
Chapter 1650

Chapter 1650

On Wanshi Mountain, Lin Huang started his battle.

He is no longer the same as before, just watching from the side, like a fool.

Emperor Yulin.

Emperor Kamikaze.


The moment Emperor Yulin made his move, Lin Huang felt a strong pressure.

It can be called the top emperor.

Moreover, the one, two, three, four heads of Emperor Yulin seem to have extraordinarily powerful abilities.

Staring with a pair of eyes made Lin Huang's heart tremble, and he felt fear in his heart, and most of his strong fighting spirit melted away.

Afterwards, every time Lin Huang made a move, the Great Emperor Yulin seemed to be able to see through every attack, avoiding every attack of Lin Huang purely.

Those heads, like the wings of the Chitian God Clan, endowed Emperor Yulin with special supernatural powers.

However, this... is more interesting.

Only by challenging difficulties can we surpass the present.

On the Wanshi Mountain, there was an endless stream of swords and swords in the forest, attacking Emperor Yulin again and again, even though every attack of his was accurately avoided!But as time went by, Lin Huang became more and more aware of this ability of insight, and began to deceive the power of insight gradually.

After a quarter of an hour, Lin Huang let out a roar and cut off the head of Emperor Yulin with a single blow.

In the next moment, the projected body of Emperor Yulin submerged into Lin Huang's lotus world, like a preserved specimen that could be viewed at any time.

At the front of Wanshi Mountain, Qin Zheng raised his eyebrows slightly.

The quarter-hour battle is actually very long.In a duel between masters, the outcome is often only a matter of thought.

Afterwards, Lin Huang launched an attack on Emperor Kamikaze.

It was an illusory emperor who moved with the wind.It has the ultimate lightness and intangibility, but at the critical moment, it can explode extremely terrifying damage.

In just a few breaths, Lin Huang was slashed into two pieces.

Afterwards, Lin Huang quickly recovered and began to fight with Emperor Kamikaze.


Two quarters of an hour later, Lin Huang cut off the neck of Emperor Shenfeng with a single blow.

Then, there was the projection of the Empress of the River Spirit Clan.

It also took Lin Huang two quarters of an hour to behead him to death.

Every projection, after Lin Huang's victory, the projection body entered the world of lotus in Lin Huang's body.

Afterwards, Lin Huang sat cross-legged on Wanshi Mountain and began to recover.

But he didn't realize it.

Today's him doesn't need comprehension...but fights, nourishes his heart with war, and tempers an invincible heart.

"All right?"

Qin Zheng spoke.

Lin Huang nodded.

Qin Zheng didn't talk nonsense, and directly drove forward at Wanshi Mountain.

Not long after, the two appeared outside the Great World.

Wan Shishan didn't bump into it head-on, and didn't mix in it gently. Qin Zheng directly commanded and sprinkled, and a letter of war appeared in the mighty world.

In the name of Lin Huang, he challenged a great emperor of the Heavenly Saint Clan.

Lin Huang was puzzled, and turned to look at Qin Zheng.

"The Celestial Saint Race is not weaker than the Human Race... It's terrible!"

Qin Zheng said simply.

He is confident but not reckless, seemingly arrogant but extremely cautious.

Not long after, a young man wearing a golden battle armor appeared in the void... The young man held a spear, had four eyes and eight arms, and a big sun hung behind him, looking domineering.

And behind that young man, there was a middle-aged man.

The young man stared at the forest waste on Wanshi Mountain, while the middle-aged man stared at Qin Zheng.

"Eighty thousand gods, you, Qin Zheng, have crossed such a distance, just to challenge my Celestial Saint Clan?"

The middle-aged man spoke.

"There is an arrogant junior, there is no way!"

Qin Zheng smiled, "Since your disciple has appeared, I guess it's a challenge... The sparring is not about hatred and fighting, the rules can be determined by you!"

"very good!"

The middle-aged man spoke, but he didn't make any rules.

On the contrary, the four-eyed young man in golden armor said, "It's not only about winning or losing, but also about life and death!"

