
Chapter 1705 Six Winged Seraphim

Chapter 1705 Twelve Winged Seraphim
As time goes by, the giant wood can be said to be a duck to water on the third floor.

The realm has steadily improved, and has begun to move towards the four realms.

The four realms... To him, it was already a relatively unfamiliar realm.

After all, before entering the chaos and confusion, he was only a god of the three realms.He had reincarnated tens of thousands of times in the chaos and confusion, and the number of times he stepped into the gods of the four realms was also very few.

This time, it was his biggest chance.

Along the way, the giant tree waved its branches and hummed, very leisurely.


A sword energy shot up into the sky.

A face-to-face is to cut off a quarter of the branches of the giant tree.

Ju Mu's face was shocked, no matter who came, he just ran away.

Those who can appear directly beside him without being perceived, and who have such a terrifying aura when they make a move are definitely strong.

I'm afraid it's already at the peak of the third realm, or even the fourth realm!
In the next moment, Jumu had already escaped a long way.

However, the giant tree's figure suddenly stopped again... In front of him, a god appeared.

A god who looked very young, covered in snow, with twelve wings behind his back.

"Blazing Gods!"

Ju Mu exclaimed suddenly, feeling uneasy in his heart.

The top clan of the heavens and the world.

The twelve wings are generally the gods of the second realm.

However, Jumu stared at the Seraph holding a sword in front of him, but felt a mountain of pressure coming from his heart.Even the gods of the second realm are not simple gods of the second realm.

For the Blazing God Clan, every extra wing gives them a kind of supernatural power.

The superposition of supernatural powers can reverse the upper realm.

Therefore, the Chitian God Clan is terrifying among all the clans in the heavens, and cannot be viewed in an ordinary realm.

Even though Jumu is already a god of the three realms at this moment and has the advantage of the realm gap, he is still a little flustered and nervous.

He didn't expect that there would be people from the Blazing God Clan who dared to come to the land of chaos and obscurity.

You must know that in the past, this place was called the restricted area of ​​the Blazing God Clan.Here, Emperor Jintian and Qin Zheng once jointly beheaded hundreds of blazing angels.

That time, the Blazing Heaven God Clan was so furious that it almost triggered a war between the two clans.

"Three realm gods, good food!"

The blazing angel spoke with a sly smile on his face.

As for Jumu, he didn't talk nonsense with him at all, and just turned around and ran away.At this moment, hundreds of thousands of branches have become running legs, and the speed is extremely fast.

"Hmph, the prey that I Chi Shenying stares at has never had a second fate!"

The Seraph spoke with a hint of arrogance in his voice.

But Jumu was not provoked, but fled faster.

Now, not only because the latter is Seraphim.

It's also because the latter is called Chi Shenying... Only members of the Seraphim royal family deserve to have Chi as their surname!
And the latter has such a state at such a young age.I'm afraid that whether it is talent, strength, or background, they are all terrifying.Compared with the human race, I am afraid that he is at least half a prince.

Jumu started to run away with all his heart.

However, within a few breaths, there was a sword in front of him like a waterfall and a long river.

Jumu was startled, turned around and continued running.

It seems that the flying speed of the twelve wings has surpassed the tens of thousands of legs.


Seeing that the giant tree didn't fight him at all, Chi Shenying sneered, and as the twelve wings fluttered, an afterimage suddenly flashed across the void.

In the next moment, Chi Shenying appeared in front of Jumu again.

Jumu was furious in his heart, he knew that he had no hope of escaping and could only fight.

While roaring, hundreds of thousands of branches spun rapidly, condensed into a spiral spear, and killed Chi Shenying.

"Burning the sky!"

Chi Shenying smiled, holding the long sword in his hand, a terrible fire burst out all over his body, and began to burn the spiral spear that was flying fast.

Only a loud noise was heard, and Chi Shenying swung his sword down, directly cutting off the tip of the spiral spear.And the next moment, the raging fire began to spread along the branches, trying to burn the giant tree to death.

With a long roar from the giant tree, hundreds of thousands of branches scattered, turning into a cage of heaven and earth.

At the same time, the giant wood's torso split open!

But Chi Shenying smiled, glanced at the cracked torso of the giant tree, and said with a smile: "The seniors of the family said that the giant tree family is born to be able to gaze at the years, and under the strangling of the annual rings, it can reverse the upper realm! In front of me Is it a fledgling chick?"

That Chi Shenying passed the giant wooden torso three times but failed to enter, but kept swinging his sword, directly smashing the giant wooden cage to pieces!
Jumu's heart froze, and he could only take the initiative to hit Chi Shenying with his torso.

"Hmph... Do you really think I'm scared?"

That Chi Shenying sneered, "The mere growth ring of the years also wants to suppress and kill me, so I will break it today!"

Chi Shenying sneered, and his body was like a shooting star, directly hitting the inside of the giant tree.

In an instant, Chi Shenying entered the interior of the giant tree... At the same time, the annual rings reversed and turned, and with the power of gaze, the body of Chi Shenying was directly solidified.

In the next moment, Chi Shenying's body was cut directly by the growth rings with immortal power.


In the next moment, Chi Shenying directly annihilated the power of staring, and broke out from the solidification.

He let out a long cry, "Reshape!"

I saw that Chi Shenying's body was cut into countless pieces and reshaped directly. His majestic figure shrunk and was directly in the gap between the interlaced annual rings. Looking at the terrifying power rolling and turning, he was only slightly calm.

"Spring and Autumn!"

Chi Shenying spoke in a low voice, and the pair of wings behind him shone with ancient divine light.

Under the radiance of the divine light, the giant tree was losing its life rapidly, and the annual rings were still turning continuously, but the power was far less than before.

Chi Shenying slashed out with a sword.

next moment……

The long sword broke directly.

However, one of the annual rings was also completely shredded.

Chi Shenying frowned and smiled, "I thought it would be scary to stare at the growth rings, but it seems like that!"

In the next moment, Chi Shenying's body turned, and the twelve wings spun, like a rapidly spinning windmill and hot wheel, full of danger.

Immediately afterwards, Chi Shenying cut towards the annual rings.

The giant tree was in pain, and thousands of branches were flying wildly. He felt that his avenue was being cut and crushed, and the source of life was being annihilated.


The giant tree roared angrily, gave up staring at the annual rings to strangle Chi Shenying, and suddenly blasted Chi Shenying from his torso.

"It's a bit strange, but that's it. You don't have the qualifications to be a servant of this god...but you should feel honored to die at the hands of the nineteenth prince of the Chitian God Clan!"

Chi Shenying spoke condescendingly.

"Don't be crazy!"

The giant tree was furious, he retracted the branches all over his body, and charged up again.


In the next moment, the giant tree fell suddenly.

"The nineteenth prince of the Blazing God Clan?"

Then a calm voice sounded in Jumu's body, and a young man in white came out from Jumu's torso. He calmly stepped into the air and looked at Chi Shenying in front of him:

"Is it amazing?"

(End of this chapter)

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