
Chapter 1640 Fire of Will

Chapter 1640 Fire of Will
In the emperor's tomb, Lin Huang had turned into ashes.

Among them, there were several flashes of light in the emperor's tomb, and Lin Huang wanted to gather the power of the Dao to recover and return.


Every time they gathered halfway, they were struck by thunder.

His breath was beginning to dissipate.

Once it dissipates... it is completely dissipated.

Lin Huang seemed powerless.

But even so, Qin Zheng still watched with cold eyes, and did not take Lin Huang's life or death seriously.

The entire emperor's tomb was obviously rumbling with the sound of thunder and lightning, but there was a deathly silence.

"Is this... a failure?"

Qin Zheng seemed a little dissatisfied with this result.

"If that's the case...the human race doesn't need to bet on you. After all, every bet is a gamble!"

Qin Zheng was sighing, regret appeared for the first time in his voice.

like a long time ago...

The gods of the human race bet on him and Emperor Jintian, and after they showed their talents and experienced trials, they were favored and blessed by the gods.

That's why the Empyrean Emperor and the God of Longevity came into existence.

Although Emperor Jintian died in battle later, during the years that Emperor Jintian was alive, he suppressed the darkness and fought fiercely against all races in the world, becoming a banner of the human race.

Neither Emperor Jintian nor him failed the human race.

Now...he seems to have moved his mind to bet on Lin Huang.

It's a pity, if Lin Huang can't even survive this catastrophe, I'm afraid he won't have the qualifications to be favored.

He could save Lin Huang, but that was just a matter of gestures.It's just that you won't be blessed by the gods until you show your unique characteristics.

If he made a move, it meant that Lin Huang lost that qualification.

Even if he is the reincarnation body of Emperor Jintian.

And...Qin Zheng had an idea in his mind. After all, Emperor Jintian was not a fool. He would really do nothing before dying in battle and expose his reincarnation so easily?

Qin Zheng shook his head and sighed.

He rolled up his sleeve robe, ready to fish out Lin Huang's undestroyed soul from the emperor's tomb.

He will not leave Lin Huang alone, but...he will no longer be the future human giant in the eyes of the human gods.


However, just as Qin Zheng made his move, a ball of flame rose out of nowhere in the emperor's tomb.

The flame is not the fire of nirvana.

It's more like the fire of the soul... the fire of the soul gathered forcibly from nothingness.

Lin Huang... is still struggling.

Qin Zheng frowned and stopped!
And the Lord of the Emperor's Tomb also discovered Lin Huang's revived soul fire at the first time. He looked at the flame without the slightest hesitation, and directly suppressed it with his palm.


There was a loud noise in the emperor's tomb, and countless thunders exploded, and the blue soul fire seemed to be extinguished.


After the residual power of the emperor's tomb master's punch dissipated, the fire of the soul revived again.

It turned out to be much stronger than before.

The Lord of the Emperor's Tomb dropped another punch indifferently.

Another loud noise exploded in the emperor's tomb.

However, this time the fire of the soul has not been extinguished.On the contrary, in the faint blue flame, there were gradually more fine lightning bolts, like hair strands.

Very weak, but growing.

Qin Zheng frowned, "Join if you can't beat it?"

The fire of the soul began to burn blazingly, and the ethereal faces of Lei Ting and Lin Huang were reflected in it.

At this moment, the forest desert appears to be very peaceful.


It can't be said to be calm, but it seems to be in a state, a state that accommodates the world.

The Lord of the Emperor's Tomb frowned, he let out a roar, and finally spit out a thunder beam, trying to annihilate the fire of the soul.

That thunder beam was like a howling wind.And that group of souls is a tiny candle.However, in the monstrous wind, the candle flame flickered, but it never went out.

"It seems... I have realized a little bit!"

Qin Zheng frowned slightly, but there was no smile on his face.

It doesn't seem like it's something to be happy about.

Because, among the peerless talents that the human race bet on, they all have such potential. They can defeat the enemy in adversity, break through in battle, survive in various desperate situations, and become a shackle of the gods by peeping in the emperor's realm. !
As long as they are still alive, they will become the source of fear of the heavens and all races.

As long as they are still there, the heavens and all races will not dare to easily offend them.

"Is this your purpose?"

A voice resounded in Lin Huang's mass of forest fire.

"Yes... I want to see how far you can go now!"

Qin Zheng said calmly.

"Under the gods, I am invincible!"

At this moment, Lin Huang spoke confidently.The fire of his soul swayed in the constant attacks of the Lord of the Emperor's Tomb, but it never went out, instead it became more and more vigorous and hotter.

The fire of the soul began to grow, making Lin Huang's face real, and his physical body began to be recast.

A body of thunder also came out of his body, a body of thunder very similar to the Lord of the Emperor's Tomb.

"You are a little conceited!"

Qin Zheng shook his head, "Being able to keep your will alive under the attack of the Lord of the Emperor's Grave have begun to peek into the profound meaning of the gods!"

"However... from the emperor to the realm of the gods, it is an extremely long road! What you have realized now is just a drop in the ocean of opportunities to become a god!"

Qin Zheng spoke.

"It turns out... the original power of the gods lies in the will!"

Lin Huang opened his mouth!
At this moment, he can calmly accept the attack of the Lord of the Emperor's Tomb, and even counterattack.

"Because of why... because the will is invisible and cannot be disintegrated by power, as long as the will can be truly detached, it will be immortal?"

Lin Huang asked.

"Of course not, otherwise, how could the gods of the heavens and all races die in battle?"

Qin Zheng shook his head, "So your understanding is still very shallow. The so-called will is only one point on the road to becoming a god, and strictly speaking, this point is not called will!"

"Since you don't have your own insights, I won't say it! I can answer some of your doubts, but I can't guide you... Every future god will step out of his own way, free from the influence of others!"

In the emperor's tomb, the fire of the soul disappeared, and Lin Huang's real body appeared. He threw out the thunder body that came out of his body to fight fiercely against the owner of the emperor's tomb, while looking at Qin Zheng.

"If my will is not strong enough, I will really die!"

Lin Huang said.

"Then you will really die... If you fail, you will die, and if you live, you will have a great chance. This is just a gamble that I have not asked you to agree to!"

Qin Zheng laughed.

"Will... turns out to be one of the keys to becoming a god, heh... how ridiculous!"

Lin Huang shook his head.

Because everyone will have their own will, but there is no god in the sky continent, and how many gods can there be in the entire human race.

"A lot of things, I can explain, but it's better for you to think for yourself!"

"I see!"

Lin Huang nodded, "So... what chance will I get?"

"The Lord of the Emperor's Tomb is not dead yet!"

"Then he's dead now!"

In the emperor's tomb, Lin Huang waved his sleeves, and the body of thunder that came out of his body suddenly possessed the owner of the emperor's tomb!
(End of this chapter)

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