
Chapter 1688

Chapter 1688
After a quarter of an hour, everything was settled.

The surrounding fog returned to calm.

The giant tree also regained its calm.

However, it gave Lin Huang a strange feeling.

It is strange in breath.

A more restrained feeling.

But it made Lin Huang feel a huge pressure invisibly!
Make yourself feel small.

And the giant tree has also become very different, full of vitality, giving people a feeling of infinite prosperity.The giant tree used its annual rings several times, and the life it consumed seemed to be replenished in an instant.

He looked down at the forest wasteland, his face made of woven branches was full of smiles.


For more than 3 years, except for a few times, he has rarely stepped into the realm of gods so quickly.

It was mainly instigated by this kid.

"How about we fight first?"

Lin Huang spoke.

He was eager to try, he had never fought a god yet.

"Boy, don't overestimate yourself!"

Jumu's tone was much louder.

Lin Huang had already pulled out Shan Na Dao, and rushed towards the giant tree.

1 thoughts suddenly flashed in Jumu's mind, why don't he miss it once?
In an instant, Xiong Batian went out to fight, with seven swords in one shot.

clang clang clang...

In the maze, there was a huge sound of gold and stone.

In a few breaths, Xiong Batian was completely stopped by the giant tree.

The first three strikes were extremely easy.

The three knives in the middle made Jumu frown slightly.

With the last cut, Jumu took half a step back.

Lin Huang raised his eyebrows, looked at the hundreds of thousands of branches of the giant tree flying in the air, and immediately withdrew his knife.

"This is not going to fight?"

Just as Ju Mu was about to make a move, it turned out that this kid didn't talk about martial arts.

"No need!"

Lin Huang smiled, he used seven knives to dominate the world, which consumed one-third of his vitality, and it was meaningless to fight any more.

Moreover, he already roughly knew the gap between himself and the gods in the initial stage.

It is too difficult to win!

If you want to escape for your life, it is not completely impossible.

"Shall we go to the third floor now?"

Jumu asked Lin Huang.

He actually has his own opinions, but he needs Lin Huang to open him... In this way, he didn't cause trouble on his own initiative, and he was still very afraid of death.

But there is no way, there is a person who likes to make trouble.

"Why do you want to go to the third floor?"

Lin Huang raised his eyebrows slightly, then shook his head, "The second floor hasn't been cleaned up yet, don't worry! Even if you go to the third floor now, you may not get any benefits!"

"This is a bit of a bully!"

When Jumu spoke, it seemed to be very humane.

But the hundreds of thousands of branches on his body have already begun to spread toward the second layer of fog.

He is a god now.

You can speak louder.

Walking can also be a little sideways.

In the second level, stepping into the realm of gods is basically equivalent to killing randomly.

for a while.

The nightmare of the second-tier warriors has begun.

The giant tree transformed itself from Voldemort two days ago to the current walking devil.



Nowhere at all.

The latter is tall, with hundreds of thousands of branches on his body, which can spread for hundreds of miles... Walking in the mist, the giant tree shook his head handsomely, and the hair-like branches covered the entire sky, covering those who he discovered. The powerhouse can kill instantly.

Lin Huang sat on the tree fork, watching those branches bring back beads one after another.

For a while, Lin Huang reaped a lot.

And the second layer of confusion is also catastrophe.

A strong man discovered the monster giant tree and started running to unite!
In less than half a day, nine great emperors wanted to join forces to kill the gods.


In less than half an hour, Lin Huang harvested another nine Great Emperor's Pearls.

Two of them were the great emperors killed by Lin Huang, and the other seven emperors were all killed by giant trees.

The majesty of the gods can hardly be compared with the great emperor.

In just half a day, nineteen great emperors died.

There are more than 50 holy emperors.

As for the ones under the Holy Emperor... the giant tree doesn't even bother to pick up beads.He didn't even take the initiative to make a move, and those holy kings turned into fly ash.

But this time, Jumu didn't share the beads with Lin Huang.

First, he stepped into the realm of the gods. Although these Great Emperor's Pearls have an effect on him, they are not too great!
For him, to step into the second realm of gods and gods, at least ten beads of the gods of the first realm are needed.And if converted into a great emperor, at least hundreds of them.

Hundreds...too difficult!

"All right!"

After killing the nine great emperors, Jumu stopped, "The rest of the warriors, wait for them to grow up first, it's useless to kill them now. It would be good if they can be fattened to the gods!"

Lin Huang raised his eyebrows, he re-examined this giant tree that felt a bit timid, and sighed secretly in his heart that there was a wave of pig raising.

Naturally, Lin Huang had no objection to this proposal.

After all, he now holds seventeen Great Emperor's Pearls and more than 50 Holy Emperor's Pearls, and he can't allow himself to stay in the Great Emperor's realm.

"Just break through on the second floor, I have a hunch that there will be a lot of movement when you break through on the third floor!"

Jumu suggested.

Lin Huang nodded, then turned to look at the giant tree, "Is there anything you should pay attention to?"

"This one……"

Jumu was in a difficult situation for a while.

It's not that he didn't want to say it, but that he didn't know how to say it for a while.

He has spent 3 years here, and stepped into the realm of gods [-] times, so in his opinion, isn't stepping into the realm of gods the same as eating and drinking water?

He has long forgotten what it was like to step into the realm of gods for the first time.

Lin Huang frowned.

This piece of rotten wood is really picky.

Not willing to impart any experience.

"This... the power in your body should be very complicated, so it's best to let one step into the realm of gods first. In this way, when you break through the second and third realms, it will be much easier for you!"

Jumu suggested after thinking for a long time.

"That is to give up some power and major in one?"

Lin Huang asked.

"That's what it means!"

Jumu nodded, "And in this chaotic barrier, breaking through to become a god will not lead to catastrophe, so it shouldn't be too difficult, just treat it with a normal mind!"

Lin Huang nodded, and began to sit cross-legged, recovering his state.

Two quarters of an hour later, Lin Huang opened his eyes, and his whole body reached an extreme state.

Afterwards, he placed beads one after another in front of him, swallowing them one by one as if he was about to taste delicious food.

After six, the aura around Lin Huang became manic.

The momentum of the whole body is like a dragon.

And Lin Huang, who was immersed in cultivation, also seemed to have to open his eyes, and saw a huge pass!
The Xiongguan Pass spanned millions of miles, like an ancient gate of heaven, blocking his way.

And the vitality in the body is as vast as the sea, carrying the huge waves, heading towards the great pass!

In that monstrous vast sea, Tian Shura came on the waves, holding a moment knife, with eight arms on his back, and carrying the water of the vast sea, he attacked Xiongguan.


The sea crashed, just like the world collapsed, and the terrifying storm force swept across the entire void, causing the earth to tremble and the sky to shake.

The first impact, the giant pass of Xiongguan did not move at all, as if trying to block Lin Huang's road to becoming a god!
(End of this chapter)

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