
Chapter 1702 Qin Zheng's Conspiracy

Chapter 1702 Qin Zheng's Conspiracy
There are countless heavens and thousands of races.

Each vast sea is enough to accommodate hundreds of sky continents.

But in the extremely cold place... there is a sea of ​​ruins...

The sea is so weird that even a feathered ship cannot be lifted by the sea.Even if the gods walk, they cannot step on the sea.Anything that touches the Sea of ​​Ending Ruins will sink into it.


The Sea of ​​Ending Ruins also has the terrifying power of dissolution.

Even gods, as long as they stay in the sea of ​​ruins for a certain period of time, they will be melted into nothingness.

and so……

The Sea of ​​Final Ruins is known as the forbidden land of the gods.

But in the sea of ​​final ruins, there are still creatures.

These creatures seem to be born with strange bloodlines, able to resist the dissolution force of the Sea of ​​Ending Ruins, and freely enter and exit it.

In the sea of ​​ruins, there are many races.Even like the sea creatures in the ordinary world.


A long time ago, there were also top clans who conquered the Sea of ​​Final Ruins, forcing tens of thousands of races in the sea to unite and form the Wanhai Alliance!
And this Wanhai League Clan, also known as the Sea Clan, is one of the ten thousand clans in the heavens.

Although the strength of the Wanhai League is not comparable to that of the Human Race and the Chitian God Race, but sitting on the Sea of ​​End Ruins, the Sea Clan also possesses extremely terrifying strength.

At least……

Even the Blazing God Clan will not easily provoke the Sea Clan. How to survive the Sea of ​​End Ruins is a huge problem.

Moreover, the Wanhai League has always been relatively low-key.It's not like the human race used to have Qin Zheng and Jin Tiandi, two shit-stirring sticks, which made the human race particularly conspicuous.

But the more low-key...

Perhaps the more unfathomable.

After all, very few gods go to the sea, and they don't understand it at all!

But on this day, five figures appeared outside the final ruins.Looking at the vast sea of ​​white snow in front of them, everyone frowned.

In the sea of ​​final ruins, the sea water is like snow!

Zhantian Shenzun said, "Let's go and attack the Chitian God Clan, it's too unfulfilling to fight a Sea Anemone Clan!"

Yao Tian's mind moved, and he seemed to have the same idea.

As for Zhou Tianshen and the Great Desolate Lord, they didn't say anything, they just looked at the magnificent sea of ​​final ruins ahead.

"In our Great Qin Army, those who flee before the battle will be executed!"

Qin Zheng spoke lightly.

"Since you dare to come, you should have a countermeasure in mind!"

Zhou Tianshen said, "It's just that I'm puzzled. What's the purpose of attacking the Haiku group and fighting against the Wanhai League?"

"The sea of ​​final ruins is too far away from the human race! It's not a big problem to fight against each other, but where is our profit?"

The Great Wilderness Lord asked!
"Is it because the Nine Nether Hades are near the Sea of ​​Final Ruins?"

Zhou Tianshen spoke.

Qin Zheng tidied up his sleeves, raised his eyebrows and smiled, "The Nine Nether Clan and the Hantian Clan under the Chitian God Clan have the intention of cooperating. The Hantian Clan is obviously not qualified to communicate with the Nine Nether Clan. So... the Nine Nether Clan You should be communicating with the Blazing God Clan!"

"But what can disturbing the Wanhai League do to the Nine Netherworld?"

Zhan Tianzun asked suspiciously.

"Perhaps, the Nine Nether Hades are too confident, and they don't know the strength of the Wanhai League. Let them have a sense of crisis, and there will be serious troubles on the side of the couch!"

Qin Zheng spoke.

"In this way, wouldn't it be possible to accelerate the exchange and cooperation between the Nine Nether Clan and the Blazing God Clan?"

The remote god asked.

"If the cooperation is really accelerated because of this, then the Wanhai League will have a sense of crisis, and they will no longer sit on Mount Tai!"

Qin Zhengdao.

"What exactly do you want to do?"

Zhou Tianshen frowned, "Want to start a chaotic world? Not to mention that the heavens and myriad races have been peaceful for only tens of thousands of years. Let's talk about my human race, which is now out of favor, and is a thorn in the eyes of all the top protoss. Big trouble!"

"Senior Zhou Tianshen!"

Qin Zheng turned his head and glanced at the latter, "You are a pillar of the human race, and you have far-reaching thoughts. But I still have to are old, and the years change too fast!"

Zhou Tianshen raised his eyebrows, but he didn't get angry.

Before Qin Zheng and Emperor Jintian rose up, he was the pillar of the human race, and he had even traveled farther than Emperor Jintian and Qin Zheng.Therefore, among the five great gods, Zhou Tianshen has the highest qualifications.

But later, with the rise of Qin Zheng and Emperor Jintian, Zhou Tianshen gave the latecomers a chance and began to hide.

If Qin Zheng hadn't opened the temple of the gods, he would not have come out of the mountain.

Afterwards, Qin Zheng explained his reasons, "What are the peaceful heavens and myriad races we see? It's just a balance between the top races. But in this cruel world, big fish will inevitably eat small fish." !"

"We wiped out the Hutian clan in one day, so how many races are disappearing silently?"

"It's not real peace... the snow is beautiful, but there's muck under it!"

"The reason for the calmness now is that all the top races are accumulating strength, coordinating and planning. Once a big race completes it first, there will be a cause of chaos!"

"I guess, there are at least four major races, and they are only short of the final layout!"

Qin Zheng looked at the turbulent sea of ​​final ruins, "And once these races complete their layout, then the human race...may become the primary target!"

"The speed of planning can no longer keep up. If you want to break the situation... you can only take one step ahead, break other people's schemes, and disrupt the heavens and worlds again! In this way, you can survive in the chaos!"

"The human race cannot be stabilized!"

Qin Zheng looked at Zhou Tianshen with an extremely firm expression, "And the human race is not qualified to be stable, because they are not worthy! Turbulence accompanies growth, and playing stable means relaxing!"

"Then why choose the Wanhai League?"

The Great Wilderness Lord asked.


Qin Zheng shook his head, "I just want to force the Wanhai League to make a move... If all the seas in the world can gather, they will definitely become a super power!"

"In the years to come, led by the Chitian God Clan, there will also be a multi-race alliance and become a super power!"

"Headed by the abyss demons, they will also appear!"

"Headed by the Ming clan, it will appear!"


"In this way, there will be seven to nine super powers in the heavens and all races. Once such a pattern is formed, these big powers will be more cautious and will not easily provoke wars. Among the big powers Those small clans, because they are backed by big trees, will have room to breathe! At the same time, in order to avoid some conflicts, the big clans will also restrain the small clans below!"

"In this way, with the constraints of several major forces, the heavens and all races can be considered to have reached the second stage of peace!"

Qin Zheng straightened his sleeves, "As for my human race, there are only three paths!"

Qin Zheng stretched out his index finger, "In the future possible turmoil, the human race will unite vertically and horizontally, become the leader of one super power, and compete with several other powers!"

"The second way is to find a dangerous place, such as the Sea of ​​End Ruins, so that our human race has enough time to save up, survive the second stage of peace, and rise in the third stage of the Great War of Ten Thousand Worlds! "

"What about the third way?"

Zhan Tianzun asked.

"There is another peerless genius who can cooperate with me, one defense and one attack!"

Qin Zheng spoke.

"You are not invincible, and it is difficult to support the human race with one attack and one defense!"

The Great Wilderness Lord said seriously.

The corners of Qin Zheng's mouth raised slightly, but he did not refute.

(End of this chapter)

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