
Chapter 1632

Chapter 1632
In the monstrous sea of ​​thunder, Lin Huang rushed in in one fell swoop.

The blood-red pupils flickered, and it felt like stepping into a world.

A world full of thunder.

The monstrous thunderbolts kept appearing, and reappeared after being silenced by Tian Shura, endlessly.

But within a few breaths, Tian Shura's whole body turned into coke, and he couldn't recover immediately.

Tian Shura frowned rarely.

He pointed to the giant sword in the mountains, and kept slashing the thunder around him. His whole body turned into a stream of light and headed towards the center of the sea of ​​thunder.

In this sea of ​​thunder, many things seem to be imprisoned, space, time...

Tian Xiuluo couldn't tear the void, and appeared directly in the center of the sea of ​​thunder, so he could only fly over!

The monstrous thunder is like a rain curtain, pouring down continuously.

The piercing sparks of lightning kept attacking around Tian Shura's side.That giant mountain sword turned into powder in a short time.

Tian Shura was also completely turned into coke.

But it's okay to block it, Tian Xiuluo is only tender on the outside and tender on the inside, there is still a little time to struggle.

But as Tian Shura got deeper and deeper, the power of the thunder became more and more powerful, and the pitch-black thunder gradually turned purple...

Then it turns purple.

Then it turned blood red.

When Tian Shura stepped into the blood-red area, Tian Shura began to vomit blood and his whole body began to twitch.

The power of thunder penetrated into his body and began to destroy his inner world.

If he was moving forward, he would be hacked to death without waiting until Lin Huang himself collapsed and died from a maddened state.

And at this moment, in the Fusang God Realm, there is also a blood-red eye.

The blood moon above the sky seemed to be getting redder.

Those blood-colored eyes had never appeared, and they seemed to be peering at Lei Hai...peeking at Lei Hai's power.

In the torrential thunder sea, Tian Shura finally knelt down.

His coke-like body gradually cracked, and his vitality began to flow away.

The world in his body also began to be attacked by thunder. Even though the physical body blocked a large part of the damage, the world without seeing his immortal body was incomplete.

It is still difficult to resist the power of Thunder Emperor Tomb.


Even though he was kneeling on the ground, Shura didn't stop that day, he continued to walk towards the center of the sea of ​​thunder.

Today's Tian Shura has lost his mind, and there is only one obsession in his mind, which is to enter the center of the thunder.

And if he is rational, he can completely withdraw from the red thunder sea area, and if he wants to adapt to the power of thunder, and temper his body, it may be a great opportunity.

What a pity.

But on the other hand, if Tian Shura had reason, he was afraid that his enchanted power would be greatly attenuated, and he was said to have comprehended the power of thunder to temper his body, and he should have been hacked to death immediately.

Therefore, no matter what, the final path of Tian Shura is only one word of death.

Even the brand of Dao and the power of Nirvana will be completely wiped out.

Absolutely die!
It's just that at this moment, Tian Shura wouldn't pay attention to these things, his sanity was occupied by all obsessions, he roared and screamed, and under the pressure of the monstrous thunder, he staggered to his feet again.

Step by step, he walked towards the center of Leihai.

Right at this moment...

Between the heaven and the earth in Fusang God Realm, a young man in linen clothes appeared.

He calmly looked at Lei Hai below, and then at the painfully struggling figure in Lei Hai, and suddenly said: "Little Junior Brother..."

However, the young man in sackcloth did not rush to make a move, but murmured: "So what if you are possessed, if you let yourself be possessed, then you can also restore your sanity... The most powerful thing among the gods in the world is faith! "

In the sea of ​​thunder, Tian Shura hissed and roared, his hatred was shocking, and his killing intent was endless.But under the pressure of the thunder sea, he could only growl angrily and powerlessly. His whole body was cracking, blood flowed out like a river, and then he was annihilated by the terrifying thunder.

However, Tian Shura remained unyielding.

His eyes were as bright as a blood-colored sun, and he waved his hands, wanting to fight against the sky.

Even though he was seriously injured and dying, his staggering steps gradually became firm... He wants to step into the middle of the sea of ​​thunder, destroy the emperor's tomb, and he wants revenge!
The young man in sackcloth kept watching with cold eyes.

"Senior Brother Qin..."

Jun Qingcheng called from a distance, unable to bear Lin Huang's pain.

"This is his catastrophe, but also his good fortune! Even in the original world of the human race, for hundreds of thousands of years, only a handful of people can get this good fortune!"

"Little brother has hidden his edge for too long, he will go crazy! Either he will become a demon and die, or he will open up a new world of martial arts!"

The young man in linen still didn't make a move, but spoke calmly.

Afterwards, he glanced at the brand mark on the palm of his hand, and then at Jun Qingcheng, frowning slightly, "It's strange, why the brand mark is still flashing!"

"You should leave!"

At this moment, a voice rang in the ear of the young man in linen.

"My junior brother is here, where should I go?"

The young man in sackcloth instinctively opened his mouth.

"I'm fine here!"

"Who are you, why should I trust you!"

"I am you!"


The young man in linen raised his eyebrows, "Interesting, it turns out that those nightmare scenes when I realized the Dao were not fake, but real! I was originally very powerful, the kind that surpassed the sky?"

"I don't know if it's the top or not, but you will be stronger in the future!"

"Oh, you speak with confidence, then I think I can stay!"

"You can indeed have confidence, but you'll have a lot of trouble staying!"

The figure in the ears of the young man in linen rang again.

"It's a pity, I have practiced for too long, and my hands are itchy!"

The young man in sackcloth was a little disappointed.

"Then you can take one shot, but be restrained!"

On Wanshi Mountain, Qin Zheng spoke to the young man in sackcloth in the palm of his hand.

"Okay, then I will make a move. It may be a little unfamiliar for the first time to make a move, so let's kill an ordinary god first!"

The young man in linen nodded, then suddenly disappeared in place.

In an instant!
Above the Fusang God Realm, a monstrous giant hand appeared, that giant hand completely covered the sky, and descended from the sky!


A loud bang.

Nearly one-tenth of the territory of the Fusang God Realm was pierced through with a single palm.

The evil god, who was quietly watching Lei Hai, only leaking blood-colored eyes, suddenly burst open.The blood-colored eyes exploded, turning into blood rain and falling!
For an instant.

Instantly kill the gods!

Before dying, that evil god didn't even fart!
Jun Qingcheng, who was far away, was stunned.

"Didn't I tell you to restrain yourself a little? Fusang God Realm is the lackey of the Chitian God Clan, and they have another excuse to find trouble with my human race!"

A voice rang in the ears of the young man in sackcloth.

"I've already restrained myself! Otherwise, at least half of this world will be pierced!"

"Don't force me to seal you?"

"Then I'll be more restrained next time!"

"But how long do I have to practice? Cultivation is very boring... I am very annoyed, sitting and practicing is actually very slow, do you understand!"

"Don't come out and make trouble!"

"Who are you, I'm curious!"

"No, you're not curious!"

"You are boring!"

"I am you, you say I am boring!"

"Can I make another shot?"

"You don't have to go too far!"

"You still have not answered my question!"

"That little guy in Thunder Sea, if you don't die, the day you step into the realm of the gods is the day you leave the test!"

"It's like a human saying!"

"Go away, someone is coming!"

"Why, am I so shameless?"

"It's a troublesome bitch, you have lost to her and been ridden by her!"

The young man in linen disappeared instantly!

(End of this chapter)

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