
Chapter 1652 Reverse Kill

Chapter 1652 Reverse Kill
Between heaven and earth, Qin Zheng is like a dark demon god, constantly bombarding the bat god.

And the bat god clan can be safe and sound near the Tiansheng clan, so it is naturally an extremely powerful race.The strength of the bat god is also not weaker than the middle-aged god of the Tiansheng clan.


Qin Zheng faced the bat god, but he didn't kill the bat god like a middle-aged god, but crushed him.

Even though the crushing situation was not that big, it was still crushing. The bat god who hit him could only fight back passively, and couldn't utter the arrogant words before.

At this moment, the bat god was extremely shocked.

The Capricorn God Realm is 200 gods away from the human world, and it takes [-] days for a god to cross, that is, more than [-] years to cross, which is a very long distance.

Therefore, there has been no conflict between the Capricorn God Realm and the Human Race World, and they are too far away to fight.

But Qin Zheng's name resounded throughout the heavens and worlds a long time ago.

It's just that in the past tens of thousands of years, Qin Zheng has guarded the Human Race's Wanshi Mountain and never came out to conquer.This also led to many strong men from all the heavens and all races becoming contemptuous of Qin Zheng.

Qin Zheng... what about the once proud man of the human race?

It has been tens of thousands of years since the dynasty changed, and he has been abandoned by the times?

However, at this moment, the Bat God was shocked. He could feel that Qin Zheng hadn't shot with all his strength, although he hadn't shot with all his strength either.

But there was always a sense of death in his heart.

But... this is outside the Capricorn God Realm, so many strong Capricorn God Clan watched, whether it was his friends or his enemies, they all saw him fighting, and he couldn't retreat.

Qin Zheng, on the other hand, didn't have any scruples about these things, nor did he have any scruples about those powerful men in the dark.

He is Qin Zheng.

The demon lord who joined hands with Emperor Jin and stirred up the heavens and all races into chaos, isn't the human race still there?Even if a strong enemy is everywhere, why fear it?
However, compared to Qin Zheng's bravery, the picture on Lin Huang's side is much uglier.

He was seriously injured in the previous battle with the emperor of the Tiansheng clan, and he was only one step away from death.

It's too fast from the Heavenly Saint Clan to the Capricorn God Realm, and he still looks like he's dying.Facing the great emperor of the Capricorn God Realm who is in full bloom, he can only be beaten passively.

He looked even more embarrassed than the bat god.

Simply...his strength has not been completely exhausted, and he can continue to dodge the attacks of the Capricorn Clan Great Emperor.

But once the time is long, if there is no change, it is difficult to escape death.

He believed that even if he was beaten to death, Qin Zheng would not take action.

On the Wanshi Mountain, Lin Huang ran wildly with his broken body supported by a strong will. Facing a powerful enemy, he had no power to parry, but he still drew his sword.

If you don't use the knife, it really becomes an escape.

However, at this moment when Lin Huang drew his sword, in front of a prosperous emperor, he was like paper.

In an instant, the great emperor of the Capricorn clan flashed in front of Lin Huang, and dropped his fist down.


Lin Huang's body fell heavily on Wanshi Mountain, and a big hole was punched out of his immortal body.

The great emperor of the Capricorn clan didn't give Lin Huang any chance to breathe, and stomped down again, wanting to kill Lin Huang completely.

If the power of the bat god overwhelms Qin Zheng at this moment, he still has some thoughts to play with this ignorant human bastard.But the situation on the Bat God side is not good, so he can only rely on himself.

Moreover, he should have succeeded in killing such a seriously injured person as Lin Huang.

Now he has made more than a dozen moves, and this human bastard is still alive, which makes his heart boil with anger. If his comrades from the Capricorn God Clan see this, he will have to find a crack in the ground to sneak in.

The great emperor of the Capricorn tribe fell down with one foot, and Wanshi Mountain made a loud noise.

But it's a pity that Lin Huang rolled a body just now. Although he was shocked by the terrible aftermath, he was not fatally injured.

In an instant, the great emperor of the Capricorn clan stabbed Lin Huang with the wind like a knife.

Lin Huang was exhausted and could no longer dodge.


Lin Huang's throat was pierced.

He also passed out completely.

Even so, the Capricorn Clan Great Emperor still didn't intend to stop. If he didn't destroy Lin Huang's Dao Source and his chance of reincarnation, he wouldn't have the face of returning to the Capricorn Clan.

As he spoke, he punched Lin Huang's crumbling head again.


Lin Huang's head flew out.

However, the great emperor of the Capricorn clan frowned.

He punched hard, and should have crushed the head of the two-legged sheep of the human race, but it just flew out.

He is not satisfied, he is very dissatisfied!

Then he grabbed both ends of Lin Huang's body and pulled it suddenly.

Cracks suddenly appeared in Lin Huang's body, like a torn rag that would be torn to pieces at any time.

However, the great emperor of the Capricorn clan still frowned.

This result... was not what he wanted to see.

This time, the great emperor of the Capricorn tribe was really angry. When he flipped his hands, a black mist appeared in his palm. Immediately, the mist enveloped Lin Huang and began to burn and corrode Lin Huang's body.

Immediately, Lin Huang's body made a popping sound and began to die.

A satisfied smile suddenly appeared on the face of the Capricorn Clan Great Emperor.


In an instant.

A blood-red knife light suddenly burst out from the black mist, and directly wiped the neck of the Capricorn Clan Great Emperor with lightning speed.

Immediately, the blood-red saber light flew out like a wild goose, and attacked the Capricorn Clan emperor from behind, directly chewing his heart.

After the blade passed, there was a terrifying devouring power, which was devouring the power of the Capricorn Clan Great Emperor.

All of this happened so fast that the Capricorn Clan Emperor didn't even realize it. When he did, he only found... Hey, where is my head.

And my heart?

Why... my power is disappearing crazily.


In the black mist that enveloped the forest, there was a cough that vomited blood.

The next moment, the black mist dissipated, revealing an ugly soul body mixed with blood color and pitch black.

——Tian Shura!

Tian Shura stared indifferently at the Capricorn Clan emperor in front of him, and calmly withdrew his saber.

In the blink of an eye, Lin Huang's head flew back, and a trace of life force flowed from his broken body.That is not the power of nirvana, but the power of life.

The breath of life born after the power is exhausted.

Even though the power of life is not as fast as Nirvana, it is very stable for the restoration of the forest, and it will not be easily deprived.

In the end, the Great Capricorn Race Emperor in front of him was like a decayed body, which suddenly collapsed under the wind, and then disappeared into a cloud of smoke.

As for Lin Huang's injuries, it was because Tian Shura swallowed some of the power of the Capricorn Clan Great Emperors that he recovered a lot.

cough cough.

Lin Huang coughed and knelt down on one knee. If it wasn't because of his immortal body that he withstood several attacks from the Capricorn Clan Great Emperor, thereby delaying time so that he could accumulate the strength to save up the ultimate move, it would be impossible for him to kill the Capricorn Clan Great Emperor.


This time, he won.

He survived.

On Wanshi Mountain, Lin Huang raised his head and glanced at Qin Zheng who was still playing around, then sat down cross-legged and began to recover.

I just hope that Qin Zheng can play for a while longer!

(End of this chapter)

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