sounds of heaven and earth to resist the arrival of forest shortages.

"Lin Huang benefactor, you really want to make an enemy of our Western Heaven Buddha Kingdom!"

In the Buddha Kingdom, there was a mighty voice.

"Everyone in the world calls me Buddha's mercy, Lin Huang hereby begs all true Buddhas to save my life!"

Lin Huang's voice was so powerful that it seemed extremely sincere!

Those true Buddhas immediately bowed their heads and remained silent...

save your life?
You came to harm my Western Heaven Buddha Kingdom, and you want us to save your life?
Your mother... Amitabha!
"The Wrath of Ten Thousand Buddhas!"

In the Buddhist Kingdom of Western Heaven, a voice of compassion resounded.

In an instant, in the enchantment of ten thousand Buddhas outside the Buddhist kingdom, the mantra circulated, and the ten thousand Buddhas joined together, and a compassionate Buddha with a height of one hundred thousand feet was condensed in the void.

The Compassionate Buddha clasped his hands together and closed his eyes tightly.

The next moment, the closed eyes of the Buddha suddenly opened, and the monstrous anger fell from the sky. He slapped the palm and was about to repel the forest.

Lin Huang turned his head and glanced at the sea of ​​thunder above the sky, and then stepped into the realm of the great emperor.

In an instant, a pitch-black thunderbolt descended from the sky, heading towards the direction of Lin Huang.

"Three Thousand Realms of the Golden Body of the Buddha God!"

Among the Buddha, the voice of compassion resounded again.

In an instant, the angry Buddha restrained his anger, and with his palms together, golden light rose from the entire Western Heaven Buddhist Kingdom, and mysterious circles of light spread across the world, adding thousands of layers of defense to the Buddhist Kingdom.


Between heaven and earth, thunder strikes the forest wasteland!

At the same time, it also hit the enchantment of the Buddha Kingdom in the Western Heaven.


Between heaven and earth, there was a loud crash.

The enchantment of the Buddha Kingdom could not persist for more than ten breaths before it completely shattered.

A huge shock wave swept across the entire western land.

Boundless fireworks and dust are flying, mountains and rivers are collapsing, vast seas are drying up, and the 480 Buddhist temples are collapsing one by one...

The true Buddhas who formed the formation, the stronger ones were seriously injured, and the weaker ones passed away directly!
The vast and boundless domain has become ruins.

Even though most of the thunder's power was blocked by the three thousand realms of the golden body of the Buddha god, the aftermath caused countless deaths and injuries to the Western Heaven Buddha Kingdom.

It's just that the wailing of the Buddha everywhere is destined not to be paid attention to by the common people in the world.

Because above the sky, the sixth thunder began to slowly emerge.

"Cough cough..."

In an abyss that had just been split out in the Buddha Kingdom, Lin Huang vomited blood, coughed and struggled to get up.I feel like I have eaten ten thousand yellow lotus, why is it so bitter.

Don't they all say that the catastrophe of the Great Emperor is not only a catastrophe, but also a test?
But this emperor's tomb is no test, it is clearly intended to punish people to death!
This is only the fifth thunderbolt!

The latter one is stronger than the other, how can I have so many lives, "Huangfu Tianxia, ​​it seems that you really want to harm me, you bastard!"

Lin Huang cursed and cursed, but his speed was not slow.

Fortunately, he also discovered a little trick, as long as he is in the quasi-emperor realm, Lei Ting will not find him so quickly, it will take a little time.

So just now, he used the rush into the Great Emperor Realm to attract the thunder to land quickly, and then let the thunder strike him to fall to the realm!
"Qin Xuance!"

Lin Huang roared furiously while charging wildly on the Sky Continent.

"Zhongzhou, Lihuo seat!"

Between heaven and earth, Xue Tianjun's voice sounded.At this moment, Xue Tianjun was standing beside Qin Xuance.

"Will he kill himself!"

After Xue Tianjun finished speaking, he asked Qin Xuance beside him.

"The sixth thunderbolt will probably kill him!"

Qin Xuance said seriously.

"Aren't you worried?"

"The emperor's tomb has already appeared, so it's useless to worry about it! Why don't you do something before you die!"

"Where is Zhongzhou Lihuo's direction... Xuantian God Clan?"

Xue Tianjun said.

Qin Xuance nodded, but did not speak.

And when Xue Tianjun's voice appeared, Zhongzhou Lihuo's direction began to vibrate violently, but within a few breaths... Myriad Dao Divine Light swept across the world.

An existence like a fairy palace, suspended in the air, looking down on all living beings in the mainland.

The next moment, Xiangong began to move and escape, avoiding the direction of Lin Huang!
"This is a bit embarrassing!"

Xue Tianjun looked at the Xuantian God Clan, shook his head and sighed.

"Shame? Not!"

Qin Xuance shook his head and smiled, "Look at how smart they are, unlike the Western Paradise Buddha Kingdom, they still want to block it, and it will hurt both sides. As long as they escape to the moment when the thunder falls, they will succeed!"

"Today's changes are somewhat unexpected!"

Xue Tianjun said.


Qin Xuance snorted coldly twice.

And between heaven and earth, when Lin Huang saw the Xuantian God Clan who appeared and fled, he had a direction.


When he was passing through the snowy area, he suddenly stopped!
(End of this chapter)

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