
Chapter 1647

Chapter 1647
Facing Lin Huang's question, Qin Zheng raised his eyebrows.

did not answer.

Just smiled, "Cultivate hard, the road ahead is long!"

Lin Huang slandered.

It seems that the previous promise was too straightforward?
The sixteen-winged god can at least be at the same level as Qin Zheng.I rushed from the great emperor to the god of the seven realms within a hundred years?Logically speaking, this is unreasonable.

But... these are all IOUs, Lin Huang doesn't think about it for now, just treat it as if it doesn't exist.

Not long after, a snow-white big circle appeared in front of the two of them.

Outside the Great Realm, there is a condensed white mist, covering it like a breath of chaos, making it impossible to see the true face of Lushan Mountain in the Divine Wind Great Realm.

Lin Huang put away the Wanzu Chronicles, ready to watch Qin Zheng's battle.

It's just that Qin Zheng didn't soar into the sky, but directly drove into Wanshi Mountain...

Lin Huang was a little puzzled.

"The Kamikaze family is not as good as the Tianlin family, and the strongest is only a sixth-level god, more arrogant!"

Saying that, Wan Shishan slammed into the Kamikaze Great Realm.

In an instant, a storm swept across the great world, and countless strong men flew into the sky, heading towards Wanshi Mountain.

Before the other party could speak, Qin Zheng spoke first: "The Kamikaze clan, 10 years ago, was a vassal of the Tuoyue clan and attacked our human race. There are three ways to kill my gods, and 370 million people from my human race! Today... be punished!"

There aren't any fancy cuss fights, nor are there any fancy attacks.

The Wanshi Mountain was surrounded by the power of Qin Zheng, and it brutally hit the gods who rushed up.

In an instant, the world cried blood.

Several gods were directly killed.

Those great emperors who rushed up did not even get close to Wanshi Mountain, but they were directly suppressed to death!

Then, a purple gust of wind appeared between the sky and the earth, and the snow-white blade flashed in the wind... The gust of wind quickly approached Wanshi Mountain, and there was a roar from inside:
"Qin Zheng, how dare you destroy my kamikaze! My kamikaze clan will never die with the human race from now on!"

Before he finished speaking, a snow-white blade of lightning appeared on Wanshi Mountain and slashed towards Qin Zheng at an extremely fast speed.

Qin Zheng snorted coldly. He slightly raised his hand and grabbed the incoming wind blade. Looking at the invisible figure in the purple gust of wind, he said coldly:
"Immortal? Is your kamikaze clan worthy? The kamikaze gods... If you cut yourself off, you can keep the kamikaze clan alive. Otherwise... there will be no kamikaze in the heavens and worlds!"

"You are presumptuous..."

Kamikaze was furious.

In an instant, countless gusts of wind blew up the entire kamikaze world, and those gusts carried monstrous power of the common people, and merged into the body of the kamikaze god, causing the latter's aura to rise rapidly.

"I'll give you three breaths to think about!"

Qin Zheng snorted coldly, not caring at all that the Kamikaze was crazily improving his realm.


Shenfeng Shenming's eyes were burning with anger, and a blood-red light glowed on the snow-white blade held by Qin Zheng.


Qin Zheng remained calm.

And the realm of kamikaze gods is crazily improving.


Qin Zheng shook his head, "For the sake of one's own existence, you are in vain to care about the fate of the people! Oh, no wonder you only have six realms!"

Before the words fell, Qin Zheng's eyes shot out with murderous intent!
In an instant, Wanshi Mountain disintegrated!In Lin Huang's eyes, it disintegrated into hundreds of millions of pitch-black long swords in almost an instant, floating in the void of the kamikaze world.

The next moment, the billions of swords suddenly fell from the sky.

The long spear Hualong in Qin Zheng's hand directly pierced through the chest and abdomen of the god of wind.

Behind, Lin Huang was shocked by the scene in front of him.

Hundreds of millions of pitch-black long swords fell from the sky, like a vast sea covering the earth, the black sword fell... Mountains and rivers collapsed, space collapsed, cities were turned into dust, and the heads of the strong were beheaded.

Countless mountains turned into abysses.

Countless lands were cut off.

The creatures were weeping and howling, and then, under the power of the black sword, they turned into dust and dissipated.

Countless monsters roared, and they could not escape death.

Hundreds of millions of black swords...

Like a long dark night.

Completely enveloped the kamikaze world.

Also destroyed the kamikaze world.

And Qin Zheng punched Shenfeng Shenming again, directly annihilating the root of the latter's avenue.

Above the sky, Qin Zheng's black clothes rustled, his long hair fluttering.With his hands behind his back, he patrolled the world.Every step falls, there is a god falling like a big sun.


The end of the kamikaze world.

Sudden catastrophe...

Genocide catastrophe.

Lin Huang's eyes widened, filled with shock.

A family of hundreds of millions of people was instantly reduced to ashes!
The power of the gods of the seven realms... is frightening.

When Qin Zheng turned his head, there was only one god left in the void, a second-level god. He looked at Qin Zheng calmly, without much fear.

"Manage the Kamikaze World well!"

Qin Zheng opened his mouth and glanced at the god of the second realm, and then smashed his body with his palm, as if his soul was dead.


Qin Zhenghe simply wanted to leave, as if destroying the world with one thought was not a big deal.

And Lin Huang was still in the throes of a frenzy.

Are you so calm?

In the next moment, Wanshishan left the Kamikaze Realm.

After a long time, Lin Huang came back to his senses!
"Why... do you think I'm too murderous?"

With his back to Lin Huang, Qin Zheng said lightly.


Lin Huang shook his head, "The original world of the human race must not be destroyed. I don't want to die without even fighting one day!"

"very good!"

Qin Zheng nodded.

"How can Shen Cangqiong reach the realm of gods?"

Lin Huang asked.

At this moment, he hopes that Sky Continent will be stronger!The power of the gods is too strong, and the Sky Continent is too weak, so weak that it is in front of the gods, without the slightest resistance.

"Don't you know? Oh, before Shen Cangqiong was alive, he had already comprehended the profound meaning of the gods, and he stepped into the realm of the gods without any shackles!"

Qin Zhengdao.

"Not enough..."

Lin Huang couldn't help but smile bitterly, is it enough to become a god?

Didn't you see that the powerhouses of the six realms in the kamikaze world are all like slaughtering chickens and dogs in front of Qin Zheng?
If on that day, the Blazing God Clan or other top-ranking race powerhouses, like Qin Zheng, come to tour the world, maybe the Sky Continent will be blown up immediately.

"You shouldn't think about these things, remember the scene just now! I didn't come out to accompany you to enjoy the flowers and the moon!"

Qin Zheng snorted coldly.

Lin Huang raised his eyebrows. He was shocked just now, and the images were welded into his mind. Although he couldn't comprehend it in time, it was definitely hard to forget.

"The last god just now..."

Lin Huang asked tentatively, he was not sure whether Qin Zheng would answer.

"I cultivate forever!"

Qin Zheng said concisely.

Lin Huang's eyes widened again...

Qin Zhengxiu is eternal.

Man of all ages!

In this way, the last god just now was Qin Zheng... Killing him was just to confuse the eyes of other races, and when the fallen god is reborn, he will become the master of the kamikaze world.

This is not the point.

The point is, how many lifetimes has Qin Zheng walked in the heavens and worlds?

Lin Huang looked at Qin Zheng's stalwart back, and his heart was agitated.

"Is it really just invincibility under the eighth realm?"

"If all ages are one, what should we do?"

(End of this chapter)

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