
Chapter 1691: Punishing God

Chapter 1691: Punishing God
In the surging fog, Lin Huang saw that the giant tree was still in a daze, so he kicked it flying.

Then he turned his head and saw six beams of light coming towards him like lightning. The overwhelming aura swept the entire void, and the powerful oppressive force instantly slowed down his speed.


At this moment, Lin Huang couldn't wait.

Tian Shura possesses a body and needs to vent!
Otherwise, Tian Shura will devour the Heavenly Emperor Dharma Body towards the inside.

And the beads of the gods of the second realm that were killed just now are being refined frantically.The aura in Lin Huang's body surged like a vast ocean, carrying his immortal body, madly charging towards the realm of gods.

"The heavens are forever!"

With a roar, Lin Huang rushed towards the two gods to the west.

A second realm.

A beginner!
At this moment, the light of the sword swept across the sky, like a shining sun, directly killing the second-level god.

The gods of the second realm roared, and between waving hands, overwhelming water rushed towards the forest.

Lin Huang turned around and suddenly killed the gods in that realm.

"Cover the sky!"

Lin Huang raised his hand, the night fell, and the blood moon hung in the sky.

There were black and white rays of light in his eyes, which made the primordial gods in front of him suddenly realize for a moment.

At this very moment, Lin Huang appeared in front of the latter, with a sharp blade, slashing at the latter's neck.

Suddenly, the primordial god came back to his senses, and stabbed out with a sword.


There was a loud noise in the void.

The god of the first stage was directly hacked to pieces by Lin Huang.

However, the price paid was a huge hole appeared on Lin Huang's shoulder.

And behind him, the gods of the second realm had already been killed.

Lin Huang slashed out with a backhand.


In the mist, a long river of flames with weapons colliding suddenly appeared.

And Lin Huang then backed out.


The gods of the two realms raised their hands, and the turbulent water around them quickly turned into ice, trying to seal the forest.

"A Sea of ​​Fire Comes to the World!"

Immediately, raging snow-white flames ignited all over Lin Huang's body, and began to rapidly melt the surrounding frost.

And at this moment, the four great gods in several other directions have also appeared.

Without the slightest hesitation, they directly blasted towards Lin Huang with the life-killing technique.

All of a sudden, the vast sea turned into ice, the heavenly spear cut off the world, endless thorns covered the entire void, and the seven-color divine light illuminated the void...

The five gods shot at the same time, and even a second-level god was enough to be instantly killed.Even if you meet the gods of the three realms, you may be able to surround and kill them to death.

In the huge sea of ​​frost, Lin Huang watched the attacks coming down from the sky, and suddenly vomited blood and roared.

In an instant, the sky and the earth roared, and thunder descended from the sky.


That was catastrophe.

The immortal body buckles the pass, and cuts a bloody path in the huge pass of Xiongguan, allowing him to see the dawn of the gods and attracting a catastrophe.

The blood-red cataclysms fell one after another, and when the attacks of the five gods reached Lin Huang's body, they defeated them.

Afterwards, the blood-red apocalypse continued to slash towards Lin Huang.

Only under the three catastrophes, that monstrous sea of ​​ice was completely split open.

Lei Jie fell one after another, but the five gods in the four directions suddenly stepped back, and they couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Instantly killing a god of the second realm and a god of the first realm, Qin Zheng really is Qin Zheng.

too scary!
It is really God helping us to wait for the thunder disaster to come.

It's just that such a thunderbolt is too terrifying. Even the second-level gods among them are afraid of beheading the first-time gods.


Under the sky, Lin Huang roared angrily.

He didn't pay attention to Lei Ting who was killing him at all, and with the Shan Na Dao, he chased and killed a second-level god.

The gods of the second realm ran away!
"Drawing the ground is a prison!"

Lin Huang roared and threw it directly out of Wanshi Mountain.

In an instant, Wanshi Mountain stretched across the void, forming a huge sealing barrier, preventing the gods from all directions from escaping.

Jumu, who was watching the battle from afar, was stunned, watching the scene in the third-floor area in disbelief.

He never expected that Lin Huang would not escape in the face of the siege of the six gods.Instead, he surrounded the five gods alone!
This is crazy.

He wants to try it out!
And in front, the god of the second realm who was chased by Lin Huang was still fleeing frantically, he teleported his body while turning his head.


A loud bang.

Lin Huang was struck by the bloody thunder!

The speed of the second-level gods slowed down a bit, and finally waited until the thunder fell.


After the thunder strikes Lin Huang, a god speaks up, taking advantage of the interval between the thunder falling and Lin Huang's serious injury, and instantly kills him.

All of a sudden, a series of incomparable figures suddenly rushed towards Lin Huang.

The terrifying coercion swept across the sky, with the potential to destroy the dead.


Just when the five gods were about to approach the forest wasteland, a blood-colored figure burst out from the blood-red ray of thunder, as fast as lightning, instantly piercing through the fleeing second-level gods.


The gods of the two realms exploded directly, and the source of Dao was annihilated.

The gods in all directions were shocked, and turned their heads to see that the latter was covered in holes and turned into a blood-colored skeleton. However, at this moment, his body was surrounded by flames, his precious body glowed, and an extremely astonishing aura emanated from his body.

It is easy to see that his body has been greatly traumatized, but why his strength has become stronger.

In just a few breaths before and after, he had already beheaded the three gods.

At this moment, the only four remaining gods in the void began to frown, feeling very tricky.Even Lei Ting, who was afraid of the gods of the second realm, did not kill him.

Simply, there are a few thunderbolts above the void, which should be enough to kill him.

However they overlooked one point.

The thunder landed, but Lin Huang continued to chase and kill them!
This is a completely desperate way of playing.


A god spoke to avoid Lin Huang's pursuit.

For a while, the four gods all formed a consensus, and they had to wait until all the thunder had fallen before making a move!That time must have been his weakest.

But now, if this kid wants to die, they will die, how can they help them resist the catastrophe.

For a moment, the four gods teleported their bodies one after another, and then shot at the same time, breaking the barrier of Wanshi Mountain, and ran in four directions.

And Lin Huang didn't hesitate in the slightest, staring at a god in the first stage and gnawing at it.

Nine days above, the thunder fell again.

In just two breaths, Lin Huang was struck again.

And the god of the first stage who was almost overtaken by Lin Huang escaped a catastrophe and opened the distance from Lin Huang.

This time, Lin Huang stayed for a full ten breaths in the midst of the Heavenly Tribulation and Thunder.

It's a pity that ten breaths didn't get the enemy's temptation.

He couldn't help it, he walked out of the Thunderbolt, and continued to chase and kill the god of the initial stage.

Immediately, another calamity fell, hindering Lin Huang's pace.


The distance between front and back is no more than twenty breaths.

The three thunderbolts from the nine heavens all fell...

However, the four gods who escaped before have quietly returned and appeared above the void. They looked at the bloody thunder and thunder, and their hearts were eager to try!
"Cough cough..."

In the Bloody Tribulation, a coughing sound suddenly resounded.

Then, a headless body came out.

Lin Huang's head was chopped off.

However, he was still alive, his vitality was extremely vigorous, and a head began to grow above his neck.


A god opened his mouth and headed towards Linhuang first.


The four great gods, plus the two great gods they brought with them once they went out, a total of six great gods were killing towards the forest at the same time...

(End of this chapter)

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