
Chapter 1662 Qin Zheng Slays Gods

Chapter 1662 Qin Zheng Slays Gods
Between heaven and earth, when Qin Zheng's voice fell, the entire void seemed to collapse.

With that ancient giant sword collapsed.

And below, the blood master felt the locked will, and his complexion changed drastically. At this moment, a small feeling rose in his heart.

This feeling... is too far away.

He is a God of the Eight Realms, and he can be regarded as the top group among the entire heaven and myriad races. There should be nothing in this world that scares him.


Appeared today.

In an instant, the blood master made a move, and an ancient sea of ​​blood suddenly appeared on his head. The sea of ​​blood condensed and turned into an ancient mountain, heading towards the great sword of Tianquan.


Between heaven and earth, there was a loud noise.

In the next moment, the eyes of all the gods in the four directions widened, with a look of shock in their eyes.

I saw that under the towering giant sword, all the defensive methods of the Blood Lord were like paper tigers, vulnerable to a single blow.

The terrifying heavenly giant sword fell from the sky like a destructive force.

When you meet a god, kill a god, when you meet a Buddha, kill a Buddha!
Until the giant sword howled, piercing the body of the blood lord.

The flying river of blood stained the monstrous giant sword... The giant sword stood like a giant pillar of the heavens and the world, making all the strong fear it.


Blood Lord is dead.

A powerful god of the eight realms was beheaded like this.

That is the Eight Realms, not the rotten fish and shrimps on the street.

Not even a trace of the origin of the Dao escaped, and was completely wiped out.

In an instant, the sky thundered, and a vision of a deity of the eight realms falling appeared, and the torrential weather scattered into the void.

Qin Zheng waved the battle flag in his hand, he snorted coldly, and looked at the aura that was about to move in all directions, "Who dares to snatch it!"

After all, Qin Zheng went straight towards the vision of the fallen gods of the eight realms, and put away the vision while the battle flag was sweeping.

The energy left over by an eighth-level god after its fall is enough to make many low-level gods covetous.

It is even possible for a six-level god to step into the seventh level, but the gods who can step into it are probably not very good.

And when the blood lord fell, Qin Zheng turned his attention to the eight gods and seven realm gods.

The sixteen battle spirits under his command, although powerful, have already passed away.It is impossible to be the opponent of those seven realm gods.

However, within a few breaths of the sixteen battle spirits entangled with the eight gods, Qin Zheng had already suppressed and killed the blood lord.This made the eight gods here feel a sense of panic in their hearts.

Stepping into the seventh realm, they hadn't panicked for too long.

However, just now, even the eight realms fell.

If the eight majors and seven realms cooperate well, there is some hope for beheading one of the eight realms.

But definitely not easy.


Qin Zheng, however, slashed the eight realms by himself.

He is only in the seventh realm, but he has the power of the eighth realm!

For a while, the eight gods of the seven realms were all in a dilemma.

"Since you've shown up, don't think about leaving! Qin Zheng is not the kind of person who doesn't hold grudges. If you want to survive, kill me here."

Qin Zheng made it clear that he was still fierce and strong, and had the strength to fight again.

And those eight great gods are also old monsters who have lived for countless years. Knowing what happened today, it is impossible to be kind, and now there is no way out.

Either they die.

Either Qin Zheng died.

In the next moment, the sky and the earth suddenly changed color.

The eight gods broke through the restrictions of the fighting spirit at the same time, and killed Qin Zheng. The terrifying rules of the avenue oscillated and rumbled endlessly.

And Qin Zheng also let out a long roar, lifted the Wanshi Mountain, and whipped towards the eight gods.

The scene looks like the Eight Great Gods are besieging Qin Zheng.

However, the many gods watching the battle from a distance in the four directions felt like Qin Zheng surrounded the eight gods alone. This feeling is too strange!

In Wanshi Mountain, Lin Huang was trembling a little.

He has been hiding in Wanshi Mountain since Qin Zheng fought the Eighth Realm Blood Lord.He was really worried that Wanshi Mountain would split apart accidentally!
Facing a God of the Eight Realms, all it takes is the aftermath of the aftermath to destroy him directly.

I didn't see those gods of the four realms and five realms watching the battle, they were all twenty gods away!
Not to mention his little chick.

Now hiding in the Wanshi Mountain, Lin Huang also saw clearly that Qin Zheng was not panicked at all when facing the siege of the eight gods and seven realm gods, and he was extremely domineering.

He has profound physical skills and endless methods, and he can even join hands among the eight gods.

As time went by, Lin Huang had an illusion!

Qin Zheng was beating the Eight Great Gods.

As for why it was wrong, because Lin Huang's realm is too low, I don't know if my perception is accurate.

"It's just you guys who were so clumsy before, and wanted to let the blood lord deal with me and then be unable to fight again, and then the eight gods besieged and killed the blood lord? This level of strength is also worthy!"

Qin Zheng saw it when the eight gods instantly penetrated the restraint of the sixteen battle spirits.

So he was cautious before, don't really be besieged and killed by the eight gods.

Take a look now...

Qin Zheng snorted coldly, and punched out suddenly.


With a loud bang, the white-haired old man with three heads was immediately beaten to death by Qin Zheng.

For a moment, the three-headed old man was furious, he stood up, and an ancient blood-colored ape-shaped god Buddha appeared behind him, pressing towards Qin Zhenggai.

Qin Zheng sneered, and rushed up holding the Great Qin Zhan Banner.

There was another loud bang.

The blood-colored ape-shaped god Buddha collapsed immediately, and then exploded, and three old men lost another head.

Under heaven and earth, the war gradually escalated.

The battle of the nine gods spread more and more widely.

The gods watching the battle from a distance, from the initial distance of [-] gods, are about to retreat to [-] gods.

And with the escalation of the war, the trump cards of the eight gods also began to emerge one by one.The appearance of each hole card made Lin Huang's eyes widen.

And Qin Zheng didn't seem to have much of a hole card.

A battle flag, a sword, and a mountain of eternal life.

However, Qin Zheng was extremely domineering at the moment, he didn't have any fancy things in his hands, and some terrifying hole cards came, either with a shot or a sword.

Simple and rude, but Lin Huang can vaguely see that Qin Zheng's every move contains the ultimate understanding of the Dao.

Suddenly, a god exploded.

I saw Qin Zheng stepping into the void, wandering in all directions, and under his feet, there was a sea of ​​blood after a god burst.

"Only you are worthy of being called the Gods of the Seven Realms!"

Qin Zheng is very arrogant, but he is very powerful.

His kick seemed to directly crush the psychological defense of the other seven gods, causing them to have other thoughts.

The Eight Great Gods besieged and killed Qin Zheng, and even one of them was beheaded forcefully by him.

The seven gods immediately opened up the space of the battlefield, as if they didn't want to be so close to Qin Zheng, it was very dangerous.

However, in the next moment, the giant bird with the big bow was the first to escape...

(End of this chapter)

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