
Chapter 1708

Chapter 1708

Between heaven and earth, the moment Chi Shenying's voice fell, the surrounding aura surged crazily.

The wings behind Chi Shenying also started to fuse for the second time, and the fusion was completed at an extremely fast speed.

In just a few breaths, the eight wings turned into four wings!

And Chi Shenying's aura also became more tyrannical.It is much more terrifying than the general gods of the three realms.He looked indifferently at the four-element star treasures around him, with disdain in his eyes.

"Sixiang Xingxing Baoshu should be your last hole card. But in the eyes of this emperor, he is nothing more than that!"

After saying that, Chi Shenying suddenly flashed a bloody afterimage in the void, and walked towards Xuanwu Baoshu.

In the next moment, the White Tiger Treasure Technique interception appeared.



With only a few dozen moves, the White Tiger Treasure Technique will be invincible.However, before the White Tiger Treasure Technique was defeated, the Azure Dragon Treasure Technique and the Suzaku Treasure Technique appeared one after another.

Qinglong looked down upon Chi Shenying and charged towards Chi Shenying.

Suzaku's Nirvana has added incomparably powerful vitality to the White Tiger Treasure Technique.

Xuanwu moved accordingly, roaring in all directions, adding an invincible defense to the three treasures.

At this moment, the four great treasures are cooperating with each other, cooperating with each other, and constantly exerting pressure on Chi Shenying.

Chi Shenying frowned...

He didn't kill the Four Elephant Treasure Art in an instant.

In the void, Lin Huang looked at Chi Shenying, who was trapped in the four-element treasure technique, with an extremely calm expression.

The sin-killing angels are indeed extremely powerful.

As Chi Shenying said, in terms of comprehension of the Dharma Body of the Heavenly Emperor, the Four Elephants Treasure Technique is already approaching his limit.And the power of the Four Elephant Treasure Art can fight against the peak gods of the three realms.

But he couldn't kill Chi Shenying.

The latter is worthy of being the pride of the Blazing God Clan.

In the void, the battle rumbled endlessly.

Facing the Sixiang siege, Chi Shenying didn't have much fear, he was just a little irritable, and the irritability of the Four Elephants' treasure technique was a bit difficult!
Not long after, Chi Shenying let out an angry roar, spread his four wings, followed the flaws in the attack and defense of Sixiang Baoshu, and directly punched Suzaku Baoshu's body.

In an instant, Xuanwu returned to defense!

However... As the core of the four-element system, without the Suzaku treasure technique with the power of Nirvana, the other three treasure techniques may not last long.

In just a few breaths, Xuanwu Baoshu was cracked and almost shattered by the Blazing God's Hammer.

On the other side, the white tiger was stained with blood!

Qinglong beheaded!

Above the void, Lin Huang calmly watched the battle below, and did not make any other movements.

On the contrary, Chi Shenying raised his head and glanced at Lin Huang provocatively.

In the next moment, Chi Shenying turned into lightning and headed towards Xuanwu Baoshu.

He first broke the nirvana power of the Suzaku treasure technique, and then broke the defense of the Xuanwu treasure technique. In his opinion, the other two treasure techniques are not particularly tyrannical.



At this moment, Lin Huang raised his hand and spoke calmly.

Just as his words fell, the Suzaku treasure technique that was originally beaten to death by Chi Shenying suddenly appeared again, and the raging power of nirvana spread and swept like a vast sea.

In an instant, Xuanwu Baoshu recovered.

The aura of the White Tiger's treasure technique is high.

Qinglong has grown its head again!
The four great treasures once again returned to their peak.

And Chi Shenying hammered Xuanwu Baoshu's body with a fist, and was immediately bounced back.

Chi Shenying looked shocked...

He didn't expect such an accident to happen.

Nirvana Suzaku with the power of Nirvana!

If you are trapped in these four treasures, unless you destroy the four treasures in an instant, there is basically no solution.Because Lin Huang can nirvana Suzaku Treasure Art, and Suzaku Treasure Art also has the power of Nirvana.

What a freak!

For the first time, such an idea popped up in Chi Shenying's mind.

"This is my last hole card, how?"

Looking at the four great treasures that are alive and well, Lin Huang walked in the void, looking at Chi Shenying below with a sneer.

"No one can stand on top of me, you are courting death!"

Chi Shenying looked at the forest waste outside the Four Elephant Treasure Art, and his expression became even more gloomy...

"No, I'm waiting!"

Lin Huang shook his head, he didn't know when a black chess piece appeared in his hand.Lin Huang flipped the chess pieces over and looked at Chi Shenying whose aura surged again, with an unusually calm expression.

In the seal of the Four Elephant Treasure Art, Chi Shenying's aura began to change again.

Sharp scarlet horns began to sprout from his forehead.

The four wings on the back began to merge violently amidst the blood-red thunder and lightning.And Chi Shenying let out a painful roar.


This fusion was a painful choice for Chi Shenying.

In the void, Lin Huang's expression became serious, his eyes glowed with black and white light, hoping to see some traces of the fusion of Dao from the fusion of Chi Shenying's wings.


He was disappointed.

It seems that the four wings seem to be forcibly fused together, which is very cruel and direct.

And with the fusing of the wings, Chi Shenying's aura became extraordinarily terrifying, every time he exhaled and inhaled, it seemed that blood-colored thunder was exploding, giving people a sense of annihilation.

Jumu felt these breaths, and started to back away from a distance.

He looked at Chi Shenying as if he was looking at a monster.

What kind of second realm god is this?

With such a terrifying aura, I'm afraid it can rival the gods of the four realms.Between the realms of the gods, each realm is separated by a gap, and being invincible in one realm can already be called the pride of heaven.

And those who can rebel against the upper realm will at least be crowned with the word "legendary".

As for crossing the two realms...

Peerless arrogance!

There are very few such existences throughout the ages.

And at this moment, His Royal Highness, the prince of the Chitian God Clan, can be called such an existence.

In the void, Chi Shenying had already completed the fusion.At this moment, he has two wings on his back, with traces of light flowing from them...

Those lights surprised Lin Huang.

Because it was light, but it didn't look like light... It was the manifestation of the power of catastrophe!
Chi Shenying evolved for the third time and transformed into...

... Angel of Punishing Gods!

"You made me feel the breath of death!"

Lin Huang said.


Chi Shenying snorted coldly, as if an ancient demon god was angry, he spread his wings suddenly, and the terrifying power of catastrophe turned into thousands of torrents, heading towards the four elephants and stars.

In just three breaths, the four elephant treasures that had previously trapped Chi Shenying to death, unexpectedly collapsed one after another, quietly turning into nothingness.

"Ants... how dare they compete with God!"

Chi Shenying volleyed down, looking down at the forest waste below.At this moment, his eyes were blood red, without the slightest emotion, and his whole body was full of killing and catastrophe.

As he flapped his wings, the power of catastrophe around him began to spread, polluting the entire void.

"I think we can still fight!"

Lin Huang looked at the majestic and majestic angel of killing gods, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he slowly stretched out his palm... Just as he was breathing, a acupuncture point in Lin Huang's body began to shine.

No longer a divine light.

It was an incomparably dark light.

The darkness that seems to be able to swallow the world and the world!
And at the moment when the acupuncture point was shining with a dark light, a treasure technique was gradually outlined behind Lin Huang...

At the same time, there was a domineering figure walking out of Lin Huang's body, heading towards that treasure!

(End of this chapter)

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