"it is good!"

Lin Huang nodded, and then rushed towards the golden armored four-eyed youth without the slightest hesitation.

In the next moment, four rays of light appeared and shot towards Lin Huang.

Bang it.

A beam of light swept Lin Huang, directly cutting off one of Lin Huang's arms.

Lin Huang's expression froze, and he immediately felt the strength of the other party. He deliberately tested the power of the light beam with his arm, but his arm disappeared.This shows that the four-eyed young man in front of him is very powerful.

Moreover, the middle-aged man behind the young man was neither humble nor arrogant when talking to Qin Zheng, and he was not weaker than Qin Zheng.And the young man is no more than a great emperor, and being able to become the latter's disciple shows how talented the young man is.

In an instant, the two had already fought together.

They are like two rays of light, shuttle and collide back and forth in the void of the myriad worlds, during which there are constant sounds of swords colliding, as well as various gorgeous and powerful moves in the void.

Qin Zheng and the middle-aged man were quietly driving beside them.


The middle-aged man spoke.

"Then talk!"

Qin Zheng smiled.

"What are you talking about?"

The middle-aged man spread his hands, "It may be difficult for us to become an ally!"

"But they are [-] gods away, so I don't think they will become enemies in a short time!"

Qin Zheng laughed.

"I don't believe that the God of Longevity, who guards the darkness and breaks the earth, and is famous in the heavens and all races, took a child out to the Bawan God's Distance, just to learn from each other!"

"If you don't believe me, I can't help it. But, can you represent the Heavenly Saint Clan?"

"Can you represent the human race?"

"I want to make a gentleman's agreement!"

Qin Zhengdao.

"Okay, it's just a gentleman's agreement, ten years or 100 years!"

"Naturally 100 years!"

Qin Zhengdao.

"That can't be done. Now the heavens and all races are staring at your human race. If a war breaks out within a hundred years, the heavenly saints can't get a piece of the pie, and it will be a big loss!"

The middle-aged strong man of the Tiansheng clan said.

"Yes, then 30 years!"

Qin Zheng stretched out three fingers.

"it is good!"

The middle-aged strong man said, "Who can I contact for the details of the agreement?"

"Find me, I will convey!"

Qin Zhengdao.

"First of all, let me explain that the territory of the Tiansheng clan within a radius of [-] gods cannot be easily touched by the human race. Similarly, the Tiansheng clan cannot touch the territory of the human race within a distance of [-] gods!"

"Maybe we can deepen our cooperation. I'll help you eradicate the races around the Celestial Race, and you can help the Human Race to do this!"


The middle-aged man agreed without thinking too much.

Qin Zheng smiled and didn't say anything else, but turned his head to look at the great battle in the Void of Ten Thousand Realms.

"You are not bad as an apprentice. You have a bit of the demeanor of Emperor Jintian back then. I have heard that the reincarnation of Emperor Jintian has appeared, so it can't be him! Perhaps only the reincarnation of Emperor Jintian is worthy of your condescension. Its escort!"

Middle-aged humanity.

"It's not easy to be born with four eyes and eight arms... It's a pity that it's not your disciple who is ranked seventeenth on the list of emperors of the world!"

Qin Zheng laughed.

"It's enough to kill Empress Heavenly Emperor and reincarnate!"

middle-aged road.

"That Lin Huang killed your disciple, you won't be angry!"

Qin Zheng suddenly had a sense of humor.

"Life and death are fate, wealth is in the sky!"

"If my disciple is going to die, I will definitely find you to seek revenge. You stand far away from me. We are not that familiar. If there is a situation later, I will do it!"

The middle-aged man said calmly and seriously.

"The gentleman's agreement just now is still valid?"

Qin Zheng laughed.

"The grievances between you and me have nothing to do with the Human Race and the Heavenly Saint Race, so naturally it doesn't affect it!"

Qin Zheng laughed immediately, he didn't even bother to rub his fists, and went straight to kill the middle-aged strong man, "You said it earlier, let me see if I don't beat you to death!"

(End of this chapter)

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